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Is the balance team happy with state of survivor?

Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

I have to ask if the devs are happy with the state of the survivor role. It's a bloody mess every turn you make. It's really bad when the objective is not to actually open the gates, but to farm for points for the purpose of leveling your characters.

I have long given up on opening the gates. Why might you ask? Your skill or how hard you try is totally meaningless, it depends on the power of the killer. Being tunneled out of the match? You can be the best gamer in the world, you won't live. It means you lost, in terms of your role. With a tiny amount of points I might add. A sole survivor has no opportunity for a fair match. It shouldn't be the permission of the one player whether you have a fun and fair match and an opportunity to win.

A lot of survivors I have noticed don't try anymore, I can't believe they play the game to lose but they do. Farming hooks, not doing the gens due to very oppressive killer perks that the devs refuse to balance. Then they re-queue to do the same thing. Is this the future of DBD?

You managed to finally get all the gens done? Oh, here comes NOED to save the day for killer again.

Where's the survivor perk to totally save the day? It don't exist. How about being tunneled several times out of the match? Not only does DS punish you for playing the game, killers can down you instantly and finish killing you without remorse. All the meta killers have no remorse for DS. And this perk was actually nerfed?

The balance is now a 4 man sweating hoping the killer has a bad headset, makes a mistake, or knocks his drink off on the floor. Watch any killer play and they never lose. Almost never.

There is no way the dev team is happy, they simply can't be.



  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    I'm in agreement with the farming points. the grind in this game is yeesh

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    The survivor equivalent of erasing your mistake is Dead Hard like NOED. Hence why both need significant changes

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    And honestly the devs don't care they're too busy fixing cosmetics instead of fixing the game

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,762

    You've been playing for a very long time, have you not? When do you think the survivor experience was in its best state?

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    I am down for escape as a requirement to pip on survivor.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,917

    People wouldn't do anything except waiting for the hatch.

  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674
    edited June 2021

    Were you getting camped and he was too afraid of saving or did that person just not want to save you on purpose when the killer wasn't even there? I'm asking because with no coordination it's hard to do the right play against a camper.

    An improvement imo would be to include messages in game that are ready to be used for Survivors like for example "I'm getting camped" or "Save me now" and for other things that are objective/gameplay related to have some sort of communication at least.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Nothing like getting spammed with "save me now" requests, 2 seconds after the killer hooked him and while he attempts to unhook himself.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    The solo survivor experience is bad because of other survivor players. If 4 competent solo players magically get into a lobby together, the game is usually a cake walk unless the killer is a Spirit, or good Nurse. If more players took the time to improve via learning to loop, not 3 gen, and all the other things competent efficient survivor players do, solo survivor would be much better.

    I just played a game where my teammate went down in 5 seconds vs a Clown and got put into the basement. Then teammate number two proceeded to go into a locker and get grabbed and then taken to the basement where the other teammate was. This was within the span of the first minute of the match pretty much. Is that the killer and his "oppressive perks" fault? Or was it the fault of my teammates not playing well?

    People on both sides, but especially survivor mains, need to learn to play better. This game is highly survivor sided once you learn how to loop and do gens efficiently. It isn't the dev's fault solo survivor is unpleasant. It's on the players. If I, or any competent survivor player can learn how to loop and so on, I'm sure most players would be able to learn how to as well. I'm not a rocket scientist and it isn't super hard to learn.

    Honestly, the only complaints I have as a solo survivor is facing Spirit and my teammates. Other than those two things, survivor is chill. Especially whenever I get competent teammates. Then the game is a breeze. Also for the tunneling. It is apart of the game. You win some, you lose some. I even tunnel people when I feel like I need to when I play killer. You have to remember, this is a pvp game, and the killer's goal is to kill you. If you can't hack dying in a pvp game, you should find a pve game to play instead I guess.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Not going to lie, I do not understand how survivor even has a playerbase. I get that SWF is basically the only option for co-op. But why anyone would solo queue into a game that is just repair the generator simulation until you get mercd by the killer is just beyond my comprehension. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose. It gives me people to play against, and I appreciate that.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I can't be the only person having success as a solo, can I?

    I've had to play a LOT more solo lately when I'm playing survivor and not killer (due to scheduling conflicts with the members of a group I'll normally SWF with) -- and my results have been actually really good. I'm legitimately escaping far more often than not, and while I've gotten the occasional random teammates who aren't the most ... helpful ... I've had solid teammates for the most part (this is at essentially Red Ranks). My escape rate has been better than when I'm playing with my friends, lol. 🤔

    Obviously, everyone has a different experience, but this has been going on for the better of a couple of weeks now over numerous matches. And I will freely admit that I'm not particularly good at survivor, either -- I have relatively good game awareness about what to do, when, and why -- and I can hold down a button to repair -- but my looping skills are mediocre at best. After the horror stories bandied around about solo play, I've been more than pleasantly surprised at my results.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I have fun playing solo survivor. Its the most chill role in this game for me.

