Mettle of man?

Just tried to use this perk a couple of times and absolutely could not get a protection hit. Is this bugged or something?
Without knowing what, exactly, you did, it's impossible to know. However, if you feel it is bugged, just write a bug report detailing the situation.
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I haven't used it recently, but it has been known to not register protection hits. Like, a lot. Half the trials I get it to work, it takes 4 protection hit score events instead of 3.
That being said, protection hits are very specific. You have to be within a certain range of specifically injured survivors, or you have to take a hit while the killer is carrying someone. Sometimes you also get a protection hit when around a slugged survivor, but that one is definitely bugged and I don't know if you're supposed to get protection hits from that or not.
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What exactly did you do?
You get Protection Hit if you take Damage next to an injured Survivor (via getting hit, stepping into a Trap, as examples) or when the Killer is carrying a Survivor and you bodyblock.
You wont get any Protection Hits when being next to healthy Survivors.
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You could equip it with WGLF to know for sure, but that perk went from OP to useless. I wish I could get a refund on Ash. RIP.
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MoM is super useful in a SWF setting. Not so much in solo queue. It's much easier to use when you can coordinate protection hits mid-chase and heal yourself.
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Mettle of man doesn't work anymore. I ran it for a few games and you don't get any stacks for taking protection hits. Was wondering when this would get fixed but guess the perk is so little used that the devs can't even be bothered.
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This perk works perfectly fine, the real problem is protection hit validation, sometimes the servers dont consider some hits as protection hits.
But easy way to get protection hits is to bodyblock the hooks when the killer is carrying someone.
Mettle of Man is one of my favorite perks, it just takes time to be good at it ;)
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The perk has been bugged for awhile but this patch it doesn't seem to light up any part of the perk (it used to do it in thirds, one for each protection hit) until you have 3 protection hits and it is fully active.
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Protection hit are janky to trigger sometimes so it's probably normal