So Nemesis has been nerfed
- Fixed an issue that could cause Nemesis's Tentacle strike to hit the Survivor through some of the windows and main buildings.
That is a bugfix that they have made in this latest version (5.0.2).
Nemesis needs changes, buffs, but what they do is fix a bug that makes him unable to hit survivors in certain vaults and main buildings.
I understand it's a bug and needs to be fixed, but don't you plan to buff him in compensation?
Well, I see they are going to give him the same treatment as the Trickster.
Why should he get a compensation buff? It's a bug fix, not a nerf.
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Just another pay 2 lose killer.
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They do not care. Only important part is their stats, they are ignoring everything except stats. So no, i do not think they will buff Nemesis soon.
And i stopped playing with Nemesis for reasons.
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Nemesis is a bad killer, if you think otherwise you are a main survivor and / or you haven't played with Nemesis.
He needs buffs, and fixing a bug that is going to cause him to have fewer chances to hit survivors, they are nerfing him.
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But stats say that Nemesis is the most played killer right now🤔
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This fix is so vague
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I won't argue that he needs buffs, but he doesn't need a compensation buff. The killer should function as intended.
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preeeetty sure Trickster received nothing but buffs and in the right hands he is hard to deal with.
Nemesis is in a good spot right now imo.
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Because he is new and so much new players joined game for RE chapter. I am seeing Nemesis so rare on high ranks now.
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I mean sure, bottom tier is a spot. Not sure if a good spot, but never the less he can´t get any worse.
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Could be because of all the RE fans that came in with the chapter. But they won´t stay much longer around, if the game stays in this state.
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It was a fix to a bug where he could hit through some closed windows and walls, how is that a nerf? Is fixing clown's pink bottles so they actually function a buff?
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Cash-grabbing survivor outfits, underwhelming killer, the map is a disaster and the console version is a mess right now, what else?
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Don´t forget the massive grind! Everyone who starts now will notice that he needs 1000 hours to get a decent build and nope out.
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No, because Clown came out without that bug. Nemesis has had that "bug" since he came out, and fixing it's basically nerfing it. I'm not against fixing it, what I don't understand is why they haven't yet made it, not even in this version, changes or buffs.
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Actual buffs take longer, generally. For one thing Almo first needs to venture deep into the Canadian wilderness to commune with the holy Statistics.
I'll be annoyed too if twins/trickster,/nemesis don't get any more attention but have to give it some time.
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The devs added a lullaby that covers the same amount of ground as Huntress, so a smart survivor who’s listening for it will be able to start running to a good loop before you can get into Trickster’s effective range,
keep in mind that Deathslinger doesn’t have one and with M&A he’ll likely be directly on top of you and able to shoot you before you even realise he’s there
that point about Nemesis being in a good spot I can agree with though, minus hit boxes and the absolutely worthless amount of Hindered contaminating a survivor is meant to give
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Oh no he can't hit through boarded up windows anymore what a shame
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Bugfixes are no Nerfs.
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So were both the Trickster and the Twins when they were released too.
So it really doesn't mean much until they stop being new.
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Very paradoxical since he's the best walls destroyer lol
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Boarded up windows. Things you shouldn't be able to hit through unless you're PH or Slinger. As his tentacle doesn't go through walls (PH) or is absolutely miniscule (Slinger), and slams down in an arc, it shouldn't go through walls.
This was confirmed by the dbd twitter account.
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He is nowhere near being bad. Hitboxes make it so he gets hits he should miss and miss hits he should get, but other than that, he can wreck. Given how many stupid survivors there are, who use the vaccine on their first tentacle hit, most of the time without even getting injured, he can just hit you when you are stuck in vault or pallet drop. Huntress can do it from farther away, sure, but you don't compare one killer to another to state how good he is. And honestly, every single killer in the game can be good, it just depends on whether you face a sweaty no life SWF death squad or not. I mean, I got a 4k the other day, with Clown (who doesn't have a power, atm, since his slowing bottles do not slow). With the current amount of tunneling, which is at an all time high, you're hardly escaping a Nemesis chase.
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I do not think this was a nerf. This was a bugfix as GoodBodyKaru pointed out. Nemesis is supposed to be his own killer and not Pyramide Head 0.9 after all.
Also I do not think that Nemsis is as trashy as some make him. Sure he needs some buffs (faster tier up or a bigger reward for T3) but overall he has a good and fun power (I like dodging it, it is a bit like Demogorgon for me), Zombies are braindead as they come but tons of fun, his design is cool and I like his chase music.
Yes there are issues but there are clearly worse Killers right nox...just look at Trapper.
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Oh i agree they worded it awfully
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Probably people trying to get adept at this point or who genuinely love Resident Evil and the killer. I played him quite a bit - Love the killer thematically - But admittedly while the zombies are the coolest part about his power the tentacle is a little underwhelming and could use some touch ups. I don't even know what it could use because it's one of those weird things that if you overbuff it then there's no reason to M1. Nemesis is one of those killers that kind of treads that line at the moment imo.
