Match Forfeits

Let survivors vote to either end a match early or make the match not count (like earn no bp, dont gain or lose pips, restore any items and offerings used, etc) within a certain amount of time and before a certain amount of hooks

im so sick of getting camped and tunneled every game (which like, we get it yall dont care about player experience thats fine) but it would be nice to at the VERY LEAST not be punished for a random teammate deciding to kill themself on the hook or DCing

even as killer Ive had games where ive felt bad because people were trolling or DC'd or whatever and i felt bad so i let everyone live but i lost addons/offerings. I think itd be fine for killers to also be able to initiate the vote but i dont think they should get to vote on it because killers usually have much less, if anything, to lose. they dont have to spend as many BP because they only have addons and offerings, no items, plus in literally any of the situations where survivors would vote yes to end early/not count the game, the killer is at the advantage and most killers dont care and will go all out regardless.

I say just make it a majority vote, within the first 5 minutes of the game and before the 3rd or 4th hook. that way

1. survivors cant just surrender because theyre all on death hook and are doing badly

2. if a survivor is afk and gets hooked and saved and hooked again, and ends up dying because they arent there to struggle, the rest of the team can be like "ya ######### that"

3. survivors wont be forced to play through a full game at the precise disadvantage that you guys changed the game to avoid when you made us unable to load into a game with less than a full team

4. matchmaking might actually be possible because the game wont be like "hey you barely did anything all game" anymore when it wasnt my fault.


  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Surely people won't abuse that whenever the game is not going their way. Na ah.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    No thank you, it's bad enough a dc hurts the killer. It should count as all hook states and give stacks if the perks require them and punish the survivors since it's supposed to be a team game on their part.

    I want that bp and it will be stolen match after match, I think a lot would stop playing killer.