Feel like im stuck in rank due to tunneling and slugging

Luckyz17 Member Posts: 34

So i've been new to the game for about a month. Been having fun with Dwight and playing survivor with friends. The problem is, I keep running into really high ranked killers who either tunnel me down so i legit do not gain any points or "pip" and now that I am rank 16, I am losing any pip progress because of the aforementioned issues. Also, a lot of slugging. One match the killer actually left all of us on the ground and just revved his chainsaw while we bled out.

Yall killers really enjoy this?


  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Don't worry about ranking up. Just focus on getting better. It's a ######### situation, but the only way out is through.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I have to tunnel to even try and get a kill. Or at least I used to. I tried NOED and boi, I see what all the rage is about. Guaranteed kill basically, and if someone tries to unhook right in front of me... Two kills. It is beautiful. And they are more likely to leave after they figure out you have it on. Win-win-win.

    Anyways, as much as this perk frustrates people, I can play fair before exit gates spawn. When they do? The kid gloves come off. Killah does what Killahs will, cuh.

    Anyways, I digress, no. Tunneling was not fun. Slugging is not fun. I just want one kill. It is what I started playing for. Lul. Tag is fun and all, but you know how it be.

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    Endgame is always no holds barred imo. Sure it sucks to complete all your objectives and die right at the end, but that's a game where you got to complete all your objectives so it's still a win in my book. It's only ever really frustrating when the killer tunnels, slugs, etc. all match and then has NOED at the end because of course they would lol But generally speaking if it's in your arsenal and available to you, use it.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Ranks or pips are bugged anyway and seem random.

    Getting 4 Iridescent emblems? Depip it is.

    At least that's how my matches look like since the RE chapter released.

  • Deferlo
    Deferlo Member Posts: 131

    Unfortunately, you just need to power through these rank. I've rediscovered it with the rank reset bug when i was sent back to yellow rank, because i've seen more camping/tunneling/facecamping in 3 days in yellow/green rank, than in 4 months in purple/red rank (though i could have just been unlucky).

    But if you want advice, the only thing you can do in this type of game is either loop well enough so that you can earn points before going down, have you and your friends take borrowed time to try and take turns on the hook or stealthing it up and letting your teammates take the blow while you do gens/chest/totem to guarantee at least a safety pip.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    Not sure what servers you are on but here in the UK roughly 70% of my trials, played about 15 games, as survivor yesterday had tunnelling and camping killers.

  • aroell
    aroell Member Posts: 477

    Tunneling is not important, people do it to ruin others games. It’s a lazy “tactic” used by killers that don’t want to get good.

  • Deferlo
    Deferlo Member Posts: 131

    I'm in the same server as you so either you are unlucky or i am really lucky with my matches. If i didn't forget any, it's been a while since i have seen a face camping killer in purple/red ( i nearly always use kindred so i think i would remember), and i don't often see killer tunnelling (in the sense of ignoring every other survivor until the first one is dead). Though maybe i don't feel like i play against them because i am not at the one being camped/tunnelled in my match. After all what i said was only personal experience and is likely to be wrong/differs depending on the players.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited June 2021

    Because developers can’t figure out a way to balance it, so they put a bandaid fix by making a perk which can still be countered by letting you bleed out.

    Literally any other development team would at least recognize that there should be something built-in for survivors should they encounter a killer who only chases one survivor and most importantly right after an unhook.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    The others players are your friends you queued up with right?

    The matchmaking system is supposed to match a group according to the players with the highest rank, so rank 5 in this case, so that is probably the reason why you were matched with the rank 4 Killer.

    If you play solo, this shouldn't happen, but as others have mentioned, the matchmaking system isn't reliable.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    It´s a boring and abusive tactic. That´s why u see so much that technique on tournaments where tunnel and camping is allowed. They take out from the game the first survivor they see. So this guy goes to lobby with practically 0 points. And then the same strategy with a second survivor.

    As you say, if killers play this way is because is allowed and optimal. Some nice killers don´t do it just because they are kind (respect to them).

    Devs should care for this aspect so everybody can "play" the game and have fun on it, and make some adjustments so tunneling won´t be so rewarding technique and so easy to apply.

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705
    edited June 2021

    What you described here is you not being good enough. You aren't pipping because you lack the skill to outplay your opponent. That's all.

    Post edited by FrndlyChnswSalzmn on
  • Luckyz17
    Luckyz17 Member Posts: 34

    I take it you didn’t even bother to see the picture I showed where I’m in a lobby with all single digit players, and a red killer.

    One was, the others were random. But I keep seeing people say that the system “down ranks” based on lowest. Which obviously no one seems to know.

  • Luckyz17
    Luckyz17 Member Posts: 34

    The other thing I didn’t mention were a good bit of body blocking and taking hits to try and help me from other survivors. Flashlights and flash bangs.


    killer just keeps running towards me.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Defined tunneling. I see three dead survivors in this pic.

  • Luckyz17
    Luckyz17 Member Posts: 34

    I was 3 hooked before anyone else took a hit. Then rinse and repeat. The killer in this game actually just ran in circles around the building with the basement hooks. Waited for an unhook then just ran at the stairs to down me again.

    I get it’s in the game but holy hell it’s not fun having this sort of thing happen. Give a better average of ranking or somethinG so I have a chance.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    One is enough, from my experience it seems to rank duo-SWF more according to the system, 3- or 4-SWF seen to be matched more with lower ranked killers.

    The screenshot was taken from this post:

  • DropdeadPiggy
    DropdeadPiggy Member Posts: 155

    Dude if you think that's bad just wait till you get the rank 10 and up I can't even get past rank 7 I'll get to that fourth pip and then a downward series of matches..... You'll get through it you learn a bit more each time you play

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    You still failed, regardless of ranks and so on. You were not good enough, and neither were your teammates. They failed to save you and failed to do gens while you were camped. This is on you and them, still; get better.