Complaining about pigs

I cant remember the last time (not exaggerating for effect) i went against a leather jacket pig who didnt hard tunnel the 1st guy they see. From my experience the leather jacket almost guarantees they'll be chasing one guy til death even with the trap on. Its just sucks because i see the jacket and think "oh cool" then wonder why i dont see them the rest of the match. I main pig so i wonder how other people play other her and its honestly disappointing
For whatever it's worth I think I've only seen this once, if at all (I only saw Amanda in anything other than her default costume once, but can't recall if she tunneled).
In my experience most Pig mains are decent, as in they play without serious griefing, so maybe it's just a bad run of luck for you or I myself have been lucky this whole time. Maybe a mix of both, hard to say.
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Probably didn't boop the snoot. Boop it, they like it when you boop it. 9/10 times it saves me... there is the 1/10 time it's an angry piggy though. π
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Everytime I go against a Pig I assume I'm going to be tunneled with my party hat on because I can't remember a single game it hasn't happened, ESPECIALLY when I loop them all game. She's the best tunneling killer imo because if she wants you dead, you're dead seeming as you wouldn't be able to get your trap off in time. Uugggh.
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In conclusion, nerf the pig
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I agree.
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Now you're seeing things the BHVR way
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That isn't fair, Piggy mains are the second most wholesome type of players in the entire community, losing only to Freddy mains. Their supposed habit of tunneling is not as common as perceived to be.
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I love playing boop the snoot, If I kill you via hook its because I either 1. Lost count of the hooks for you, 2. Am a very angry piggy, or 4. I don't like you. Oink Oink.
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Although I do find pigs in general from my perspective to be very hit and miss, the leather jacket set is alot darker, making it more viable than the others, which may relate to the toxicity.
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I rotate her outfits every game. My style is the same. If I happen to come across you with a hat on/at a box I will slug you and move on. If I am in chase and I here a box search I will break off slug and continue the chase. I don't hook hats it not efficient unless I see no one else or all remaining have them. Not everything is always black & white there is no way to know what all is going on with everyone, killer included. Yes some Pigs don't play her correctly but that's there right and your job to make her pay by 3-4 man escaping her ass. The ones that play correctly you will know because you will all be dead or a solo survivor at best.
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There's a lot of good Pig players out there despite her not being the strongest....
is what I would say if I hadn't had one player tunneled to death (with an active helmet) in literally every single Pig game I've played against in the last 6 months. Like, Dude, you're just throwing away free pressure. C'maaaaaaaan
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Ok so I will admit their are a lot of garbage piggy's out there apparently but my point still stands. You will know when your up against a good one because you will be the one under tons of pressure praying/needing 4 good teammates. I personally feel she brings a lot to the table but also has weaknesses/counters. I am also obviously biased so theres that too.
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I wear the Black outfit (but with the regular weapon).
I won't chase a trapped survivor unless I don't have any other options (usually, if I have multiple people with traps on their head). If you try to pull a trap off right in front of me while I'm chasing someone, I will lovetap you or scare you off of the box because .. well, that's simply a good use of my time. Otherwise, you're free to roam and get your trap off if you stay out of my way -- I'll be busy chasing someone else instead of you, because as a Pig, that's how you win. If a Pig is spending the whole match chasing people with active traps, they're throwing the game and doing it wrong.
The ONLY exception I'll make to that is during the EGC. If I've hooked someone, no one is dead, and the gens have flown by and the last gen is popped when someone is on the hook (with what is now an active trap), I often will open the gates myself (which essentially gives the equavalent of a TT/COG situation to the person on the hook). When I'm playing against a SWF group, it usually acts as bait to get the others to come to me and give me a chance to actually get other downs while they try to protect the person they unhook.
Otherside, my point stands -- good pigs use the traps to apply pressure indirectly and keep people off of gens. Bad Pigs tunnel active trap wearers and lose the game inevitably as a result. As someone who considers themselves the former and not the latter, I hate seeing the occasional tunneling Pig. I (and a lot of us) are more likely to meme (with the Booping) than go hardcore in a game.
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Or option 5. You had teammates that left you on hook. π¬
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I'm a leather jacket Pig. I switch up my targets and generally ignore trapped players unless they decide to sit on boxes right in front of me; they're my lowest priority targets, but still targets. When I have two hooks on you, I'll try to get you to boop my snoot, and if you don't, I'll knock you over and then oink at you before moving on.
I play leather jacket because she's the best at sneaking, and I like jumpscares. Also because leather is cool. #endthestereotyping