Fix for the low-skill strategists

With someone like myself who has thousands of hours in solo q, and doesn’t like swf, I have run into a reoccurring problem in solo q. It wasn’t until watching a recent dowsey video where he talked about bringing the bottom up that things started to click.
I love solo q. Always have. It has problems, but I love it. However, what I feel is probably the greatest problem in solo q is the lack of player knowledge about which generators to do first in a match, the threat is not so much a 3 gen scenario, although that does happen, it’s more that when solo q players do gens, they always pick the two easiest gens on the map to do first. When this happens, (which is almost every match) the difficulty threshold of a win is raised substantially for the whole team for the rest of the match.
I believe I may have come up with a solution to do what dowsey was talking about, to bring the bottom end up, and improve the overall experience in solo q. Here it is:
Brown/Yellow and Green Ranks will have the aura of all generators revealed to them for the duration of the whole match. The generators will be three colors to show value.
Green = Perimeter gens
Yellow = Mid gens
Red = Central gen
Lastly, at Brown/Yellow and Green ranks, the bloodpoint incentive for completing each of these tiers of gens will be different, with points awarded highest to lowest, red/yellow/green. In this way, I believe the bottom can be brought up, and the overall skill of solo q players will improve ever so slightly to have just a bit more strategic understanding of each map, and to avoid the increase in game difficulty that plagues solo q from bad decisions on gens.
Alternate idea to auras is to simply paint the gens green/yellow/red and award all players accordingly.