Let's discuss Hag

justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

What is ur opinion about her?

Do you think she's in same range of power as spirit and nurse

Lets check this hag can camp, tunell and chase surv in same time and has a lot of anti loop power

Do you think she's around power with spirit, blight and nurse and would u rank her above or under A tier (or S but my personal opinion she ain't pure S)


  • Wazzup
    Wazzup Member Posts: 88
    edited June 2021

    Hag is in a weird place if you use here to 3 gen. She is insanely powerful against solos, who even at the top level, have diffculty coordianting to get rid fo her traps, but Hag is also remarkably weak when facing good SWFs who obviously have no problem co-ordinating well.

  • DoublePippin
    DoublePippin Member Posts: 22

    i personally think that she is top A tier with blight. As she is v

    ery good, along with blight, nurse breaks the game to a point where nothing works on her and spirit is just a guessing game. neither blight nor hag are like this in my opinion.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    She can be imposing on Solo Q because poor communication. But, weaker with SWF.

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890

    I try not to ever discuss her or acknowledge her existence if I can help it lol

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Not close to Spirit or Nurse but many solo survivors struggle since few know how to counter her. I would say Hag is A or B-tier. Fun to play and to play against. Solo survivors often struggle against her while good SWF teams know they have to have one person run to just were the trap triggers and then run away to a loop. One destroyer of traps and the rest on gens and Hag is dead.

  • Imagine_Milk
    Imagine_Milk Member Posts: 95

    Hag has lots of potential and can be very lethal to Solo Q survivors.

    However, if she is versing a SWf, her power can be easily countered making her a 110% slow killer who only has the ability to swing.

    She is very strong but there are just somethings that swfs and maybe even solo survivors can do to counter her power and make her weaker.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,242
    edited June 2021

    Hag is an odd one. Definitely not Nurse/Spirit/Blight tier. She's very strong against solos, gets weaker against average or decent SWF but still good, and downright struggles to get hooks against the best SWFs. Extremely map dependent. Kind of made obsolete by the Twins outside of indoor maps.

  • 707Melchior
    707Melchior Member Posts: 6

    I've watched my best friend play her many times and played against hag too. She really is effective when the survivors have no means of communication or are unfamiliar with her. I've seen my friend corner people with traps to end loops and even use the teleportation trick to force them down near the basement when he corales. When I played against hag in a large call of people, we were able to survive pretty easily once our strongest started looping, and we were able to figure out a plan. I'm still a newbie and died at the end, but I do think hag is fair if you know how to counter and have good communication with the team

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    In an awkward spot.

    She's strong in the right hands, but only because nobody quite knows how to play against her.

    If somebody knows how to harass Hag and destroy her traps without getting hit, she's not hard to beat at all, it's just that it's a slow and painful process.