Killers- How do you play Trickster?


So in the beginning he was bad. Then I learned him and I started winning games. Now further down the line I find myself just M1-ing all the time and only using his power very situationally. Most survivors I stumble upon are good loopers and if they loop around high walls it's impossible to hit them with enough knives. What's your strategy?


  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565
    edited June 2021

    Limit your traveled distance, try to avoid the corners of the map, if you dont need to go there. Let gens far away finish. Leave chases when the loop, the walls or the survivor would waste to much of your time. Play with the best addons of him all the time. Only use good perks, save the best for last is quite useful. Nearly never use your ultimate, unless you have one of those rare moments where it does something, its mostly just a waste of time.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    I tend to use his power quite often though and it really is a lot of fun. Mouse sensitivity and settings are also important.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    My strategy is to level him up and use starstruck on any other killer...trickster isnt worth the effort😴

  • Drekathar
    Drekathar Member Posts: 61

    My problem is that by the time I reach any survivor, they've already hugged a very safe loop and I cannot down them fast enough to protect other gens. If I leave the guy on the loop then he resumes the gen that I pushed him away from. I've tried monitor and abuse but it's kind of pointless as I'm not able to do much even with reduced distance and considering that trickster has a lullaby too it makes it even more difficult to close the gap...

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    in short, i dont.

    i realized Deathslinger outclasses him in literally every way while still being very similar in terms of gameplay, so i play him instead.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,532

    Camp and three gen.

    If you see anyone on the other side of the map with BBQ, ignore them its not worth it.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    Maybe its because you wasted a little to much time earlier. In strong loops, do you play the right addons and hit basically all knifes as soon as you see them ? Other than priorities, map awareness and target focus, if you have earned enough time already, you can waste a little on a safe loop and still have enough to win. Maybe you need to earn more time early on, to combat the time you loose later. The game is a snowball afterall.

  • MarcoPoloYolo
    MarcoPoloYolo Member Posts: 508

    If you have bamboozle, use it on him. Go with the comp style huntress and use bamboozle brutal strength. Also, cry whenever you get shelter woods or a Coldwind map.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197


  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 5,982
    edited June 2021

    Well, usually people just switch to Huntress or Slinger. But me? Nah. I find Trickster WAY more fun.

    I almost always M1 when I have the opportunity to. I run STBFL on him so I try to avoid M1ing the obsession. If a survivor is out in the open, that's your cue to spam your blades at them.

    Trickster's unique part of him that separates him from Huntress and Slinger is his ability to absolutely DEMOLISH low wall loops. With his tiny blades' hitboxes, you can actually throw them on the other side of low wall loops.

    My build on him is: BBQ, Pop, STBFL, and Bamboozle. Feel free to switch out BBQ with whatever you want (I recommend Thrilling), but I need me bloodpoints. Pop is for regression, STBFL for chase power, and Bamboozle to shut down shack and other powerful loops. Shack is, unfortunately, Trickster's main weakness.

    Anyways, I'm glad you're winning with him! I personally find him a very fun and unique killer.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I had leveled him up just for Starstruck, but then I had a daily for him. I figured why not?

    I'm on switch btw. I don't usually play projectile killers (Doctor, Demo, Myers, Wraith usually). It was fun, but I definitely had trouble with the blades and loops. I really wish he was faster. It feels like it takes forever to traverse the map.

  • Magicmaster0702
    Magicmaster0702 Member Posts: 217

    Literally all you do is run around playing nothing but anime openings while chucking knives in every direction acting like its going something super badass.

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    You proxy camp. That's about the only thing he's good at for getting kills.

  • Drekathar
    Drekathar Member Posts: 61

    Thank you all for the suggestions! I was curious to see how others ppl see him and if I'm missing something.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 3,998

    I don't

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I throw knives until they go down, with no mindgames or hesitation. 30 seconds is an average chase time around a Long Wall Jungle Gym.

    He's so ######### boring. That's literally it, you just learn his timings and get accurate and every time you turn a corner it's another knife or two, but that's it. There's no variance, that's his chase.

  • Krunga
    Krunga Member Posts: 159

    Basically this is the best way to play Trickster.

    1. Play Huntress
    2. Profit
  • Zacharry100
    Zacharry100 Member Posts: 133

    You don't play trickster.

  • meowzilla69
    meowzilla69 Member Posts: 408

    Start throwing blades once survivors are in the open when you’re in a chase.