DC penalty off?
I don't know if this belongs in feedback or in bug reporting because I've no idea if it's intentional or not.
All I have to say is DC penalty needs to be turned back on. While it's running, you have people who simply kill themselves first chance they get if they want out but otherwise they play the game (or go AFK). I've just had an entire team DC once the game loaded in because they think it's funny. Because we all loaded in, it means add ons and offerings are lost. This has been happening all week.
It would be nice, if the penalty is purposely being turned off, that it be in the news reel. If it's not been turned off on purpose, please turn it back on because all these DCs are ridiculous.
Meant to add this is on PC but I suspect penalties aren't system specific.
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It got turned off on all platforms due to the crashing issues people are having and it was unfair to give those people a timeout due to the game not being able to tell the difference betweenan intentional dc or the game kicking them from the trial.
I agree with you, the problems need fixing ASAP and the penalty turned back on. The abandoned bp you get is nowhere near enough to the amount you would get if they stayed in the trial.
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Excellent, thanks for confirming. I wondered if it was part of the crash fix but I wasn't sure.