    Winning is getting a pip or a decent amount of BP not escaping.

    But thats just me I guess

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    Eh.... not quite. New AND Old DS did nothing against actual tunneling. It's a 5 sec stun, with 2 secs eaten up by the animation (unless that changed while I wasn't looking). 3 secs isn't all that much when a Killer decides they want you out. I'm fine with the DS nerfs, but it should also be apparent that if this was a perk meant to discourage tunneling, it was and is crap at it.

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    And? I've played soloq where the first teammate found ran the Killer for a decent amount of time, got tunneled out of the game, the rest of us slammed out gens as fast we could and still ended up with 2-3K because of perks like NOED. One experience does not make the majority of games.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    So? Next time cleanse the totems. Stop making excuses. If I miss a blink on Nurse I don't go "oh man, that dumb survivor had to move, it's their fault I missed!". I say oh well I made a mistake, and I try again. Tunneling is apart of the game. Just like sitting on gens while injured, aka "gen rush". People on this game need to stop being so entitled and learn to adapt and just play the game. I get tunneled, you get tunneled. I get hit with NOED, you get hit with NOED. It is not a big deal. I'm not entitled to win, or escape, and neither are you.

  • Troman
    Troman Member Posts: 264

    Yes, survivors, at least in solo stopped trying to escape long time ago, everyone just farms. With about 25% escape rate in soloQ anything else doesn't make sense, you will not gain any BP. If you try to do gens and do 3 gens, you will get less BP than someone who farmed 1-2 hooks. Survivors should get more points for repairing gens and soloQ balance must be fixed generally.

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    Ya sure? You're blaming your teammates in a game where match making is questionable at best. Your speaking in purely hypotheticals: Am I getting a team at my level matched with a Killer at our level?

    The answer is: no, you're probably not.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    Well yeah, I can agree that the MM is bad, but A LOT of the issues solo survivor has is due to other survivor players. People can't loop, they save in the killer's face, they 3 gen and so on. Like I said before, I only complain about Spirit and my teammates usually, and the bad teammates come way more often than a Spirit in my experience. If people would learn to play efficiently on survivor, even at rank 8, there would be less issues for solo survivor. People literally run past pallets and get downed, then cry that the killer is OP.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    These command communication usually have a antispam system. On smite if you spam this communication you are timed out for a short period. Besides, as a player you can silence someone if you want to (spammers, tilted guys and so on...). Great power carries great responsability xD.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Eh, actually you're pretty bad at killer then 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    They can feel happy only if devs in charge are main tunneler killers playing solo Q. Otherwise, no. They shouldn´t be proud of state of the game.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    The amount of people that find playing survivor somewhat harder than playing killer is staggering to me sometimes.

  • Gorky_
    Gorky_ Member Posts: 32

    To be honest, I find more difficult to be decent as a survivor than to be decent as a Killer.

    I have maybe ~150h played as a Surv and ~200h played as a Killer.

    So +50h as a Killer.

    I am waaaay better as a Killer than I am as a survivor.

    The Entity know how much I try but it can't be helped. I have to admit that I hard suck as a survivor and it pains me 😥

  • Gorky_
    Gorky_ Member Posts: 32

    To be honest, I genuinely think it is harder to be decent as a survivor than it is as a killer.

    I have ~150h as a surv and ~200h as a Killer but I am far better as a Killer than as a surv.

    The Entity knows very well how much I suck as a survivor and it pains me 😥

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Hm then maybe its just me, I have 500h in survivor and I am pretty decent, not great but not horrible.

    And around 300h in killer and even after those hours I still feel so stressed out playing killer even if I win. But thats probably the price I will pay for more BP gain

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705
    edited June 2021

    Only if Kills as requirement to pip come back for Killer, the way it used to be.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    It's not much if you're only using it to get away, but most of the times I just try to get to a loop and I'm fine.

    But if you have to use it in a deadzone, it's pretty lackluster.

  • Gorky_
    Gorky_ Member Posts: 32

    No wonder, playing Killer is stressful. I stop playing at least 30min before go to bed because I have to let off steam 🤪

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited June 2021

    It's not as strong but has the same purpose of covering your mistakes. And these unhealthy perks should be changed.

  • getuy45u4iu
    getuy45u4iu Member Posts: 93
    edited June 2021

    I've been playing solo survivor for the recent week and escaping way more often than dying in purple ranks. I played to escape though, not to farms points or pips.

    Some survivors play inefficiently, doing very risky moves or wasting time instead of doing gens. The game encourages altruism too much, survivors seem to compete with each other for unhooks because it gives many bloodpoints. Also DCs and early hook suicide increase killer chances greatly. Killers who don't try to kill one survivor asap rarely have chances to end the game with more than 2 kills, unless someone DCed or hook suicided before.

    I think that if the game rewarded survivors more for actual survival and if survivors were always playing for escapes, then with the current balance the survival rates in high ranks would be above 50%.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    Survivors should get a secondary objective. Totems are not a bad thing but something that should be expanded on beyond simple pressing M1 for X seconds. This would help the game and make it better.

