The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Why I'm quitting Dead by Daylight.

Killers love to win overall, even the types of people who play killer specifically play killer cause. they. like. to. win.

That being said, Dead by Daylight has been very biased towards making Killers far to powerful. Within the year+ of playing, I'd flip flop between rank 3-8, which took plenty of time and effort, given I loved the gameplay overall. It was addicting fun, I'd spend about $60 for packs a month! That was until the new rank, pip, and blood points system came out.

I don't care if my luck or odds are bad every few matches if I clearly make dumb choices in that very moment; I can live with that, but I like to believe I'm not an amateur. That being said, ever since each past 2-3 or so updates I've noticed not only have hit boxes been fixed fairly enough, but Killers have been buffed when they already needed being nerfed. Nor has DBD tried to fix game mechanics to avoid toxic Killers tunneling, face camping, and griefing/exploiting to keep their title of an unfair, but high rank killer.

Without survivors, there isn't a game for Killers to enjoy. And although I understand this is a competitive game, it's also one people log onto to have fun and have a laugh over, even if we are the one's being the idiot and getting just s l a u g h t e r e d. Thing is, it's no longer enjoyable with the amounts of toxic Killers that still don't get punished for unfair game play. Constantly I hear, "This game is gonna take reports seriously." It never does. That being said, I don't think this game is listening to the high demands, which overall gonna make a high amount of gamers leave it altogether if this isn't resolved.

Wrapping this up, I'm over it. A once enjoyable game- is corrupted. I only know the sore loser Killers will continue to defend their strong builds, perks, and extra abilities to continue being these toxic winners, throwing fits to make the gameplay more of an advantage for them. Overall, I'm done with this childish, toxic fan base who prioritize a title on a game, than actual fair game play, which I personally have tried hard to stay consistently while playing DBD.

Long story short, and what my friends and I say all the time which has made multiple large discord servers quit this game,

"This game is broken."

When red, purple, and green ranks lose every single match 15 times over? You know the Killers are far too powerful in the game mechanics. (Specifcally the Nemisis, but there's many others that need nerfing) Which honestly, has pushed me to quit until I hear they ACTUALLY, fix this issue.

