I forgot not to use BPS as Survivor

VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

It's like the "give me the most toxic and obnoxious Killer" offering. Dude literally camped slugs. I was the only one to give him a run for his easy 4K as the other two tried saving which went as you'd expect. So I got beat on the hook for not going down in seconds and almost getting out. Survivors got like 5 or 7 thousand as the highest.

Bleh, I hate this player base.


  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    If it makes you feel any better I still remember a match from maybe 3 years ago.. OG doctor slugged everyone, no one had Unbreakable and he held up his treatment mode to tier up madness for all the slugs for the full 4 minutes until everyone bled out. Lol but hey maybe it made them feel better, I moved on with ptsd but still come across so many players I love facing or playing with in this community. Brush it off and pay it forward with kindness.. spread some good karma if you feel up to up.. or do what the doc did to me and the randoms lol. The choice is all yours, that’s the beauty of it I suppose.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Haha, too bad it's most matches you encounter these type of players. Just got NOED face camped against a first time Blight or someone who REALLY shouldn't be red/purple ranks. Killed myself cause obviously someone would go for the save and the players could wind up with a 4K after not getting a single hook all match. Solo survivor keeps getting rougher.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Wait; DC penalty is off?

    Welp, I'm not playing until it gets turned back on. Nothing like Survivors using any petty excuse to DC & blame me for their actions.

    (Yes, I'm aware it goes both ways. I play Killer more, so I speak from a Killer perspective.)

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    Do you have the res chapter? Counter force and small game is a fun side objective build I can personally recommend for hex killer builds and it’s bringing strength back the no no NOED army. Just saying:p

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    I should buy it, sadly though I wasn't really wanting to play Nemesis (but would be highly tempted to) and delete console players from matches so was holding off till he didn't murder matches with his ability to DC people. lol

    The map was Midwich, so I knew the other 3 would be highly unlikely to find it and then someone would rush a dumb save and he'd snowball. After the BPS match, I really didn't want someone to snowball and get kills they shouldn't of. I do understand the Survivor side though as saving, healing, and interacting with the Killer gets you blood points, but i's aggravating to see the match snowball to a loss simply cause the Killer decided to sit on someone. Even worse when it's a slug since it's out of spite more than anything at that point.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Killers in both games I stated were male Killers. I typically refer to them as the Killer they are playing as there is little way outside of profile or streams to find out the gender at the other screen.

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  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Bps streamers could be reworked honestly.

    The survivor version should affect only survivors and maybe have an additional bonus specifically for boldness.

    The killer's counterpart should have higher base percentage and additional bonus for each hook (not hook state).

    This would encourage healthy interaction.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I had a team that basically forced me to slug them. They sent me to the Doctor map and wouldn't get off that middle gen. I had to literally pull them off, drop them, and pull off the other players too. It came down to all 3 of them crawling in opposite directions from that circular room, so I chased the final to prevent the pick ups. Once I hooked her... I couldn't find the others to hook them. Rofl.

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  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    People always do it regardless. I can't count the amount of times someone on my team baby rages and suicides on hook in the first few minutes or DCs (clearly not on accident) and screws the rest of us over. I've been getting a lot of killers DCing lately too mid-match.