Dead By Daylight: Outlast Chapter Idea

TheDarkinCow Member Posts: 1
edited June 2021 in Creations

The Killer: The Walrider

The Survivor: Miles Upshur

The Map: Mount Massive Asylum

In the Mount Massive Asylum madness is internalized and projected upon the abandoned patients causing a negative feedback loop thick as a dark cloud, among this cloud is a god created from depravity and pain which inhabits the subconscious, worshiped by the denizens the new killer is The Walrider

Height: Tall (Cause of his levitation)

MS: 4.4

Terror Radius: 32 Meters

Weapon: Nanite Claws

Mori: The survivor crawls backwards to get away from the Walrider as he levitates over them , then the Walrider swarm dissipates and a invisible force starts slamming and wringing out the survivor on the floor violently until their body goes limp from the massive physical trauma, he then recreates his form from the swarm at the end.

Chase Theme:

Credit for the chase theme goes too Phillips YouTube channel:

A unrelenting formation made from a nanite swarm this experiment was a product of Project Walrider where patients were introduced to Morphogenic Engine Therapy so a host could be made for the Walrider. But due to the patients shattered minds the Walrider broke out and slaughtered most of Murkoff's facility staff members. The Walrider now seeks his next host, one who has seen immense horror.

Gameplay Summary: A paranoia spreading killer, able to emit a dark swarm on parts of the map to where the survivors cannot see their surroundings using his power Nanoswarm, it can hurt multiple survivors by dashing through them if they are in the darkness.

Its personal perks, Faith in All The Wrong Things, Hex: Depravity and Shade of Madness, weakens escape attempts by survivors, causes chaos and confusion for survivors that hide while another is downed , and patrolling and locating for survivors.


The Walrider's Power is: Nanoswarm

Power Button: The Walrider releases a swarm of intangible darkness from himself that makes it harder for survivors to see their surrounding environment.

Press and hold the power button to slowly emit the swarm over a period of time in which it will grow (while emitting and holding on to the swarm the Walrider will move slightly slower.) The size the swarm can go is up too 32 meters after releasing the power button the swarm will place it self according to where the Walrider was centered at the time. Survivors inside of the swarm are affected by a new status called Isolated, While a survivor is Isolated they become near sighted and can only see 4 meters around themselves and can only faintly see anything beyond that. (The swarm still affects you even while your in a locker.) Survivors that leave the swarm will not be affected by the Isolated Status. The swarm last for 15 seconds but ends prematurely if the Walrider leaves it. (Pointing a flashlight while Isolated makes the section of darkness aimed towards clear away)

Active Ability: Nanite Assault

Press and hold the Active Ability button to charge up a floating dash that when coming in contact with a survivor will put them in a injured state. If they are in the swarm your dash will have no collision with the first survivor but still injure them and moving past the first one to injure the next survivor if you come in contact with another. The Walrider has a recovery animation after using the ability. (Turning is slightly tight on this Ability.)

(The survivors perception of the Walrider is based on how close they are to the Walrider. Swarm> Swarm creating a somewhat humanoid shape> Full bodied Walrider>Skeletal Walrider)


The Walriders Perks:

Faith in All The Wrong Things: You represent the false hope that guides them to their downfalls

Survivors working on the exit gate will be affected by the Oblivious Status effect. Exit gates will slowly regress if not worked on. 1% /2% /3% regression every 5 seconds

"It's understandable, people get scared, they're as like to turn to God as anything else. God died with the gold standard. We're on to a more concrete faith now."

— Richard Trager


Hex: Depravity: A hex that feeds on the darkness of ones subconscious.

If a survivor is in your terror radius while you put a survivor into a dying state those survivors will be affected by the Isolated and Blinded status effect for 2/3/4 seconds. (80/60/40 second Cooldown)

Here - take the blade. Dig around in our friend here, get a little red on your hands. It's always healthy to express yourself. You keep it bottled up too long and you might do something you regret...

— Mount Massive Asylum patient


Shade of Madness: (Active Killer Perk) The Entity highly regards your skill to spread madness, it rewards you by letting you summon a Demented Shade: A dark apparition which will patrol the map and signals the killer of the survivors location with a high pitched scream.

  • Shades have red lights just as killers do but if the survivors are caught in the red light, the shade will scream alerting the killer of the survivor location.
  • Shades are spawned by opening a locker with no survivor in it after which the Shade will emerge from the locker and begin its patrol.
  • After a shade alerts the killer it will dissipate starting a 180/150/120 cooldown till the perk can be used again.
  • There can only be one shade on a map at a time.
  • Shades can only see as far as the red light can go.
  • Shades Patrol a set path based on which locker was used to summon it.
  • When Shades catch sight of a survivor they will scream at the survivor (To hopefully startle them.)

"You saw the Walrider, didn't you? You're beginning to understand, but not yet. Even Abraham had to cast his eyes to the ground. But soon, soon. This way... Revelation is at hand."— Father Martin


Brown Addons

-Patient Documents: "A document describing a patient with schizoaffective disorder"

Slightly increase Nanoswarm radius.

