There are way too many unfun killers in the meta right now
Nemesis, Twins (I don’t mind them but majority do), Deathslinger, Legion, Spirit, Clown, Freddy, Hag all suck to go against, and most of them are extremely common! I haven’t seen an Oni in weeks, not sure why freaking Legion is more popular than one of the most powerful killers
Agree except Nemesis and you forgot PH like ????
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I will play against those killer anyday the only good killer in that list is spirit the rest are easy to beat. I dont know why you complain about easy game the hardest thing in the game is your teamate if you play solo.
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Oh, and I forgot WRAITH, another awful one
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Common? mate
Nemesis is brand new, of course he will be common.
And Twins? ive only faced them once in like 3 weeks and they dc mid match.
Also Legion is decent enough for BP, and people like the fast paced playstyle they have.
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Legion? Clown? Unfun to go against dosnt mean there meta I mean mending for half the game is kinda terrible but overall the only meta killer would have to be spirit
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Yeah! More Oni's!
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The ones I think are unfun are basically M1 killers, at least with killers like deathslinger or huntress you have to dodge their powers or you have to play around hags traps to counter her, they have interactions with you, M1 killers like legion just follow you until they hit you.
I want more interactions between survivors and killers, the thing about survivor is that it's only fun to play if the chase is fun, having to dodge something for me makes the chase a little bit more interactive than just holding shift + w to run and wait until the killer bloodlusts me enough to catch me.
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There aren't enough Oni players I swear. I don't main him, but I would just like to see more of him when playing survivor.
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This is very subjective, to be honest, although I have to agree that Freddy's current power has nothing of "fun" to it, except the Dream Projection.
As for the others...well, that is just how it is. Red Ranks are known for their lack of variety.
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Because Legion is stronger than Oni with good perks. Legion can make game so long. So that is reason why they are popular. Also Legion has great cosmetics.
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Cause hes fun for the killer :)
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The point is what do each one of us feel is fun and unfun
Also what can each one of us do to get a funnier trial
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To me, having fun against killers is having a variety, not the same one 3 matches in a row. So what you're describing, I would say is completely fine. If you're going against some more than others, you'll be more experienced against them than others, and SHOULD start learning the counterplay to them easier, even though many can't be bothered to do that.
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Wait a minute -- Clown and Legion are "meta" now? 🤔
As was just said, Nemesis is new and will obviously be played at lot in the beginning. I actually enjoy facing one. I don't even think the Clown mains are playing him since he's currently bugged all to hell.
I almost never see the Twins (who I don't like facing, but that's a "me" thing). Hag is pretty infrequent too. To be honest, over hundreds and hundreds of matches, I honestly don't see a huge difference between the frequency of one killer over another (at Red Rank). I can go several days without seeing a single Nurse or Spirit, then see multiple on one night. It does tend to be very random. I've probably seen more Trappers than anything the last week (probably owing to the Rift challenge, if I had to guess).
What one person considers "unfun" is going to be subjective.
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Nah, PH is much better. Most Nemesis players are bad at the game, but most people don’t know how to counter him yet, so he’s awful.
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Ah yes, Legion in the meta. The worst killer in the game is meta.
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Because I’d much rather have a funny killer than someone like Legion and have a ######### 30 minute game
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So you took two examples out of an entire list, when I said ‘most’
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When did I say any of them were meta? I said they weren’t fun to play against
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Yes please
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Legion with the best perks is worse than Oni with none.
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Never said Legion was meta, he’s extremely unfun and one of the most common killers
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Strength is irrelevant here, legion is extremely unfun and very common
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In my experience, any killer in the meta is called "unfun". Really makes you think.
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You said meta in the title of the thread
But you're not wrong, just because killers aren't good it doesn't mean they aren't atrociously boring to go against
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If you have problems with Clown, Hag or Twins you need to play more and get out of brown ranks.
