Why don't they add variants of existing realms?

SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,301

I've been playing for close to 4 years now and I just cannot fathom why they don't occasionally add different variations of the current realms. They barely add new maps as it is, for various reasons, but as the realms that already exist, that's 80% of the work already done for them. The maps have been around for close to 5 years now and are a bit stale with experienced players all very familiar with which map each brings. I can't understand why they can't say ditch Shelter Woods and make/add a different version of Macmillan.

Same goes for Cornfields, surely they can add a carnival, scrap yard, baseball pitch version or something.

Any ideas for new versions or as to why they've never added any new ones. Any current ones you'd like to see swapped out?