VCA - The Worst Killer Power in the Game!

Vulgun Member Posts: 439

Welcome one and all to the first ever "Vulgun's Choice Awards", where we literally just parody the Entity's Choice Awards and ask the questions that the devs won't ask for the next three days!

First up on our list is a very spicy question to ask: WHAT is the worst Killer Power in the game?

Today, we have seven juicy contenders wanting to get into the top spot today, all picked from observation of what people and professionals think of these Powers. This vote is base purely on three factors:

  • (Fun) How fun is the Power between Survivors and Killers on a regular interaction?
  • (Viability) How viable is the Power in a competitive setting?
  • (Originality) How does it fare as an original power and does it need to be changed?

Let's see who our contenders are today! We have:

  • Bear Traps
    • The painful, area-denying traps set forth by the aptly named Trapper. These sure do have a lot of bark compared to their bite, but don't let them fool you; they could be hiding in those corners waiting to snap on you! ...or the Trapper himself! But no one needs to know that.
  • Jigsaw's Baptism
    • The infamous Reverse Bear Traps, used by the one and only Pig. These add a new level of gameplay that makes it so that escaping isn't so simple (unless you run Keys, you filthy--). These devices aren't as snappy as they appear to be at first, but if you aren't careful, you may end up feeling more than just a headache!
  • Afterpiece Tonic
    • 1% Evil, 99% Hot Gas, the Afterpiece Tonic is what you get when you mix alcoholism with mustard gas, and that's what makes it the Clown's signature piece. It's a piece alright. This was recently reworked, too, so now instead of just intoxicating Survivors with some suspicious gas that I'm sure the Clown won't divulge his secrets about, he can essentially make himself and others go faster with his Afterpiece Antidote! How sweet of him, actually.
  • Feral Frenzy
    • The one Power that makes you roleplay as a wannabe Jeff the Killer, Feral Frenzy is the brain child of The Legion, and is so extremely powerful that they don't need to hit you twice with the Power or get extra speed, they can even just take that 4 second winddown with barely even a deal. What's that? You got away from a Legion already? Ah shoot, might as well catch up to you again with it! Wait, where'd you go?
  • Night Shroud
    • So you saw Halloween and you thought to yourself, "How can I possibly one-up this Myers guy?" Simple, you just strip everything fun from it and make it your own! That's what Ghost Face's Night Shroud does; it just makes you feel like fast Myers for just a tiny amount of time before you realize your Power is gone. At least you get to down a Survivor if you use it right. Can't say that for the guy above.
  • Blood Bond
    • So do you ever wonder what it feels like to be punished for actually using your Power? Well, you can always run Nemesis and find out yourself, but we're getting ahead of ourselves. The Twins have an amazing Power called Blood Bond, where you take control of a small gremlin the size of Chucky and try to play as what is essentially a miniaturized Demogorgon that can be killed at any moment. The worst part? You're punished more for hitting a Survivor than you are missing them. That's good design!
  • Showstopper
    • The reason why The Trickster isn't a 115% Killer like everyone wants him to be Showstopper is what you get when you try a little too hard to make the killer K-Pop star stand out among all the (inarguably better) ranged Killers. But hey, you at least build up meter to have a super flashy finishing move! Which...which has a time limit prior to even activating it. Seriously, what the [expletive] is this piece of [redacted]? Oh, sorry, went on a tangent!

Vote now on what you think the worst Killer Power in the game is, and optionally, try to at least justify why you think this is possibly the worst Power. Additionally, if you disagree with it, that's fine too, you can also justify why you think that the Power isn't as bad as people think; we won't judge here!

Have fun and we'll see the results around 8:30 AM CST tomorrow!

VCA - The Worst Killer Power in the Game! 27 votes

Bear Traps
TapeKnotYordsMarioBrosMasterCheekyLilGobbo 4 votes
Jigsaw's Baptism
mightytoxic784 1 vote
Afterpiece Tonic
[Deleted User]GGSlushynakotamcc 3 votes
Feral Frenzy
AdelooMrPenguinGeneralVCheeseAntonGodplexWishIcouldmainSOMENINJANAMEGannTMAnchorTeaKuroiZephyr 10 votes
Night Shroud
HuDawg 1 vote
Blood Bond
SebaOutbreak 1 vote
UistreelGlamourousLeviathanElcopolloMarc_go_soloAdjathaQwQw[Deleted User] 7 votes


    SOMENINJANAME Member Posts: 294
    Feral Frenzy

    Damn man, you type a mean poll, great job. I agree with most of these, especially feral frenzy, but I have consistent success with both Night Shroud and Bear Traps. And Micheal is one of the goats, but GF is MUCH more fun. The crouching, leaning and match-long sneaking make him his own awesome, unique Killer.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 773

    Although I enjoy Trickster for what he is and like the idea on non-stop throwing mechanic, the concept of his power is basically Huntress 2.0 (but you are not guaranteed a health state after hitting the object, you don't get to save the progress of your successful knife hits if you don't keep hitting long enough (unlike Plague) and you get nothing else out of it other than purple circle filling in HUD). Even Legion gets something out of his Frenzy - not only free health states, but also information on survivors' location. Although they don't get anything else, it's already more versatile than Showstopper. And don't even get me started on The Main Event - it's objectively the very worst and the least consistent special attack in Dead by Daylight's history, hands down.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    It's fun, but the inaccuracy is problematic. Plus, I could just use Huntress and Deathslinger and knock off a whole health state in one go.

    I will admit, though: the ricochet add-ons are rather fun.