    Maybe they should also try out different stuff to thrown in the Killers path when it hunts you. Like oil that slows the Killer down or something like that beside pallets. This could make loops stronger against certain Killers or weaker against others so that survivors need to think more during the chase.

    Also just for the notes: I think survivor plays a lot easier than Killer. My obejctive is much more doable and I only need to think about one opponent. Juggeling 4 opponens makes it thougher.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    I'm trying my best! 😭😭😭😭

    Although it's not being brought up in the thread (hence I'm not taking it seriously at all because these complains are so incredibly vague that they're borderline useless) but to take it at least a little seriously, I do my very best to make the game "sporting". I don't tunnel (unless someone GIVES me a reason to tunnel them like the BT Body Blocker), I don't camp (even at end game when I probably should be as I find it boring), and I do my very best to not kill people until everyone has been hooked at least one time.

    If I were to adopt the less sporting (though far more effective) tactics like tunneling or even just going after the weakest links instead of spreading my kills out, I'd likely find myself 4King a lot more often. But I personally would rather have 4 survivors escape after a great match than to just slaughter 4 survivors in a snoozefest curb stomping...

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I've played together with 4 what seemed to be really good solos (they had a lot of hours) but it was still a 4K.

    What is extremely wrong here is, too much is expected from the 4. It is always "survivor needs to play better"..."survivor needs to learn how to play". Why is it not required for killer to play better? When killers lose, it is always "survivor is OP".

    A misconception that survivor is chill because you have to work on gens and the killer is always moving but that doesn't mean the survivor is winning. More times than not, the killer is forcing everyone off of gens because you have to save someone, look for totems, etc. Then the perks win the game because there is absolutely no time to look for totems if the killer is halfway decent. Killer perks are oppressive.

    Because it is a PVP game doesn't mean the one is almost guaranteed to win. There needs to be balance and right now killers win way too much and even make more points.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Killers need a second objective too to make that fair. Right now killers only have one objective and their perks make it that much easier. That's not right. Not at all.

    You are asking for survivors to think more, but killers only hold W and tap M1 or M2.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited June 2021

    Its not just you, I play both sides and I find survivor muuuch easier. The main problem is just when you get bad teammates.

  • Tysere
    Tysere Member Posts: 36

    All of these points are spot on. That said, I can only comment on my own experience as a 'Never ranked above 15 Survivor" who plays solo entirely.

    I would care far less about how miserable it is to play as Survivor, at least for me, and try to get archives etc done and get BPs and etc...if you actually GOT BPs. My god it's the most miserable thing, and that's why I'm often giving up in my games. So sorry to my teammates, honestly. But it's really hard to care about working super duper hard for like..2k blood points. I can barely buy more than 2 things on a Bloodweb if I've -Escaped- which is just madness. Now, I'm not running We're Gonna Farm Forever bc I don't have it yet on my preferred Survivor (Due to the godawful BP rates) but even still...that Perk as written just incentivizes farming your teammates off hooks. How nice.

    Meanwhile, I can play absolutely terrible on Killer and still make bank. I don't even have to be super tilted or super sweaty and kill everyone. BBQ more correctly rewards you for doing anything and everything in the game you're supposed to, vs just farming your poor teammates on hooks which often only makes a bad survivor round worse.

    Actually reward Survivors for this ridiculous murder-slog with something other than the ability to tbag or 'be toxic', that's literally all they have to feel good about most of the time which is yikes.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    The playerstats site says you've escaped 10,176 times. Which would probably be a lot higher if you stopped dc'ing after being downed once.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Well I think bad matchmaking and unbalanced maps are what keep the fun away from us

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited June 2021

    No amount of changes in the world can fix Solo Q when you have Blendettes who Self-Care in a corner against a Plague. I don't need a god looper teammate I just need people who know the simplest of things.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Agreed I don't need a teammate who can loop all game and only hit great skill checks just give me someone who knows the fundamentals

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    Not bad troll thread sluzz. I give it 7 out of 10 this time. Keep it up!

  • blackcoffee_6
    blackcoffee_6 Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2021

    For me red rank survivor (sorry to say this) toxic player. I'm not saying all red rank survivor are toxic but most of them like to say mean word in the end of the match. They said "You should uninstall this game cause you're useless", if you are a pro player then why don't you carry all teammates dude? Why don't you carry us a 'useless' teammate instead say a mean word?

    I'm survivor base, and i know not all survivor really helpful in match but at least they try, okay. Even they're just standing, hiding, crouching all the time they still learn. My friend and i not a red rank player or pro player, we played DBD just having fun. I don't care if i lose or win a match.

    Oh and that red rank survivor is a streamer duh.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    With you it's always the same, hating on everything killers have while pretending all things survivors have are useless.

    I wish I could take you seriously but it's impossible as you just don't try to view both sides equally.