Please bring back DC penalties.

In 10 games I have had at least 2 survivors DC during the game. 5 games I was playing survivor and the other 5 was killer.
This is getting out of hand.
Survivors are sick of the grind. Sick of getting into games and instantly chased and killed. Sick of op perks and killer builds. Games should be fun and playing survivor isn’t 90% of the time. You see the same killers on the same maps, using the same sweaty builds. The dcs are a reflection on morale.
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Please stop for a second and consider this: those survivors might not actually be dcing on purpose. The penalty was removed for that exact reason. Try to have some patience with your survivors, at least until we know these bugs have been fixed.
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Weird, I haven't gotten a single DC yet.
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See I would however since the penalty was removed they have increased from one in every 5 games to 2 per game.
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I am having the time of my life. Really bad teammates? Bye. Haddonfield? Bye. One good thing about this update
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There are currently players experiencing crashes, crashes which result in the game thinking they dc’d and thus giving them an unfair penalty.
Until they fix crashes, they can keep the dc penalty disabled.
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Wish I were you, would actually like to play a normal game. Playing survivor has no point and playing killer I feel bad for the remaining survivors and just let them leave.
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Hi Pot, my name's Kettle.
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they can't at the moment
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It could be a coincidence. All I'm saying is, don't rule it out. Go into every game expecting it and you won't be quite as disappointed.
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Ya. It has hit the point where I'm just not going to play untill it gets added back on. Off to LOL and HOTS I guess(and warframe thats a fun one too)
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Yeah same not everyone are getting the same experiences
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Which killers and perks do you believe need a nerf/rework?
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lucky. im getting ######### teamates
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Neither side has instant queues right now (at least in my region). Many people aren't playing the game at all because of the problems. Some people crash occasionally but are otherwise able to play. If BHVR punishes those players for crashing, not only will those customers be justifiably pissed, queue times will get worse. BHVR needs those people who can play to keep playing and also not fill up their inboxes contesting bans caused by their broken update.
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That's your decision. I wouldn't quit over the penalty though, If anything, I'd be quitting over the bug. Hope they fix this fast so you can go back to enjoying the game!
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I dont think its much of a coincidence though that in 8 of my games last night, the first person downed would DC.
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Killers are sick of the grind. Sick of getting into games and instantly looped and genrushed. Sick of op perks and survivor builds. Games should be fun and playing killer isn’t 90% of the time. You see the same survivors on the same maps, using the same sweaty builds. The dcs are a reflection on morale.
If I switch around "killer" and "survivor," does it suddenly become inaccurate?
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And survivors are tired of teammates dc'ing after being downed once so stick to the game you've signed up for or stick to tetris
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Been there, seen that.
First game, huntress, one DC's straight.
Second game, trickster, one David goes down and DC's, his double at the other end of the map leaves too.
Freddy and a Feng min I unhooked, he comes back for her, she DC's. Feng ming across the map DC's too.
And I'm there taking mental notes of all the names to see if I'm encountering the same culprits over and over, but no, they're all fresh new DC'ers.
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Most of the time survivor bring map offering and killer bring the same build because those are the only build that work on a regular basis
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99% of the time I'd wholly agree with you. However, this chapter has caused a lot of instability, which either freezes or crashes the game.
As a result, people would be penalised unjustly - I fell foul to this once when my killer froze breaking an unbreakable wall, then crashed, resulting in a penalty. The chapter needs to be stabilised before the penalties come back (personally, I never even knew the penalties had been temporarily stopped!).
When the problems are fixed though, I hope the penalties are brought back to get rid of the whiners.
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There aren't DC penalties anymore?
Sweet, now I don't have to worry about disconnecting from every game with a hag.
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They need to just play the match out. A DC is how most easily winnable survivor games are thrown.
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or Nurse
or Billy
or Bubba
or Spirit
or Legion
or Deathslinger
or Blight
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I think it's evident from any time they've not had/gotten rid of dc penalties temporarily, and the enormous flare of DCs that follows, that these DCs mostly aren't coincidental. You don't even have to look any further than this thread, even the very first reply, to see how unapologetically people do it.
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I think it's evident from any time they've not had/gotten rid of dc penalties temporarily, and the enormous flare of DCs that follows, that these DCs mostly aren't coincidental. You don't even have to look any further than this thread, even the very first reply, to see how unapologetically people do it.
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Yeah it’s dumb lol. I kill someone off at 5 gens left and the three remaining survivors chain DC. I’m sure they all crashed at the same time.
I’ve had DCs almost every other game I want to say. People go down in the first 15 seconds? DC. It’s one of those times I feel like just running a super strong killer who doesn’t need addons in case I get a lobby of entitled babies.
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surprisingly no-one has dc-ed against me playing spirit yet. which is surprising because, you know, spirit
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Yeah I didn't realize the DC penalty had been removed until my game crashed thanks to the wonderful instability that is the Resident Evil chapter. I'm definitely glad because I don't need a faulty game punishing me for something that is entirely out of my control.
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Right now I honestly am trying to focus more on iridescent shard grinding, in turn making it desirable for me to get 10-ish minute games. If I play normally and just try to kill everybody, preferably without a crap ton of gen slowdown, then that's the ideal situation.
Problem is, for me at least it feels like nearly every game I get a DC. I don't even purposely go out of my way to tunnel or camp or anything. I just had a game, for example, where I hooked this Leon near the beginning of the game, left him and did my thing for a while (I probably hooked 2 other people in the meantime) and then the 2nd time I end up downing him, he just DCs on the floor.
So from that point, I'm forced to either cut the game short like I want to for my fast xp and iridescent shards, or draw out the game super long so the survivors can just get all the gens done and I farm some points with them to at least try to max out my BP categories with the easy game. It's all because of people like the ones I mentioned in this thread that just don't give a crap about what other people in the game are gonna go through.
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I only play SWF never solo. My teammates might be potatos but at least they're not quitters.
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Even so, there's nothing we can do but not play.
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I don't think people should be discouraged from sharing their opinions and trying, no matter how slim the chances are, to get some eyes from BHVR to see it. That's how changes actually happen.
It might send a message too if people stop playing, but without people speaking up, all BHVR would see is "uh oh player count falling" and not know exactly what to do about it.
Thankfully, this is one of those scenarios where the answer is relatively obvious (fix the damn new content) and so simply not playing is an option at this point. Least until they can fix things.
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I was in a match against who other than The Nemesis. And my friend was downed by a zombie and his PS5 froze. Maybe people in that match thought it was a rage quit but it wasn't. Also seeing people disconnect when it's the nemesis, I know I'm getting bored of him already. Just too many matches are nemesis nemesis nemesis.
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i get disconnected 4 out of every 10 games and it shows as a dc but u have to know about the error issues... that’s WHY they stopped it cause it’s not fair to have your game boot u for no reason and then get penalty??? Yeah no thanks
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Don't like it then don't play.