Part 12: How would you feel about Slender in DBD?

HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
edited June 2021 in Polls

Welcome to my 12th poll regarding licensed characters. I don't really have anything else to announce about future polls or anything else so I'll just let y'all vote.

Previous Poll:

Part 12: How would you feel about Slender in DBD? 43 votes

MrPenguindiscopumpkin200Sackboy123Scary_Punk_GhostMr_MadnessOctoCatSpIrItOpKarao_KeViktor1853ash13GGSlushy 11 votes
🟩Sure I'd like it
TerminatorGuyMalkhrimGlamourousLeviathanHannonglitchboiFobboCheeseAntonJarolGannTMQwQwGuiltiiBadonkadonk[Deleted User]scp_plsthxHigh5YourFaceSmoe 16 votes
🟨I'm indifferent on this matter
VolantConch1719Cornpopers_EvanAwkward_FiendDistortedDreamBeelzeboopRyRapsYTVioletCrimesHaunterofShadowsSomberNokk 9 votes
🟧I don't like it but its whatever
TapeKnotmusstang62 Antares2332TsukiYureithog1 5 votes
🟥Hate it I'm uninstalling if they add this
GibberishSeiko300 2 votes
Post edited by HaunterofShadows on


  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    🟨I'm indifferent on this matter

    It's been a while since I've watched anything slender related. The main reason I would want it would be as redemption for that god-awful movie

  • RyRapsYT
    RyRapsYT Member Posts: 300
    🟨I'm indifferent on this matter

    Meh I am not a huge fan of Slenderman

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025
    🟩Sure I'd like it

    A Creepypasta rep in Dead by Daylight would be really cool tbh.

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672
    🟨I'm indifferent on this matter

    I'm not really a fan of Slenderman.

  • SomberNokk
    SomberNokk Member Posts: 732
    🟨I'm indifferent on this matter

    Take it or leave it for me, but it would open up interesting opportunities for other urban legends as future chapters.

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985
    🟩Sure I'd like it

    I imagine leaving notes and being a stalker with the ability to appear and disappear from sight, driving survivors crazy and accumulating more power.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428
    🟨I'm indifferent on this matter

    Not saying good things hasn't come out of Slender((it has some cool games and lore) but, this would be a "meh" for me if it got added.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    I'd love for him to be in the game because while I may not be the biggest fan of Slenderman, he's pretty iconic and would have a really cool power (assuming the devs didn't make up their own).

    Think about it, the more you look at him, the faster he gets. This would make for some amazing mindgames since survivors would either be forced to make him faster or take the chance of running a loop without looking behind them as much.

  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003

    Yes I want.

    Made my childhood in middle school.

  • Badonkadonk
    Badonkadonk Member Posts: 79
    🟩Sure I'd like it

    I think he represents not only creepypastas, but internet horror in general too. So much so that hes considered by some to be an actual urban legend, you don't see that every day, plus he has a very unique and distinct appearance. I think he deserves to be in DBD, though not to the point that it'd be a crime to not add him into the game.