
Hi i haven't been playing dbd for a while because of the winter here, and now when i log in i notice that my jill outfit was refunded and deleted again.
Is this a rollback or something that was done globally? You guys really don't want me to buy skins.. lol
was it part of a jill one?
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The classic jill. I refunded and bought the full outfit again through a ticket a week ago or so.
And now i found that the outfit is deleted and the auric cells refunded again... What a bad way to promote sells right? its like they don't want me to buy skins lol.
Fun fact is that i was about to buy the legendaries and charge more aurics in my account before all the mess with the skins and because of that i didn't.
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Oh.. The recent update did that. it is bugged and randomly messing with shards etc.
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don't buy anything in this game, once the pockets are hit, they might start to listen to us
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They really are messing up the game this year.. One shouldn't have fear of buying a skin and think about loss it for bugs or something. I think ill wait until they completely fix this chapter before buying something again.
Well they already loss a sell with me. It may not mean a lot but i was going to buy the 4025 auric pack and instead of that i bought another game in the steam sales and im very happy with that.
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This happened to me as well, on launch day I bought the sets for Leon and Jill (minus the hair because Im not buying her default hair again you're out of your mind) before they became sets. Shortly after the bug fix where they killed mix and matched sets I lost both of those cosmetics and had them fully refunded to me.
I never submitted or asked for a refund however.
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Then this was what happened to me probably. And yeah i know selling the default head in the outfit was a greedy move from them. But it is that or not having the outfit with the change they did to skins.
But well now that i have been refunded again i think ill wait, maybe they release Ada as a legendary in the future, i just hope she doesn't look like crap like Claire legendary lol.
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Tbf they could have charged less considering the head is...literally the exact same.
But corporate greed go brrrrt