New Chapter: Prison, Punishment, and Torture.

New Killer: The Prisoner
New Survivor: Elariah Lorio (Female)
New Map: Cell Blocks
Hutson Nune Prison

Killer Backstory: Noah Yoriah's parents were always fighting, and they got a divorce. A few weeks later after Noah's father had moved out, he snapped and drove back to his wife's house and brutally murdered her. Noah found out 2 days later, and killed his father in revenge. The police found out and arrested Noah. The judge sentenced him to life in prison, and had a shock collar put on Noah in the Hutson Nune Prison, and was thrown behind bars. Noah struggled to get the collar off, but he couldn't. Year after year, Noah had a neck bracelet just sitting on his neck, and in a cell. After a while, a cop accidentally pushed a button to release everyone's collar, and open the prisoner cells. Noah dashed out of the cell, and took off the collar. But he wasn't finished yet, he took the collars and remotes and hunted down every officer in the prison. He put a collar on every officer and shocked them all to death. Noah immediately left the prison after he realized all the officers and guards were dead, he took more collars and after he left the prison, he was never seen or heard from again.

Survivor Backstory: Elariah Lorio was just another woman who just wanted to live alone in a house like a normal person living a normal life. Her job didn't pay well, but her reputation wasn't too good and she couldn't go to college. She slacked on her job and the boss fired her immediately after he found out. Her finances became low and couldn't pay her house bills, so she had her house taken away. She had to sleep on the cold, hard ground, uncomfortable. She barely could pay for food and water. She then got to a moment where she was dying, but suddenly she found a sign saying "Free food." Elariah struggled to walk, but she managed to make it. As soon as she walked in, she was never seen or heard from again.

Killer Power: Yoriah's collars
Forever scarred from a shock collar on for years, he snaps and puts collars on innocent people without mercy. The prisoner can put collars on survivors' necks to shock them later with a remote and stop the survivor from moving for a couple seconds.

Start the trial off with 4 shock collars:
*Shock Collars are put on _Dying_ Survivors.
*Press the Secondary Power ability to shock any collared survivors in your terror radius
*Survivors will stop moving for 2 seconds if shocked by a shock collar
*Survivors can still be hit by the Prisoner if shocked by a shock collar
*Collars are on for the rest of the match for affected survivors
*Survivors can still escape by the exit gates or the hatch with a collar on them
*After shocking, there is always a 30 second cooldown until you may shock again

Killer Perks:

Heavy Hitter: The entity has given you the ability to get a boost of strength for a few seconds, press the activate ability button to put the nearest survivor from you in the Exposed Status effect for .5/1/2 seconds. Has a cooldown of 120/110/100 seconds. Heavy Hitter cooldown will be reduced by 50% if you are standing still.

Fear Attractor: Survivors will always be scared of you which distracts them from doing work. Survivors within your terror radius have any action speed reduced by 5/10/15%

Auto-Summon: After hitting 1 survivor 6/5/4 times, if that survivor gets hooked, they will automatically be put into the struggle phase on the hook

Survivor Perks:

Freeze: You are given the ability to the freeze the enemy. Once per match, press the activate ability button while walking to freeze the killer for 1/2/3 seconds

Give it up: Bringing an item into a trial and purposely dropping it will give you money in return.
You gain 15/25/35% more bloodpoints in all categories if you bring an item into a match and purposely drop it

Over-Time healer: Somehow you can just heal without even touching your wound, every 7/5/4 seconds, you gain 1% of health in the injured state. When the bar reaches 100%, you automatically heal back to Healthy state.

Killer Mori:

The Prisoner takes an extra shock collar to kill people and puts one on the survivor he is killing, he takes his remote and turns up the shock frequency to maximum and presses the button to shock the survivor to death. After the survivor is dead, he takes a special key to take back his collar and walks off.


  • Lagoni
    Lagoni Member Posts: 180

    You have obviously given this some thought, so here's my thoughts on in.

    I like the prisoner's story, but IMO there's an issue with balance.

    The killer's power seems quite OP. This would outclass the nurse by miles, unless he pretty much has nurse or lvl 1 Myers movement speed.
    Even if it just stopped a survivor for 0.1 seconds (so they would have to re-accelerate), it would still win any chase without ever having to think about mindgames.
    Since you can't remove the collars, they would probably act as an anti-tunnel mechanic, since getting a collar on all 4 survivors would pretty much win you the game.
    If you could remove the collar however, the killer would definitely tunnel, because of the collar's OP power.

    Heavy hitter seems cool, but i don't know if it would be too powerful. It's basically a mini-Myers. You often have to be lucky to get more than one person with Myers ability in one go, since people tend to hide until it's gone, so I'm afraid it would make Myers a useless killer (since every killer would have his power).

    Fear factor seems like a perk that will probably come out eventually. Another one for the doctor on the game map.

    The devs seem to push for a slug meta, so Auto-summon could end up being popular.

    Freeze with DS :sick:
    Pls no more get out of jail for free cards.

    Give it up could give more BP without being OP i think. Maybe it could be like the other BP perks. 25% for each rank of rarity on the item?

    over time healer rank 3 is over 6.5 minutes for a heal. The game will most likely be over before that. The problem with reducing the timer is obviously healing mid-chase.
    I suppose your idea was to complement self-care during chases, to allow for a heal during a long chase.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    The killer and his power is actually interesting overall. Unique enough to fit in DbD.

    I am not fond of some of the perks though. Especially Freeze. There's just so much power in that perk, even if it is a one-time perk there should be no way for a survivor to literally restrict the movement of a killer.