-Bloody Machete: "A rusted machete dripping with blood used by the patients to exact their revenge on those that were supposed to help them"

Survivors in your swarm are affected by the Hemorrhage status, and are still affected by it after leaving it for 30 seconds.

Slightly decreases Nanite Assualt recovery

-Andrew's Hazmat Suit: "A hazmat suit that belonged to a Murkoff facility scientist"

-Slightly decrease stun duration's while in the swarm.

Slightly increases Nanoswarm spread speed.

"Open those eyes. You don't have to wake up, but open your eyes." -Andrew

-Murkoff Security Uniform: "A bloodied security uniform, covered with small pieces of gore."

Slightly increase movement speed while charging Nanoswarm.


Yellow Addons

-Trager's Bone Shears: "A pair of Bone Shears that belonged to a sadistic doctor, he would sell the patients body parts for profit." Slightly decreses charge time of Nanite Assualt.

Hitting a survivor(s) with Nanite Assault causes them to be affected by the Mangled status effect.

"Hey, nobody likes a quitter!" -Richard Trager

-Dirty Straitjacket: Survivors in the swarm when leaving a locker are Incapacitated for 12 seconds.

When the swarms duration ends nearby lockers that were touched by the swarm will have a lingering swarm around the locker that last for 20 seconds.

-Father Martins Sedative: "A sedative used to get others too see your vision of salvation."

Moderately increase Nanoswarms spread speed.

When a generator is completed survivors in the swarm are affected by the Hindered status effect for 12 seconds.

"I'm sorry, my son, I didn't want to have to do this to you. But you can't leave, not yet. There is so much yet for you to witness." -Martin Archimbaud

-Sewer Gore: "Flesh and gore that belonged to patient and security personnel alike."

Moderately reduces Nanoswarm radius.

Considerably increases movement speed while charging the Nanoswarm.

-Old Movie Projector: "A projector used as a form of therapy for the patients"

Moderately increases Nanoswarms radius.

"A proximity to death, to overwhelming madness. Only a test subject who had witnessed enough horror was capable of activating the engine." -Rudolf Wernicke


Green Addons

Franks Buzz saw: "A buzz saw used by a cannibalistic patient to lacerate flesh."

Reduces recovery of Nanite Assault Moderately.

Dashing through a survivor causes them to be affected by the Broken status affect.

"Feed me! Feed me! Feed me!" -Frank Manera

Broken Radio: "A radio to get in contact with the outside world smashed by blunt force."

Survivors in the swarm are affected by the Blindness status affect.

Generators that are completed emit a swarm in a 32 meter radius for 25 seconds.

"Somebody's been telling stories outside of class" -Jeremy Blaire

Decapitated Head: "A head that was removed from security personnel."

Considerably decrease the cooldown of Nanoswarm.

Waylons Laptop: "A laptop that sent a very important email..."

Considerably increases the distance of Nanite Assault.

"You don't know me. Have to make this quick. They might be monitoring." -Waylon Park

Wheelchair Straps: "straps meant to restrain the tormented patients"

Survivors that leave your swarm are still affected by the Isolated status effect for 5 seconds.

Survivors that are in your swarm and are affected by the Isolated status can only visibly see 3 meters around them.


Purple Addons

Martins Burnt Robes: "Burnt robes that belonged to a priest"

Considerably increases swarm duration.

Slightly increases The Walriders passive aura darkness size.

"You will watch and record my death, my resurrection. And together we will be free." -Martin Archimbaud

Chris Walker's Nose: "A ripped off nose that belonged to a military veteran"

When dashing through a pallet or breakable door with Nanite Assault the dash will still continue its full distance, hitting a survivor with that same dash will not injure them but will instead affect them with Exhausted status effect for 50 seconds.

While in the swarm break pallets, doors and generators 10% faster.

Considerably decreases movement speed when charging Nanoswarm.

"Little Pig!" -Chris Walker

Gluskin's Knife: "Something that will make it easier to find a bride..."

Survivors in the swarm are affected by the Oblivious status effect.

Nanoswarm radius is Considerably increased.

"You don't have to run away from me. I only want to love you." -Eddie Gluskin

Wernicke's Oxygen Mask: "A oxygen mask that once belonged to a German scientist, a father to someone"

Tremendously increases Nanoswarms spread speed.

Survivors will scream if they are in the swarm longer than 9 seconds.

"Gott im Himmel. You have become the host..." -Rudolf Wernicke


Pink Addons:

"Billy's" Tubes: "Tubes that were attached to the first host, he endured great mental trauma"

Slightly increases the darkness density of the Isolated status effect.

The piercing scream in the final phase of the chase theme and the chase queue sound notification is 50% louder for survivors.

Moderately increases The Walriders passive aura darkness size.

"Billy doesn't mean harm. He's a child with a damaged mind, granted the powers of a God. It would make any of us into a monster." -Rudolf Wernicke

Morphegenic Engine Formula: At the start of the trial the entire map is covered in the swarm for 60 seconds.