Like I one tricked Nemesis for a while but that was just trying to get Adept with him. Once I got that I honestly would prefer just playing other killers. To me the main gimmick of Nemmy is the zombies not his actual power. No other reason I'd want to play him aside from the silly tracking he gets.
I mean I get it but is it a small gap that's super precise that he hits through or was it just the boards on the window were ignored entirely? To me if you hit through a small opening imo you should get the hit. Also I mean it's a tentacle that can move around it's not like it's a giant sword. In the DBD trailer the tentacle goes through a tiny hole in a brick wall and I in the main game (Remake) Nemmy sends it through the caged gate at the clocktower entrance. Not the best example but it does kind of make sense that it could go through an opening.
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I’m getting really friggin tired of the hyperbolic, bombastic way the word “nerf” is being thrown around lately.
There was no nErF here!!!
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Yeah pretty much if BHVR wasn't overly vague about things to where they have to clarify in a Twitter post the community wouldn't be misled half the time. How many times do you see the community get confused over a change just for BHVR to just clarify on a twitter post not even a day later?
Purely a communication issue - patch notes may as well have been read out like an addon
- Considerably reduced the chances for The Nemesis to use their power through some windows.
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That would probably be too oppressive on smaller maps, but I think 3 is a good number plus improved AI and pathing.
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He is one of my favorite killers to go against because he is so weak, but yeah he could use few buffs indeed
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I thought hitting through windows was like where his power was most effective
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Cash grabbing? Did i miss the part where dbd developers are making you buy the cosmetics? Do you need the cosmetics to play better?
If you can't afford the cosmetics i feel you, i really do but the cosmetics have always come out at these prices? Why complain now? To just add another thing to jump on the hate bandwagon? If more people were positive and just played the game and stopped this endless river of tears the game would be fine. I have played with some truly cool people recently. It was so refreshing and then i come back to the forum and it's nothing but negativity. I'm done with this forum. If you guys are this unhappy then maybe go outside and get some air? Just a thought. Stop trying to ruin the game for us players that don't find everything wrong with it Earth shattering or life altering.
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although I would argue that it is a bug, you do have a point, he does actually need some buffs to be decent
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are we playing the same killer? because I'd say the complete opposite
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I´m playing the one whose "power" consists in hitting survivors 3 times, before they are downed.
Which one are you playing?
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His whip through windows was what made him strong i thought tho, he can break loops...
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the one that can break off loops completely, whether there's a zombie blocking it or not, nemesis can break pallets quicker than any other killer, down survivors who aren't even near him, AND he doesn't always have to hit survivors 3 times, the zombies can infect survivors too
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Nemesis was literally able to hit two pallet spaces away through a window! That needed to stop. Thankfully BHVR didn't intend that.
Now it's time to get rid of his aura reading of zombies. They already help with infecting and damage, he shouldn't also base kit be able to see when a survivor is near them from across the map. No other killer has that much power with no effort or cost on the player's part at all. This should be an iridescent add-on, not a base power.
He should also be slower than normal speed killers. He has a ranged attack that hits past pallets (and can break them) and over junk/debris, he shouldn't be faster than Huntress and Trickster. He is also slow in the RE games, so him being that much faster than the survivors is NOT in line with who he is.
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So you play Billy with Lopro Chains? That explains, why you have a different experience.
Oh and its really hard to get downed by zombies. They are slow and easy to lose.
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No I don't lmao. Yeah they can be slow but in certain scenarios they can block off loops (I have footage if you really want it) and in indoor maps is where they are strongest.
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you have to play it strategically with the zombies
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Actually, Nemmy needs to tier up fast and he's a chase oriented killer, so no, he should be able to see zombie auras so he can spread the Contaminated status.
Zombies also don't help at all with damage lmao They're so easy to counterplay unless they are camping a gen. Even then, you can just lead them away and then lose LOS. Nemmy almost always has to zone you into a zombie AND you have to be not paying attention to get hit.
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Well I play both and I think he's fine and fun. WHat you got to say to that?
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He's good when you know when to and when not to throw knives.
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No. Believe it or not he wasn’t supposed to hit 20 feet through walls and pallets. Crazy huh?
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AKA get right up on someone and then throw knives, then aim for a M1?
Because that's the only way to really play Trickster. His knives worsen considerably in usefulness the further the Survivor is.
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Balance doesn't work that way. Just because something gets a nerf or a fix doesn't mean you get a buff to compensate for something that wasn't intended in the first place.
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No that's just like a huntress only using hatchets when they get right up on you. Just learn to aim and bring the add on that makes the decay less.
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Not what I said, maybe try reading next time honey