Need help making an Exposed build!

ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

Hey all, I've been playing Killer a lot more lately and really been having a blast with it tbh but I wanted to try and create a build centered around the Exposed status so I figured I'd come here for help.

This is primarily for Pig and Spirit as I've been playing them the most lately but also Hag could benefit from an Exposed build I think. I also main Plague but I usually have survivors Broken from infection so I feel like Exposed would be a little pointless on her.

The perks I have to work with for Exposing are: Devour Hope, Haunted Grounds, NOED, Rancor, Make Your Choice and uhh, I think that's it actually lol.

I want to keep BBQ Chili for the BP bonus but I figured it could also help find survivors who might be exposed from the aforementioned perks. I'm okay with sacrificing slowdown and gen control since the idea is to ohko people and stem pressure from that so what do you all think? My idea is like:


Make Your Choice (Moreso for Spirit and Hag)

Hex: Haunted Grounds or Devour Hope

Rancor or NOED (For end game pressure)

Completely open to critique please! I was thinking maybe sacrifice one of these Exposed for something else but idk what?


  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    I'd personally go with Devour, Haunted, and Noed on Pig, and Make Your Choice, Devour, and Noed on Spirit.

  • DrJohn
    DrJohn Member Posts: 223

    If you combine spirit and pig you get Spig and I honestly think that's beautiful

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I've been finding a lot of success with Starstruck. You expose the survivor when you pick up the fallen one AND again when you hook that survivor. Pair it with Agitation and things get nasty quick.

    BUT out of the choices you've got available to you I like Devour Hope, Rancor and Make your Choice with BBQ. It keeps you on someone and exposes anyone who is altruistic. It also lets you know where people are both when you get a hook and when a generator is complete.

    Devour Hope either works or it doesn't, but when it works. If possible I like using a secondary attack when I get 3 stacks of Devour until I get all 5 stacks so I don't tip off the survivors to start totem hunting, but sometimes that insta down is worth it.

    NOED is good if you're new but you're playing the whole game with 3 perks and you may not even end up in a situation where all the generators are powered so...why? If you have Nemesis though Rancor becomes much more threatening.

    If you see a group come in with flashlights run Nemesis, Rancor and Lightborn with Devour Hope and suddenly issues start arising.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    The problem with rancor and noed is with a buikd like this you really dont want an end game. But if thats what you have to work with id go devour, haunted, noed and make your choice. Between getting traps off and running from your make your choice hopefully theyre to busy to notice a hex until devour is popped. Haunted is there to primarily protect devour and hopefully get you a couple of quick hooks. Devour and make your chouce pair really well together since both require you to get away from the hook quickly.

    If you want to drop 1 for bbq or rancor (bps or just better tracking) drop noed. It doesnt do a whole lot much and theyre already looking for devour so theyll know where the dull totems were.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 3,997

    MY all-or nothing build is devour hope, haunted grounds, ruin, and surge, swap out surge for noed and ruin for another exposed perk boom you have an exposed build.