Plague tome challenges are too difficult.

You have to hit 2 survivors with the same charge of red vomit and get a 4k within 5 minutes of the game starting due to genrush? Change these to hit 4 survivors with the red vomit in one match and get a 4k with corrupt purge.
Only the hit two survivors with one Corrupt Purge twice in one game challenge is a problem, because it's totally unreasonable and only possible if survivors are stupid and keep clustering up, or if you camp hooks with Corrupt Purge and survivors fall for the same trick twice. The Corrupt Intervention challenge is just "get a 4k or a 3k with hatch." How many games do you 4k when all the gens get done? Unless you're running an endgame build or there's 2 survivors left and one is already omae wa mou'd before the last gen pops, you've pretty much lost.
I'm annoyed at the hook the obsession 4x challenge too, but that's because none of Plague's perks enable obsession switching and they didn't put Nemesis or Furtive Chase in the shrine, so I had to buy Ghostface just to be able to do the tome.