The Walrider has no collision with survivors, when the Walrider passes through a survivor, that survivor will have a small swarm cloud around them for 5 seconds.

"Turning the cells of human bodies into nanofactories. It's the natural function of cells to produce molecules, but through psychosomatic direction, we engineered the precise molecules necessary." Mind over body." -Rudolf Wernicke


The Survivor: Miles Upshur

Willful and cynical, Miles Upshur is a freelance investigative reporter who received an anonymous email from an unknown source about corrupt activities that are occurring in the Mount Massive Asylum. As he explored the Asylum he witnessed and recorded evil and deprived acts of madness which would take a toll on his sanity, the deeper Miles went the less he could return, and he would soon come to find out that he would become the host to the madness that plagued the Asylum.

Miles Upshur is a witness too many horrors and deprived acts, able to endure physical and mental trauma through sheer determination.

Difficulty: Hard

His personal perks, Tools of the Witness, Host of Insanity, Exertion

Miles Upshur's Perks:

Tools of the Witness: You have been chosen to witness and record the horrors of the Entitiy's trial.

Seeing a survivor in your view get hooked gives you a token, while opening a chest press the active ability button to use the token, this will make the chest automatically produce a camcorder. (Doing this will cause the item to be replaced by the camcorder.)

-The camcorder is an active item that allows you to zoom in your view to see things from a farther distance.

-Focusing in on a killer or survivor will show their aura to you for 2/3/4 seconds.

-If you focus in on a killer while they look in your direction, notes about that killers addons will appear on the side of your screen.

-Camcorder can be used while in a locker.

-While affected by the Isolated status effect while carrying a camcorder the length of how much you can see in the darkness is increased by two meters.

-Camcorder has 5 charges

-Camcorder cannot be taken outside of the trial.

"They killed us. They got out. The variants. You can't fight them. Have to hide. Can unlock the main doors from security control. You have to get the ######### out of this terrible place." -Stephenson

Host of Insanity: You have ran from madness but now it seems you have been chosen to be its host.

You become the obsession.

When a survivor(s) aura would be shown to the killer while that survivor(s) is in a 9/10/11 meter radius of you that aura shown last 2/3/4 seconds shorter, also for the next 10/15/20 seconds those survivor(s) will overcome the urge to scream. (minimum a aura can last is 3 seconds.)(Does not effect you.)

When you scream see the killers aura for 2/3/4 seconds.(cooldown 80/60/50 seconds)

"So much blood in the water I can smell it. Like putting a penny in your mouth when you were a kid. The whispers are making more sense, I'm looking for static. It's like an itch." -Miles Upshur's Notes


Exertion: Despite the violence and injury you have endured you still seem to fight through it, to escape your pursuer.

Whenever you are injured you are Mangled.

After being in a chase longer than 50/40/35 seconds, and getting hit the speed increase you gain is elongated by 3 seconds, and the first pallet/vault you vault through or the entering of the next locker during the speed increase is done 6%/9%/12% faster, after which the cooldown of this perk begins: 100/90/80 seconds.

"I want out of this place. I want my ######### fingers back. I want to see Trager die." - Miles Upshur's Notes


The map of Mount Massive Asylum will be a equal combination of outside and inside. Areas such the front entrance where Miles entered the asylum and the courtyard which will connected to the inside areas such as the hallways where you meet Chris Walker for the first time and the elevators that will lead to the Morphegenic engine where a dead Billy now resides in the glass. (obviously the map will not remain fully true to the original but it will showcase the important parts.) Their will be cool and interesting quirks about the map such as the burning church in the background of the map, The soldiers cars parked out in the front of the asylum, the patient screams filling different parts of the map, patient behind non-accessible glass windows will duck in and out of view to watch the survivors and killer. Their will be a small sewer section that will have gore and bodies scattered everywhere. Their will be section of the map where if you look through glass you will see Tragers crushed body in the elevator. Doors will slam randomly on the map, patients behind glass will try to grab survivors that pass by but will never be able too. Elevators will be new feature of the map that can be accessed by both survivor and killer, Killers can activate the elevator with one press of the button without much waiting time but survivors must hold down the level as if it were a exit with a shorter wait time. This elevator will help to access the two floors of the map which are is the Asylum itself and the lab area that leads to the Morphogenic Engine machine. Completing generators will effect changes to the map such as the prisoners doing demented howls and beating the walls, Or the Lab area becoming darker while an alarm goes off. Some patients will be out and about but will not hinder or hurt the survivors they will only add to the atmosphere by doing certain actions such as: banging their head on the wall, painting the walls with blood while whispering to themselves, or crying in a fetal position.

Please tell me what you think about this Outlast Chapter Idea I put a good amount of thought to create a very scary and immersive atmosphere which i feel Dead By Daylight is lacking most of the time.

Post edited by TheDarkinCow on


  • AlivebyMidnight
    AlivebyMidnight Member Posts: 3

    LOVE IT if only bhvr would be willing to put this much work into an amazing killer concept