Long killer queues and instant survivor queues

xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

Anyone else experiencing this? Even at traditionally peak times my survivor queues are still pretty fast.


  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I’m definitely not complaining or anything, it’s nice if I’m playing with friends to not have to wait forever and as killer it’s nice to be able to mess around with my build and spend points. It just surprised me because I keep seeing people post here about “15 minute survivor queues” and that is really far from my experience at the moment.

  • ArborTime
    ArborTime Member Posts: 32

    Takes longer to find 4 people as opposed to finding 1

    Killer queue times will always be inherently longer.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995


    Killer really long 5-10 min, afternoon and evening are okay with 3 min wait times.

    Survivor always instant outside of evenings and nights

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    Its because there's a lot of people playing nemesis imo.

    I'm also getting fast survivor queues even in the middle of the evening when usually the wait is 10+ minutes.

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839

    Nemesis, unlike the last two killers, is popular and people want to play as him. Things will probably return to normal with long survivor queues and instant killer queues by mid-chapter. Now if the next chapter is licensed and is a certain hook handed man everyone thinks it is, the current situation might return.

    The sad thing is this is how queue times are meant to be. Survivors should not have 5-10 minute queue times and killers less than 30 seconds. It shows how the devs screwed things over that not enough wanted to play killer before Nemesis.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 683

    I haven't played as many Nemesis lately so I feel its more to do with the performance issues atm.

    Survivor they are a minor inconvenience that will mainly make you miss a skill check and occasionally get downed because of frame drops; killer however is really close to unplayable especially on older hardware.

  • van9684
    van9684 Member Posts: 433

    Too many killers playing as it’s so much easier to be killer in dbd. That’s why it takes longer to get a kill lobby as they’re all full, not enough survivors.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    well, up to the day before the RE chapter release it has been the exact opposite, due to a majority of people wanting to play survivor.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    It's like this every new killer release. Everyone wants to play the new Killer.

    If you've been playing the game for multiple chapters, this pattern is very obvious. Long killer queues on new killer release. As time goes on, survivor times get absurdly high, until the next killer release.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Perhaps survivors are finally realizing there is no point playing survivor when it is near impossible to win.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Nemesis is the first killer since the Blight that actually has a lot of people interested in playing them, so that's probably a factor.

    I think that the console issues can't be ignored either. There's a lot of people I know who play console and who mainly play survivor who've tossed in the towel and just aren't playing right now. I'd be curious as to how many console players have been chased away from the game since the RE launch and how that might be affecting queue times on both ends.

    For me, I've been playing a lot of solo survivor with shorter waits than normal (and doing so with great success -- 6 rounds and 5 escapes over the last day, but my solo experiences have actually been continuously good overall). My killer queues were still almost instant during peak hours two days ago (while my SWF survivor queues were shorter than normal, but still required a little bit of a wait), so while I think it's being affected during the day, peak times in my region (NA) haven't changed all that much.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    You can win almost as much with those two. Myers is unbelievably strong and if you catch someone in the basement with trapper, your victory is sealed in the bag.

    While Nurse has been nerfed tremendously, all the other killers have been massively buffed. It is not my fault survivors are weak when I play nurse. There is no stealth, the fog is non-existent.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Blight had like 0 hype between his lackluster design, boring sounding power for such a lore heavy character, buggy power, and his super low POV. Things have changed for the better for him, but he was deader than Trickster and Nemesis for sure on release and the weeks that followed. Trickster had a lot of hype, controversy, and thirst going on that kept him going for a bit before people realized he took more effort for less reward. Twins was the quietest release and it didn't help there were game breaking bugs for the Twins like Victor getting stuck in the ground or getting stuck switching between them to be frozen idle.

    My least favorite of this batch is still Blight. He's such a underwhelming design only being carried by being ridiculously OP on certain maps (Shelter Woods... yuck) and strong on most others.

    As for the main topic, I realized this when I went in as Killer and waited awhile to load into a key lobby as Trickster. I decided "Nah, not on my pretty boy" and switched to Survivor for instant lobbies. It's good though, I can kill off some of these Survivor challenges I've neglected if the rage of being a solo player with potato allies and super sweaty killers doesn't get me to hop off again. Also the console players getting disconnected and turning matches into 3 or 2 man matches that the Killer still plays like a esports match is also very... aggravating.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Yeah, they nerfed sthe stealth aspect in every map rework so far. Fog should be a thing again, but then, people use strechted res, brighting filters and such anyway to not to have play fair.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    Killer queue is almost instant for me, survivor I'll have to wait up to ten minutes

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Nope. As a Killer I get instant queues. As a Survivors 3-5 minutes today.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,136

    This may be true for PC, but meanwhile console is often at a huge disadvantage. PS4 is dark and survivors a few feet away can actually completely disappear in the fog. On Switch, I can't see survivors. I can't see a lot of the environment, it's all so dark and blurry that I'm effectively blind.

    The game does nothing to try to ensure a consistent experience across platforms. It doesn't even require stealth for survivors to disappear.

    Just to be clear, I'm agreeing with you that things are unfair, I'm just pointing out the opposite side of this and how the devs fail their players even on stuff that's within their power to improve.

    On topic, my queue times were a little wonky when the RE chapter released but they've pretty much returned to normal.