Camping with Charlotte or Victor?

DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

We all know camping and slugging is the strength of this killer. So you park one of them close to hooked survivor but who? I mean Charlotte is better at stopping the unhook having the chance to grab survivor, and Victor can pressure gens and hunt survivors. So Charlotte camping is good.

The other way around parking Victor close to the hook but not too close because they can kick him, but he is fast and can get unhooked survivor down again faster for tunneling value and the survivor have harder time getting BT value. Plus Charlotte can down people and hook them, something Victor can't do.


  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,046
    edited June 2021

    Parking Charlotte next to the hook doesn't work for camping because of the minimum distance required and the long wake up time. Parking Victor next to the hook is often unavoidable, since you down somebody with him and typically there's a hook within his shriek range, and you can't pick Victor up as Charlotte.

    The success of parking Victor next to the hook *wholly* depends on whether or not the survivor knows how the Twins' power works. If they don't, then great; they will run in without a care in the world, you switch to Victor and get a latch or a down. If they do, then they will simply crouch to Victor and kick him, like a Hag trap with a longer range.

    However, the greatest strength the Twins have is that literally nobody knows how to play against them, or wants to learn how to play against them. Thus, "camping" with Victor is significantly stronger than it would be if survivor knew how their power worked. Like if nobody crouched over Hag traps at hooks.

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    You could park victor near the hook before hooking the survivor. This is EXTREMLY efficent since you will see when a survivor goes for the unhook, so you can instantly switch to him and down one or even more of them.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,046

    True, but as I said, smart survivors will just crouch for a little bit when approaching where Victor's shriek radius should be around a hook (12 meters, if I'm right) and crouch up and kick him regardless. Doesn't matter how close he is, as you can't place him directly under a hook.

    Pre-placing Victor near a hook is stupid, though, and hopefully gets removed whenever the devs revisit Twins. Ideally if Victor is within 6-8m of a hook, and a survivor is hooked there, he's instantly crushed and returned to Charlotte. That is quite literally the only nerf the Twins need.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    In general, it's more valuable to use Victor to pressure the map than to camp the hook.

    However, if you park him exactly under the hook behind where the hooked survivor will be, they might be unable to crush him preemptively. Which is a big deal.

    Lastly, Charlotte is perfect for basement, because you can leave her on the stairs landing next to the hook. That ######### hasn't been fixed in forever, because pretty good job so far.