Why is "Gen Rushing" so Toxic

Im a survivor main but why does killers get so upset at gen rushing? I mean isnt gens the objective of the game is to get them done so you can open exit gates and get out? When i first load into a game if i see a gen right beside me ofc im going for that gen and try to pop it quickly before the killer comes over , Ive seen alot of survivors Gen Rush but i dont see a big deal about it on our side, thats what we are suppose to do is gens. So this "Gen Rushing" arguments are really stupid imo lol


  • MarcoPoloYolo
    MarcoPoloYolo Member Posts: 508

    It's not toxic, just sweaty, much like many killer tactics. The problem is there's always going to be "that guy" in a match that raises the stakes first and get a leg up. That's a large portion of why it's disliked. The other is that it highlights that "Oh yeah, most killers aren't viable if survivors feel like winning." It also punishes killers for being experimental with their builds and not just stacking slowdowns.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Toxic isn't the word for it. Efficient is. I'd prefer games to last a bit longer but I try not to tell people how to play.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    It's not toxic by itself. But it can be incredibly frustrating as an M1 killer to have three gens pop in a short span of time.

  • LuckyLucy1999
    LuckyLucy1999 Member Posts: 29
    edited June 2021

    Probably in the same way that "face camping" or "tunneling" is for survivors, it's just not a fun experience and games should be fun. In theory at least. I personally don't have a problem with either, they're not enjoyable experiences and feel a bit like a waste of time but I wouldn't call it "toxic".

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Haven't you realized? Holding M1 in 2021 is toxic on its own! Educate yourself, don't be toxic.


  • Doziano
    Doziano Member Posts: 57

    It's not toxic, it's just one side not understanding the objectives of the other one. It's a tactic that facilitates a win for the survivor team that can be countered by the killer. In the same way that tunneling and camping facilitates the game for the killer and yet it can be countered by the survivors if they work together. In the end, people just find all of these things toxic because the two sides have very distinctive objectives and it's just hard to see when they are doing something effective

  • VoidGenom
    VoidGenom Member Posts: 16

    Killers get mad? Most of the time it's just survivors leaving each other to dry on hook just to do gens.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Because it is slowly killing the game and turning it from an interactive, fun and long-lasting experience into what can only be described as the second worst kind of casual game: one with no player longevity.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    For a lot of killers it can't be countered.

    Some of this is due to spawn placements. Survivors often spawn on the other side of the map from the killer, usually within a few meters of a generator. If 2-3 survivors rush a generator they spawned on it's usually completed by the time the killer has gotten to it or completed the first chase. This now puts the survivors at 20% of their objective complete, while the killer is at only 8.3% of their objective (assuming their objective is 12 hooks). Let's say the killer gets two hooks while the second generator is completed, even with the killer doubling his efficiency rate the survivors are at 40% while the killer is at 25%. This would also assume only one generator is getting worked on at a time which is rarely the case, as survivors know if someone is being chased the killer can't do a whole lot to anyone else currently.

    This is why a perk like Corrupt Intervention went from "something setup and area control killers use" to "mandatory meta perk for every killer all the time no matter what" status (being somewhat hyperbolic, but you get the point).

    I agree it's not toxic, hell I don't even think it's survivors fault, and I really don't have much of a solution. Making generator times longer just makes the game boring for those holding M1. Some people have suggested adding an objective to opening the gates like securing a fuse or something but I don't know if that would alleviate the problem either, particularly if it could be located beforehand.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    As a lot of others have said, gen rushing and tunneling are 2 sides of the same coin. Both sides can do this to 'win' the game quickly and efficiently.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    It's not toxic, but it's BS that's been created by this bad game balance, the fact that 5 gens can get done in the first 3 minutes as long as survivors are playing efficiently, even when the killer tries their heart out.

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    The only thing toxic is the whole teabagging aspect afterwards. You held one button all game afterwards. Congrats.

  • Doziano
    Doziano Member Posts: 57

    That's true, which is also why focusing on getting a 4-3 gen set up is so important. Ideally, you're going to remain on that area to defend the gens and play around there (keep chases, hooks and so on close to the gens you want to defend). Especially if you're in a bid map like Coldwind for example. The survivors will try to break the 3-gen (as they should) and you can capitalize from them staying in your area to get easy hits and downs. It definitely helps you get extra pressure and hook states. If you don't try to keep your objectives close to each other, then yeah you'll get gen rushed hard.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    Well, I will say right away that it isn't toxic at all. You're a survivor and your objective is to do gens as fast as you can to escape.

    Now that that is out of the way, personally the reason gens being done extremely fast frustrates me personally is that most of the time it does not feel like I'm getting outplayed at all and survivors just held M1 to win the game.

    I think it's poor game design. Generally speaking generators are too safe, too easy and too detached from the game to eb the survivors main objective.

    It just feels like I'm busting my ass trying to actually outplay each survivor individually and the team as a whole and all they're doing is sitting on an inanimate object listening to music while holding M1.

