This is genuinely the worst Archive Challenge you've ever made.
Oooouch 😂
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Yeah it's bloody painful. A friend saw me ranting on Twitter and offered to help though so I have at least one reliable mate now
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Nice 👍
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You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.
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Suggestion, switch Better Together with Bond.
I've actually got a friend who runs Better Together all the time and I usually avoid their yellow gen until we get near end game. Why? Because its more efficient for 2 Survivors to be on 2 separate gens. Beyond that, there's a very real chance that Better Together is screwing you because your solo queue teammates think the killer just kicked it with Trail of Torment and the killer is near there... so obviously they'd go look for any other Gen to work on and don't know how to tell the difference between Better and ToT.
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It's not fair, that's for sure, especially since you have to risk Discordance which just ruins this challenge completely.
It is not the worst, though. All of the survivor challenges that require you to escape, for instance, are much worse than this one, because you have to do some bullshit and THEN escape. So are the sac four in the basement type challenges.
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It took 22+ trials.
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Don't do gens yourself, only do gens that other people are doing. It may be sandbagging but that's the spirit of the Archives.
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Well congrats on getting it done.
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Wait do you have to be there when the gen is finished or just work on it some? I saw it but didn’t think it’d be that big of a deal until I read your post.
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Best is to spread out and do gens, so if you want to stay popular with teammates bring Prove Thyself and they will accept you doing gens with them.
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Um The Plague's Discharge one is the true challenge.
"Hit 2 Survivors with a single discharge of Corrupt Purge, TWICE, In a single challenge"
So first, you need them to cleanse.
Second, you need two survivors near each other (TWICE)
Third, you need to successfully hit both of them with ONE discharge (again, TWICE)
All in one game........
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That one I did in a couple of games without even farming. It wasn't that big of a deal tbh.
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They did not accept me on generators for they did not accept the way of the Gen and instead decided that looking at the detailed grass textures was a much better passtime
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Be on the generators for x amount of time (800 charges) with another survivor.
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Love you Karu, glad you got it done. But your personal experience isn't reflecting how hard this challenge actually is.
The fact you got it without trying is just luck.
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Firstly, odd request, but please could you use GoodBoyKaru ot GBK to address me? When I made the new name I didn't care but now I get kinda uncomfortable if people I don't know really well call me Karu cause of unforseeable circumstances.
Secondly, I know that a bunch of people complained about it being difficult but I really didn't experience it, whilst apparently this challenge is easy but I struggled for ages on it. So I guess it all comes down to experience because all the really hard BS ones I seem to be able to do fairly easily.
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Maybe bad in a single game, since it's a cumulative one, just keep playing normally until you get it.
There are worse challenges in this very tome let alone the entire history of the archives lol.
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I can swf with you if you need it done @GoodBoyKaru I'm just on pretty briefly and at random times rn bc dissertation
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Finally got it after 22+ trials and only after a different friend SWF'd with me but thanks anyway
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Teammates in solo are allergic to gens. You'll almost never catch me doing a gen with someone else. Plus, splitting up on gens is more efficient.
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Exactly. Pretty much just "play survivor for a few games".
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"a few games" over 22 games of a role I dislike for a single challenge feat. Useless teammates and 5gen facecampers my just a few games.
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Personally, I found the "Escape through the Hatch while carrying a Map 1 time" more frustrating because I got a strike of other Survivors sandbagging me over and over and then mocking me in the after game chat for whatever reason. I guess the toxicity was just blossoming at the time and I lost all green maps I had because of it.
I'd say that the Dark Sense Challenge is probably the most frustrating one out of all the Tome challenges we have ever gotten. I mean it's practically impossible to do them in SoloQ because either you get tunnelled, generators pop way too fast or simply everyone decides to run the Killer to you over and over.
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I'm sorry but almost every single challenge from level 4 of the first archive was worse.
Finish repairing 4 generators, do this in one trial.
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The stun and blind challenge took me ages because I kept going against killers that play around pallets easy eventually I just equipped head on lol
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Nobody ever touched a generator except me so I just kinda vibed with it pretty easily. I get that not everyone's experience is the same, and naturally I found this one a lot harder than a lot of people, but damn that one wasn't bad. Neither was much of Tome 1 Level 4 tbh- though Buried Underground and Catch 6 survivors in Traps were pretty damn abysmal
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That challenge sounds terrible but I actually got it in one try twice (ps4 and switch). Both times without farming. I wouldn't normally say to do this and it makes me feel dirty but hook someone in the basement, go get corrupt purge and go back to the basement, you can usually get two hits either when they unhook or when they are running up the stairs. Also the add on that gives you corrupt purge everytime someone finishes a gen can help.
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Not the worst challenge by a long shot. But those are the most boring to grind, for sure. The only silver lining is that it's 10 gens and not 12 like usual.
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Sure, will do.
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thank you! I really appreciate it
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The map one I got first try ;-;
Saloon vs Trickster with Franklin's + Ebony
Red Herring one trying now
EDIT: Also got it first try
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What kind of nightmarish image am I looking at?
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Do people really have trouble cooperating with other solo survivors?
I've been playing solo a lot the past couple weeks and haven't had any trouble getting coop points.
If you have to, just run Prove Thy Self, to encourage others to stick around.
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Was good luck making up for the bad luck you had with the co-op challenge. 😂
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Oh probably lmao
Then a laggy Ruin/Undying Blight that tunneled and camped at 5 gens as soon as I have to escape :')
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I don't know what to tell you. My last few solo matches I've completed at least 2 gens per game with other survivors.
Maybe you need to follow other survivors and do the gens they work on.
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So when i leave because the gen is 95% done so i can go do another gen or totem your challenge dont progress
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took me two days of moderate play to get this done.
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If you'd read my comments you'd see that:
1) During the time of day I was playing, nobody solo was even doing gens
2) I got the challenge done, but only with the help of a friend.
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I feel like because of the performance issues you either have killer that just basically give up and farm or tunnel/camp at 5 gen, nothing in between.
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Just take off a perk and slap on bond. You're making a bigger deal out of this challenge than it needs to be.
Your refusal to use bond is like you shooting yourself in the foot, then complaining that it hurts when you walk.
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Idk how many times I have to state that Bond won't help if nobody does a generator but okay
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Wow of all the challenges to complain about....
You do realize that is saves every second of progress???
So even if you only do 3 seconds cooperatively it still counts towards the challenge.
Meaning you don't literally have to 0-100% the gen cooperatively. You can do a little at a time.
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I am well aware, yes. Please do literally everyone a favour and read the rest of the comments on the thread because that should explain my frustrations with this challenge, and the fact that I have completed it.