Should The Shape and Ghost Face have these changes?

Revolver_Ocelot Member Posts: 92
edited June 2021 in Polls

While ACTIVELY STALKING (Holding Down the Stalk Button), The Shape/Ghost Face cannot be detected by non-aura survivor detection perks (e.g. Premonition and Spine Chill).

The Wraith now has a chance to get close to survivors due to total invisibility at a set distance. Its time these stealth Killers get some love.


1) Survivors cannot see these Killers coming from far away and through walls unless they are moving normally without actively stalking.

2) These Killers are supposed to be sneaky Killers, their powers should mimic actual stalking. This will fix that.

3) These Killers will have a chance to sneak up on survivors beyond the indoor maps.


1) The Shape and Ghost Face already have subtle audio cues when they are near (Breathing through latex mask, noises from costume, footsteps, environmental sounds, etc.) that survivors can hear.

2) The Shape and Ghost Face already have reduced movement speed while stalking so good survivors while be able to react in time to avoid interrupt actions.

3) If an aura-revealing perk/item would reveal either of these Killers, and they do not have the undetectable status effect, they will still be shown.

4) While not actively stalking, and with the Undetectable status, Premonition and Spine Chill also work normally.

Should The Shape and Ghost Face have these changes? 19 votes

Yes, these iconic stalkers should have a chance to sneak up/close to survivors while actively using their unique Killer powers.
Midori_21Revolver_OcelotAwkward_FiendSteahFobboTsukiYureiThr_ustFengisKawaii[Deleted User]Hopeful_SongbirdGazgemauchHex_IgnoredShinVibingIamVoiceOver 14 votes
No, I should be able to detect stealth Killers at all times (including far distances and when I'm not facing their direction).
TapeKnottoxik_survivorInsaneCoasterChurchofPigGuiltii 5 votes


  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,187
    No, I should be able to detect stealth Killers at all times (including far distances and when I'm not facing their direction).

    They can already sneak up if you play it right

  • Miles
    Miles Member Posts: 461

    "Play it right" moonwalk allthe way to where you think they are.

    Sneaking up on players depends on wheter or not its an indoor map and how aware the survivor is. A good example would be survicor streamers that get spooked by this because of constantly being readin chat and stuff.

    Also spine chill's detection radius is pretty darn broken, i saw a uncloaked wraith chase someone looking over 90 degrees away from me an spine chill was still on.

  • TapeKnot
    TapeKnot Member Posts: 248
    No, I should be able to detect stealth Killers at all times (including far distances and when I'm not facing their direction).

    This really won't help these killers too much. Spine Chill has a range of 36 meters, so unless you want to massively slow yourself down by stalking and walking 36 meters the survivor will still detect you.