The rise of W

Okay, I've gone against survivors that do the "hold W" thing as it's called before, plenty of times as it's not a new thing but now everyone's talking about it it seems to be everywhere in my recent killer games, I'm talking multiple people in a squad who often but not always run sprint burst, sometimes with spine chill, and bolt to the other side of the map in a straight line, vaulting any windows and instadropping any pallets en route but not otherwise deviating from this set path, when my terror radius starts. Sometimes this has been all four of them, sometimes two or three.
So not really a balance discussion but more what should I do about it as an m1/low mobility killer? Do I just play blight and survivor forever?
Also before certain people start:
-I play survivor more
-I'm not saying survivor op plz nerf
-this isn't a thread about keys or spirit or gen speeds or whatever else is at the forefront of your mind
-I'm happy with survivors who hide or loop in case of "aggh survivors aren't allowed to do anything"
Since sprint burst is an exhaustion perk I make them use it and go for someone else. They sprint miles from their gen and the next time I find them sprint burst is on cooldown so I get to see if they know other tactics. If they don't I get myself a hookstate. This kind of survivor also has a tendency to hop back on the same gen so if you fake drop the chase to return quick they are out of options soon.
I also don't kick unsafe pallets and try to force them to play it later so I can get a hit. Pallets are limited unless they are on a pallet heavy map like the game the good pallets won't last long.
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Then just do the same. Ignore pallets and take the most direct path, you're faster and you will catch up to them. Plus the maps are closed, they can't run always straight and sooner or later they will need to curve, and that's when you'll cut them off.
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You cant do anything about that. You accept your lost and move on when you are tire of that you go play survivor or something else
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You're right about getting back on the gen afterwards, I can tell because I run dragon's grip a lot. It does usually cause them to stop healing which can be a good or bad thing depending on the situation...
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The worst one I've had so far was on lerys, which I wouldn't have thought would be one of the worse maps for it but it felt like it
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Lery's is actually great because it's small and it's really easy to cut them off. The worst offender is Midwitch because its layout makes it really impossible to do. In that case I'm afraid there's not much to do besides holding W as well.
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If the person has sb and spine chill and is predropping pallets that early, kick a few of the dropped pallets, find someone else. If everyone does this pretty quick theyre out of pallets. Deadzones are a #########
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Run mindbreaker and blood echo, that combo is really good if exhaustion perks are being a pain. Youll also get to see how hard exhaustion perks boost these guys, they dont know what to do without dead hard 😂
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If you can at all manage to, please record some of these games where you feel that you have trouble dealing with survivors "holding W". It's difficult to say what you could do better without that, and for me personally all the more so because I have a hard time seeing how that tactic would even work out in any consistent fashion like people are making it out to.
Mindbreaker is not an awful perk ever since it got buffed, and it can pretty much counter Sprint Burst on its own. To counter Spine Chill, try looking away from a gen when you are approaching it. It's silly to do the crab walk I know, but it works. Also, if you have someone on a hook and survivors do the run away early thing and have a lot of distance on you, just go back to the hook periodically ("proxi-camping"). If they want to "abuse" distance by running early, use that against them by pushing them off gens while simultaneously having the hook timer tick down.
And to your question of "do I just play blight forever?", I do have to say that a totally valid answer could be "yes". Some killers in this game are clearly stronger than others, and there is no reason not to always play them. Not only that, but most of the stronger killers have very rewarding and engaging gameplay and a high skill ceiling that allows you to keep practicing and improving even after months and years of playing them. Believe it or not, there are people that have been maining Nurse ever since she first released and still do. It's not like a killer like Myers or Clown has anything going for them that makes them particularly compelling or riveting to play, so one can totally just... forgo playing such killers in favour of killers like Blight. That's not to say it's impossible to succeed with lower-tier killers such as Myers or Clown - far from! -, but the performance potential of a killer like Blight is obviously much higher. I do think a fair few of those lower-tier killers should be buffed, but I never got the thing where people knowingly pick one of the weaker killers and then are upset if they don't manage to do well all the time. Just pick and practice one of the stronger killers and play them all the time, it's a win-win.
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Nurse, Spirit and Blight are all probably close on the nerfing-block. (I'm honestly surprised Nurse has lasted so long).
Trapper, K-Pop Killer are probably close on the buffing-block.