Would the Game Be More Fun Without Gens

I definitely have more fun with this game playing survivor when I'm interacting with another player, whether that be running from or trying to evade the killer or meming with another survivor. I also enjoy the chasing aspect of killer, trying to mind game a survivor at loops or outplaying a group trying to prevent me from hooking someone I just downed. My perception is that is what most of the people on the forum say they enjoy as well.
So would this game be more fun without the generators and escaping aspect? Instead of needing to do gens and escape, what if there was just a time limit to the match and win/lose was just based on number of hooks? Say matches were set to 10 minutes. Survivors still have 3 hook states and die upon reaching the 3rd but the points would be on hooks, not hook states (would need to think of a solution/incentive for survivors to save). There can be objectives around the map that survivors that aren't being chased can do for more blood points if they want to stealth instead of help the survivor in chase, but those objectives are only side things that don't force the match to end sooner.
I think this could take pressure off of the killer role that many people say is a reason they don't like playing killer. They don't have to worry about gens, just finding survivors, chasing and hooking. This could also be a solution to help reduce camping. If the killer wastes time around the hook, that is less hooks a killer will secure which is now their only goal. It could help reduce tunneling since it doesn't matter who the killer hooks, though I could still see this as some killers' strategy to go for the easier down or make it one less survivor to help the one being chased. I still think it would be less because camping would be a much larger detriment since the other three survivors can just stealth around the hook and wait out the 10 minutes so the killer would be more likely to move away and look for another.
Of course gen, hatch and gate perks would need to be removed. I would just give each killer/survivor 1 unique perk each so you wouldn't need to replace all the ones that were deleted.
Edit: I'm not asking people how to make this work or poke holes into how the current structure of the game doesn't let this work. It should go without saying that there would need to be changes to the current game to implement. I'm asking would you find this more fun than the current game with generator objective.
With some changes to chase mechanics and a focus on JUST that, it could be. Survivors would be rewarded by the order they were downed and how long they lasted, the killer would be rewarded by how fast he killed everyone.
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Sorry if I missed this in your post but what's to stop them just walking around lockers to avoid crows and climb in when they hear the heartbeat. Walking around a seemingly empty map sounds quite boring to me. Maybe if their location was revealed if they stayed within a 16 metre radius for 1 minute or something, whether in lockers or not, to get them moving about.
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It's an interesting idea, but wouldn't that effectively mean it wouldn't really be DbD then?
The whole premise of DbD from the survivor side is that they need to complete gens to escape, that's effectively their "win" condition - removing that what else would they do whilst someone is being chased etc? Having another objective to replace Gens doesn't seem very worthwhile if it doesn't give them something to work for - as it is Gens have to be done to escape, which is what encourages survivors to complete generators.
A lot of people don't enjoy killer so much because it's the solo experience, regardless of the pressure - and some players love playing killer for those same reasons. And effectively, the objective for killer won't change because the game is now still based around how many hooks the killer has effectively, and I think you will still have killers who want to catch the first survivor and stand there until they die - I don't think adjusting their objective will solve that.
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On paper it sounds ok but there are some factors that make it annoying especially for both roles
Since chase and hiding are the only aspects of the games many perks would need to be reworked, and hiding players would never have a reason to not hide meaning all the pressure would be on their teammates and tunneling would be common depending on the playstyles in each match
Map gen becomes more important since even if there is a bad map gen survivors could pressure gens for a way out now because of a time limit they take longer and die
Survivors have no reason to not run as soon as they hear the terror radius making starting chases take 20-30 seconds on larger maps
its just not dbd anymore since a lot of what makes dbd fair is that survivors have an objective that forces them into a weakened position so that killers can be viable without gens dbd would stop being dbd
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If you don't have gens, you wouldn't need gen slow down perks and can run more tracking perks, like Whispers. Yes there are things that would need to be tweaked in order to make it work, that should go without saying. My question is more on the overall fun level of the game for both roles.
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Yes, it would change what DBD is currently. Change isn't always bad.
Survivors not being chased can still be interacting with the killer and other survivor if they choose to help prolong the chase. If they don't want to get close to the killer to help because they prefer a stealth style, then the objectives around the map are there for them to do for them to earn more blood points.
I didn't say it would solve camping, I said it might be a solution to reduce camping. Yes, if someone wants to just stand by the hook, they will stand by the hook. But the reason a lot of killers do that is because they know it can pay off for them because survivors feed them or crouch behind a tree and watch the killer watch the person on the hook and not do gens. Both of these are a reward for the camping killer that wouldn't be there if the gens were not in the equation and the match had a set time limit.
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Yes, the current goal and essence of DBD would change. I personally do not believe that would be a bad thing. And yes, there are many things that would need to be adjusted. That should be evident without saying.
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As I stated in the original post, I am suggesting alternative objectives for survivors to do to gain blood points. These would be the meeting points that you can interact with other survivors. You could also stay in proximity to the survivor being chased to help them avoid being hooked. It is not uncommon for me to be running a killer and see another survivor running around after us to be able to body block, flashlight save or pallet stun the killer, which means they too probably find the killer/survivor interaction to be more fun.
Yes, the meta would change. Yes there are survivors that would maybe prefer to hide and never get in chase. But I think most would prefer to get into an interaction with the killer.
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Maybe, it would depend on balance needs. I'm not asking for this thread to figure all the ins and outs of how to make it work. I'm asking, would you find the game more fun if it were focused on the find/chase interactive without the generators. The reason I am asking because I see a lot of people post about how holding M1 on a generator is not as much fun as the chase. I see a lot of killer players say there is too much pressure because gens can fly so fast, which can lead to camping and tunneling so there is one less survivor on gens. I also find the killer/survivor interactions to be more fun than the "hurry up and get gens done and escape" meta.
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It wouldn't be the same.
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Yep, can't argue with that. Does that mean you wouldn't find it more fun? If that's your opinion you can say it is, I won't be mad at you.
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Maybe it would. Personally I don't think it would. If I have Whispers on, I'm finding you.
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Yeah, I can see how that can be less desirable.
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As you said there would need to be tweaks to the game but this would help killers since gens are a problem for killers. With no gens and add a new objective, it could work.
This idea gives an equal opportunities for victories on both sides. Camping can be fixed by adding a mechanic to ensure it doesn't happen.
The idea could work.
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I made a similar suggestion in a stream. PH is the way all killers should work. Once they down you enough and meet certain specifications they can Mori you. For example, The Doctor will “Treat” you on your last down IF your madness is maxed. For trapper it’s the last down and you’ve been trapped. Etc.
Each killer should have a different means of escape, or different objectives. Some require gens (light) like the basic killers. Whereas Demo should require you to “Seal it away”. For Pig everyone starts off trapped. Then you have to distract the pig while everyone gets the trap off before their head pops. Then you solve another puzzle to get the correct key to open the hatch. Etc. Some killer Should demand hatch escapes.