How do I get more points as survivor? (new player)

Kary_ Member Posts: 7


I am pretty new to the game and I was wondering why I always seem to be getting the lowest score in my teams. Always between 10000 and 14000, my teammates mostly get between 16000 and 20000. I do the generators so I don't know what I do wrong. It would be nice if someone could help me out. ^^


  • Wazzup
    Wazzup Member Posts: 88

    Doing generators gives comparatively little points for the time required although they are a vital part of escaping, and should be done. You get a lot of points quickly when you interact with other survivors (heal, and especially save from hook) and the killer (be chased, especially if you can stun them with a pallet or flashlight or escape). And as you might expect this incentives survivors to not bother doing gens which means they can have atrocious escape rates in solo queue.

    Check here for the full info:

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    You can also cleanse the totems around the map (total 5) for extra boldness/chase points. It's not recommended to spend a lot of time searching for them though, but if you see one take it out.

    Chests/opening a door are good objective point boosts.

    You can also run behind an injured survivor being chased to try and have the killer hit you, for more altruistic points. This can also save a teammate about to die on hook, don't do this if you're also in peril!

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Doing gens alone doesn’t really bring many points.

    Hook safes, healing, killer interactions or totems bring good amount of points.

    Consider We Are Gonna Live Forever(David King teachable perk) to get bonus points for unhooking/protection hits and Prove Thyself (Dwight teachable perk) for getting faster repair points

  • Kary_
    Kary_ Member Posts: 7

    Thank you everyone who replied, It was very helpful! Will try my best to do other things besides generators.

  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 320

    I just want to note that Prove Thyself gives bonus points in Altruism if you are co-op healing, but doesn't make it faster. Co-op healing is very fast though so the boost is somewhat minor but can add up over time. Also, unlike We're Gonna Live Forever Prove Thyself only works up the normal 8k cap per category, it just makes it easier to get there. So together with WGLF you can easily get 16k BP from Objective alone and another 12-14k from Altruism easily by getting four Safe Unhooks and slash or Protection hits.

    Another thing to take note of is that your POINT VALUE on the Final tab screen in the end game lobby will still only show what you got in the base categories and does not include WGLF or any offering bonuses. The score screen that covers how well you did in each category shows you how many actual Bloodpoints you got after taking into account WGLF stacks and your offering.