Killer wreaths - what's the significance of tanagers?

Laluzi Member Posts: 5,553

I always thought the killer wreaths were kind of neat; where the survivor bloodpoint offerings focus on flowers and plants, and have a mainly symbolic connection to the categories they boost, the killer bloodpoint offerings are themed after birds. And for three of them, I can see a clear correlation.

Hunter: Spotted Owl. Owls are known for being phenomenal hunters, with natural stealth and excellent eyesight and hearing.

Deviousness: Raven. Ravens have a long folkloric history of cunning and deceit.

Sacrifice: Shrike. Shrikes are infamous for impaling their prey on branches or thorns and leaving them there to ripen, which more than slightly resembles the game's meat hooks.

Then there's the Brutality wreath, the tanager wreath, and I'm just not seeing the connection. Does anyone know why tanagers are the bird chosen for the last wreath?


  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,816

    The Tanager male becomes hyper-aggressive during breeding season, and can become murderous towards its own kind, other species and even the hen. They're very active, and despite how pretty they look, they are very blasé towards acts of violence. Maybe that's the reason?