
Have the killers always been able to see the survivors they're going up against? I've only played for roughly five months, so I'm still learning old DBD vs what I'm playing.
Second, would they ever allow for survivors to see the killer and if not, why?
yes, killers have always been able to see survivors prematch. Second, no. They dont to give survivors a surprise on who they are up against and so they cant pick perks/bring items to counter said killer. The game is already survivor sided, this would give survivors a HUGE advantage since killers cant counter pick perks except for something like light born or franklins.
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You were also able to see the ranks and ping of the survivors in the pre-game lobby.
I have to bring this up all the time but the statistics are way killer favored and always have been.
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Killers can see survivors but we can’t see killer. It’s just another thing killers get so they don’t riot.
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Talking about highest level of play, its survivor sided unless your nurse, spirit, and debatably hag.
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When you new it tells you the killer when your loading in. Seeing the Killer is an advantage for survivors as each killer is different and requires different gameplay of some kind. Seeing survivors dont matter there just skins outside of items/sounds they make.