    Obviously it's not the survivors' fault. This is a problem with the design of the game. And just to clarify, I'm not saying killers don't have their sleazy effortless BS that they can do. This is just my perception on gens being done fast.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    When i started the game, gen times were kept in check by old ruin. It wasn´t good against experienced players, but new ruin isn´t either.

    Since the change of ruin, the pace of the game heavily increased. Games used to be double as long as now. Sure, part of it was due to my own inexperience and the resulting play style, but to me the game seemed more relaxed back then, and not the sweatfest it is now.

  • Spencerjnlouis
    Spencerjnlouis Member Posts: 117

    Because BEhaviour created that toxic environment, Survivors are not risking anything by Gen Rushing while Camping or Tunneling is with DS for example.

    I just survivor mains would get their heads out of their arses and admit the game is not as hard for survivors as it is for killers

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,213

    It's not good that killers had to rely on one specific perk to control the pace of the game, so the change to Ruin was needed, but of course something more needs to be done to the base game to make gen speeds a bit more bearable, without making it painful for survivors.

    An additional objective that's required to complete before you can repair a gen would be good.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    ITs more that killers are upset with the devs for not doing anything to alleviate it. The first 3 gens should collectively only take 80 seconds, the last 2 gens will be done in 47 and 60 if the survivors play correctly.

    There is nothing to alleviate the initial rush at the start when survivors are at full strength or even just to distract them from holding m1.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    Why do survivor mains get upset at Camping/tunneling?

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    I guess the OP should have seen this catchphrase coming

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    I honestly think that, if matchmaking were fixed, this is one of the things that would get a lot less annoying. I am not playing at Tournament Level Efficiency, and I don't want to, and I don't the people I match with to do that, either. It feels really boring and sweaty to me to watch people pop all the gens and scrape their faces against the wall so they can run the Optimal Route to the gate -- but there are some people who want to play that way. So match those people together and give me the people who forget what their controls are and get stuck on the door. That's who I'm meant to play with.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    play killer and find out, often "play the other side" is the answer to questions.

    its not toxic, but it is weird feeling from the killer's perspective sometimes because it feels like survivors start up the game only to end it as soon as possible and then you wonder....why are you even playing.

  • Zombiex3
    Zombiex3 Member Posts: 7

    We don’t get upset at tunneling/camping when done as a strat. However, when you camp and tunnel out the first person you happen to come across, THAT’S what we don’t like. That’s the kind of ######### we complain about. So many times I’ve just loaded in and get found first and don’t even get to play bc some ######### bubba camps and tunnels me.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I dont get your point. Yes, relying on a perk is bad, but the perk was just changed, and nothing was put in its place. The ability to control the pace was just reduced. Thats why games get way faster now (and thats not a good think, in my opinion)

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,213

    I literally said that something needs to be put in its place. What don't you get?

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Yikes... Well the amount of times I have or even see more than 2 survivor on a single generator doesn't happen nearly as often as I wish it would. Keep in mind that killers can see all of the generators on the map. The difference between doing generators fast and tunneling/camping is that killers can much easily more stop gen progression than we can a camp/tunnel especially if its against certain killers and perks. When we have to literally stay in 1 spot for a long period of time to complete an objective its hard to question why survivor mains get upset over camping and tunneling. There is no way for us to stop a killer from making us scatter from a gen if they find us. For us to stop a camp or tunnel it takes an insane amount of cooperation and hoping things go as right as possible and even then its a big maybe. Also keep in mind that we can only do gens so fast even with multiple survivors on them. We have to do 5 gens to merely give us the chance to escape. If you camp or tunnel down a survivor early in the match guess what? We still have to do 5 gens to escape. Camping and tunneling a survivor is simply a mean thing to do to them. If 1 or 2 gens go off in the first couple minutes of the match you still have an opportunity to turn the match around. If a survivor is camped or tunneled to death they can't do anything to turn the match around for them.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    What this guy said.

    I imagine what most (legitimate) complaints about gen rushing are complainung about isnt actually the survivors themselves. It's that the survivors have so many tools to extend chases ASWELL as quickly finish gens.

    Heck, use Lethal Pursuer for a day and count how many games 2 survivors spawn on 2 seperate gens on the other end of the map and both are 60% before you're even close enough to start a chase.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Tunneling involves a 2nd survivor unhooking the survivor that is going to be tunneled. You're not going to see very many generators going off when you only have 2 that might be working on them during all this tunneling going on. Also often times survivors try to save camped survivors which also slows down gen progression. In matches where I see killers tunneling down the first hooked survivor, they usually end up dead and another survivor injured or downed while I am left wondering how 2 of us are going to complete gens and try to make a save so we don't have to do 5 gens on our own.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    To be fair if you know the killer is hard camping/tunneling its very easy to complete the gens and get out, assuming the survivor doesn't kill themself on the hook, but if 1 player repeatedly wastes time running near the hook or unhooking them and leaving them to die it can lead to a very one sided game.

    Outside of playing Nurse there aren't many things a killer (even a really good killer just playing a killer like Shape or Clown) can do to stop a good team that focuses gens and knows how to optimally use pallets.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    I like turtles.