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‘The meta’ is the game, that doesn’t make the killer meta
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I disagree with that. Maybe i am bad at Oni but i have so much 4K with Legion. With good perks, Legion can be sweaty. But Legion will destroy by good teams, that is bad part of Legion. They are sadly C tier
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There are way too many unfun survivor perks in the meta right now.
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No, "the meta" is "the meta". It refers to a set of strategies that are established as being the most optimal and often correspond with the highest level of play.
It's OK to admit you made a mistake. You can also still edit your OP if you want to replace the word "meta" with "game".
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I haven't played against a killer other than Nemesis for over a week now. What id give for a Wraith ;)
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And what killers do you consider fun to play against?
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They ran out of ideas for strong, fun, fair killer powers around Deathslinger.
Look at every killer released since then. They've either been just a blatantly weaker version of an existing killer, or they're a low or zero counterplay "pallets/vaults are a free hit for me tee hee hee". I mean, Pyamid head already felt uninspired and look at Nemesis a year later. He's almost the same killer, even with the same gameplay at pallets.
They don't have any ideas left for strong, likeable killers like old Billy or Oni. Blight was the last one.
I would argue that Oni was the last truly great killer they added from a fun perspective for both sides. A good Oni is terrifying to face but you never feel like you were cheated or pushed into a lose/lose situation like the last few killers.
Heck, as weak as he is, have you ever faced Trickster on a map with no or very few high walled tiles? It's an instant chase loss because even if you dodge 10 knifes there's another 50 minimum coming your way.
The last year or two of killer releases have been exclusively designed around one sided fun.
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Oni, Huntress, Myers, Demo, Hillbilly are the best ones.
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There has never been a single killer that was universally considered fun by the survivors.
You mention Deathslinger, Hillbilly, and Oni? Really? Those had a ton of complaints about them. The only reason Oni doesn't any more is because he's basically absent from all ranks, but people still complain about Deathslinger, and they complained about the Hillbilly, which is one of the reasons why he was nerfed in the first place.
If you want to say that you enjoy certain killers more than others, then, by all means, do that. But don't try to rewrite history.
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Read the title of your post...
Also rarely see the others either, its mostly Nemesis for me due to him being new
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Myers, Demo and Billy weak killers. Huntress and Oni are strong but not op.
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It's funny that when survivor talk about "unfun" killers to play against in the list there are usually the ones which cannot be looped to the infinite because they have a power which let them counter that.
I think you are too adapted to your comfort zone and need to adapt to killers which cannot be looped to infinite.
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Oni, Huntress, Billy, Demo, Myers
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Lol, because you can’t loop Legion for ages? Feels like you didn’t read the post, this has nothing to do w chase time
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No, I did not make a mistake at all. I am fully aware what it means to be ‘meta’, but not everything has to follow a dictionary definition in a dialogue. You’re coming across as really condescending quite frankly, and I don’t appreciate it.
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I'm not trying to be condescending, but if you don't use words according to their common definitions, it's going to be difficult to have a dialogue about anything, because we'll have no idea if you mean what is usually meant when someone uses the same word, or if you mean something else altogether. I'm just trying to help the dialogue. If I'm coming across as condescending, I apologize.
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Yeah,nobody wants to play Oni for whatever reason.
They are missing out on the fun of bonking people 👹😢
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Fun is very subjective. I for one enjoy going against Nemesis a lot for example.
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Demo weak? lol
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They have clear cut strengths and weaknesses that allow both sides to have a decent chance, and all except Myers are strong enough to steamroll if survivors let them
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I do not remember last time i defeated by Demo.
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I clarified what I was referring to multiple times though, it really wasn’t relevant to the discussion at hand regardless. I was listing killers that are not enjoyable for me, to identify if there was a consensus among others as to who they didn’t like playing against.
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They must not have been great Demo’s, he’s one of the strongest chasers in the business right now, and shreds pallets extremely fast against mediocre survivors