I'm liking my "crack zombies"

... but wish they were better. The zombies normal movement speed is 1 meter per second, and honsestly this is horrendously abusable. They simply can't do anything if left at this value, or even at 1.25 m/s which is available with 1 brown add-on. TBH I've played many games as Nemesis, and the only times they have ever been useful in any trial is when I devote 2 add-ons to increase their movement speed.
I honestly can't give a damn about their detection radius if they can't at least keep up with the survivors they're chasing. I mean it just doesn't make sense to give a 1 m/s zombie 20 meters of detection radius if by the time I see them chasing a survivor, the survivor is already 40 meters away! Whereas leaving them at their normal 14 meter detection range, but giving them the ability to travel the map quicker with 2 add-ons (Mikhail's Eye & Depleted Ink Ribbon) makes them encounter survivors much more often, and helps me to figure out that any survivor running from them is within 25-30 meters of the direction they are pursuing.
On top of that, they have come in clutch more often when it comes to restricting the survivors escape routs. Overall, applying the zombie movement speed add-ons = more instances of zombies pushing survivors off gens, blocking survivors, and even hitting them, which they simply almost never do at their base movement speed.
TBH, it feels like the zombies from the live version really pale in comparison to how they were in the PTB, but none of the info given regarding their changes addresses why. As I see it, the Zombies should be a time delaying mechanic, in that they actively pursue survivors working on gens, and their base movement speed should be bumped up to 1.5m/s at default with a 3.0m/s achievable with the top add-ons. Currently the fastest they can be is 2.5 m/s but only for 30 seconds, and only after a gen completes, otherwise the build only has them at 1.5 m/s.
I like the "crack zombies" as while they still aren't great, they do apply at least some pressure where nemesis can't, and that makes them useful, but without a simple movement speed buff, they are completely reliant on the add-ons you provide for them, and are otherwise useless.
I like my "crack zombies", but really resent that I always have to sacrifice 2 add-on slots to make them anywhere near useful, and wish that wasn't the case.
normal zombie speed is so piss poor you can literally walk to evade them
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Their purpose isn't to chase survivors around and do your job for you. They are a minor annoyance, they are rng vault blockers, and every once in awhile you'll get surprise hits or downs out of them. They're fine.
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Pretty much What I'm talking about. Why do we have to sacrifice 2 add-ons in order to make the zombies "decent" when they should be that with only 1 add-on, and just slightly less so without any? they are completely pathetic without any atm, and that doesn't make Nemesis's kit appealing to anyone.
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most of what you've said here is correct, but the problem is that, as they currently are... unless you devote 2 add-ons to them they simply suck at their job. The detection range add-ons are a Joke for them since they do nothing for their movement speed upon detecting a survivor, and while the movement speed add-ons do a great deal to make them more viable, they simply don't do enough to make them useful.
They're NOT fine, and more often than not result in being less than an "annoyance" as no one feels any threat from them at all except in specific circumstances. However... once the killer devotes 2 add-ons to make them move at 2m/s (which is half of the survivor speed), suddenly they become something that can be perceived as an actual threat survivors have to work around, albeit still minimally tbh. I'm simply irritated that the killer has to devote so much BP and Add-ons to make something that should be decent in the base kit, well... decent at all.
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They're already annoying enough as is. They interrupt every gen I'm on.
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I think from Nemesis' perspective it's easy to miss just how often zombies push people off gens. For Survivors it's annoying af. There's nothing like killing one zombie and having the other one roll up seconds later. Not to mention when they spawn or respawn right by a generator. If their routing bugs out then the zombies might not accomplish much, but otherwise they do their job well.
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I already dislike Nemesis due to nearly every one I encounter loves to proxy and tunnel off the hook. The zombies just add to the annoying nature of facing him.
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They may be slow but they can still harass you off gens, which is especially annoying with ruin.
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The change I would make is to get rid of the 12 second exposed iri add on then replace it with a zombie version of fire up, with each gen completed zombies gain a set percentage of detection and speed per gen completed.
My second idea is the replaced iri could be one extra zombie per gen completed.
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I agree the PTB zombos were more aggressive and useful. Their hits to nearby survivors were more consistent. I dunno if they nerfed their reach or what. I think their main job is information. They tell you if/when someone is nearby or in a certain area.
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You know what would be cool, the zombies get better as you tier up. So slower at tier 1 but faster at tier 3, this way by default they can be faster.
(Detection still needs addressing, I can physically run past most of them and even touch them if they're facing the other way sometimes)