One Game

Respawn Member Posts: 60
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

Hey everyone, just wanted to to update people about console performance. I was able to successfully play ONE game as Leon on my Xbox one S, after the game I dumped blood points then switched to Dwight to get the crown. Ever since I try to play a non-licensed survivor i'm consistently hit with No Network Connection, Failed to initiate party, Sync Failure. all three of those I have reset the game, Reset my console - Now I am unable to play at all. every time I try to get into a lobby i'm disconnected all together. I know there is multiple posts about this. I' am hoping being specific will help to get it resolved at a quicker pace. I enjoy this game & the community I also understand how much the Devs & mods are working to fix and help us feel better. Much love cya in the fog..... I hope...

Edit Survivor have not even tried killer since update.