Do you thinks we should get free auric cells?

I know this may be fantasy of mind but it does sound nice lol. But anyway the reason I’m making this post is that like everyone else we’re just tried of huge bug outbreak that ruins the game. I feel that we should get a the very least we should get something out of this mess. Sorry to sound like a entitle person lol but again at the end of the day we just want the game to be fixed and want something out of this whole mess.
Edit: I know Bhvr can’t really give out auric cells but I figured they own us the fans and customers who have spend money on the game through the years since they really mess up with this update. I know again I sound entitled and I’m sorry, I just felt again that they should at least make it up to us somehow is all lol. But anyway I also know they have to pay licenses which is fair but as I said before they do make enough money on the dlcs and clothing.
Free premium currency doesn't work in a game where premium currency purchases are contracted to license holders. BHVR would be paying out of pocket for every licensed character and skin purchase that was made with free auric cells.
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Bloodpoints would be more reasonable at least, but not 100k that is one or two bloodwebs...
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BHVR has to pay a royalty fee everytime a player obtains one of the licensed characters. So giving out Auric Cells would cost them actual money, while say shard doesn't (directly) cost them actual money.
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Probably but we're never going to see something like that.
Bloodpoints literally cost BHVR nothing but they're stingy as hell with those when it comes to "We done F'ed up (again). Sorry!". If they're gonna be stingy with their $0 Sorry, they're gonna be super stingy on anything that might cost them a little bit of money...
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Bp or shards sure, cells not at all as people would just buy licensed killers/survivors which means that bhvr would be paying out of their pocket.
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Why would a company pay you free money because of the games health state in game currency sure but actual money is legit the dumbest thing they could possibly do.
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I mean you get free auric cells on mobile so why not?
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No they should just fix the game. I dont need any currency.
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We well in a way we kind of are by which I mean we pay for everything else in the game like dlcs and clothing for our characters.
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I know that they have to pay for licenses and what not but you have to think that with all of the money we give them, you think they straighten things out by now but they haven’t.
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I know but I thought it nice suggestion is all, lol.
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I agree but we do pay them a lot for like I said before clothing and dlcs and yeah I know they have to pay for licenses but again you think with all of the money we give them you think they at the very least they give out something lol.
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While we shouldn’t get auric cells, you look at this update and tell me that other games do this often
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Bloodpoints or Shards, but not Auric Cells.
Of course the preferable solution would be to not have so many bugs in the first place.
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BP yes, auric cells no.
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Yeah I get it but again just thought it would be nice considering we pay for everything else and yeah I know they have to pay licenses but to me I think they make enough money from the what we give to them lol.
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They may make a lot of money but they have employees who they have to pay and they have a ton of players, many of whom may never have spent a dime on the game besides the initial purchase (or not even that; it's been given out for free on console). The amount of Auric Cells they might be able to afford giving out to their entire playerbase would be so miniscule as to be worthless.
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BHVR's a company; they've got servers and staff to pay even without the license agreements. The big issue here is that only a portion of the playerbase provides bonus revenue in the form of extra purchases - giving a significant quantity of free cells to everyone most likely outweighs what full-DLC purchasers and cosmetic whales pay back, even pretending BHVR doesn't already need at least most of that money just to remain at the 'pay staff and be viable' point.
Giving players iridescent shards already eats away at their potential profits by allowing people to buy cosmetics and especially characters they might have paid real cash for instead. That's the most they can do without directly hamstringing themselves.
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I know that but they were working through a pandemic like everyone else in the world and also working from home but they still manage to make profits even through all of that. All I’m saying is that they could at least cough up a little is all. Sorry for sounding very entitled, I was just stating my opinion is all.
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No, and I think this trend to constantly demand more of something we're not entitled to is just going to result in the devs giving us nothing.
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Some game do that league of legend give you a refund when their champion is broken or when they change remake it but you need to message them and say you dont like what they have done to that they lose money out of that
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Well while I understand that demanding something can be tried some but again we pay for everything to play the game and yes I know they have to pay their workers and licenses. But again I just feel that we should at the very least be given something. I mean sometimes we have to feel entitled to get what we want after all we again pay for everything in the game and also help pay the workers.
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300k BP. That's what we got.
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You could argue the 100k bp they gave out to people who subbed to the newsletter was also compensation.
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Read back what you just said and then compare it to what the OP said. There's a difference with a refund and giving away auric cells a very and i mean very clear difference there.
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Yes the extra blood points were nice but again they only do so much and some people who subscribe to get the 100,000 blood points didn’t get them through their emails yet. Also we can get the blood points for free anyway while playing the game that is again broken right now.
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Compensation for subscribing to the newsletter, maybe. Compensation for the update? Hardly.
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I'd much rather have Bloodpoints. Like 1-2 million.
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Not to the extent that game becomes unplayable. Stop the boot licking.