Who in gods name decided to make RPD the map for this chapter?

Like seriously, i just played on this map for the first time. It's like they saw the purposefully confusing map design of RCPD and thought
"P E R F E C T."
It is awful to play on both sides. Not only because the design is confusing, but because it encompasses every bad thing people don't want in a map. It's indoors, the map is massive, it has multiple stories, very narrow hallways, and is confusing as all hell.
They could have given us a map in the Raccoon city streets. Which frankly were way less confusing than the goddamn police department. But no, BHVR decided to go with the worst possible map without thinking of how to make the map work with DBD.
At least it’s on now I still need to play it
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I love the map. You don't know it yet, but within two weeks you will know its ins and outs just fine. :) Yes it is big. Yes it is a maze, but it isn't that difficult a maze. It also has good choke points and lots of good short cuts. Play it, learn it, and you will like it just fine. You can create a custom game and just walk around exploring it. That is what I did.
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Just played it for the first time and hated it more than midwich, and that's saying something.
Too confusing layout, too many rooms and could not find out how to get to one generator discordance popped on lol.
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The ironic thing is that this map may be the most static map in the entire game. The layout, to my knowledge, is always the same.
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You don't want to, trust me.
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Honestly the RPD is the most iconic spot in RE. If there were to be any map from the RE franchise, it would either be this or the mansion from RE1.
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The least they could have done is cleaned up the layout to make it a better experience for DBD.
What works for one franchise will not work for DBD. Especially as far as confusing resident evil map design goes.
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probaply the Resident Evil license holders.
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Unfortunately they seem to prioritize maps looking "cool" and "immersive" over actual gameplay. Indoor maps kind of suck for 95% of the playerbase because most casual players will never find a gen. And it sucks for 100% of the killer community because it's one of the biggest maps, along with being an indoor map, resulting in it taking too long to weave around a maze to get to the direct point you want to go.
Again, gameplay doesn't really matter. But I mean it's fine since it's an amazing map if we're talking actually replicating the RE map. It just.. again, isn't the kind of map that fits the games theme by virtue of being a terrible gameplay experience.
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They should have made it the RPD from RE2 1998 that one is more open and not as complex as the remake one
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I only got to play it twice before it was shut down. I really like how it looks but it really is difficult to navigate. Lots of tight corridors and also small rooms.
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Love it for the nostalgy because come on thats totally it
But yeah not suiting dbd at all
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I think it's great. Probably the best indoor map, due to it also having large open spaces. It's fairly unique compared to other DBD maps, and we need more unique maps. 80% of the maps are just a large open space with tile loops and a shack, in different colour pallets.
Every indoor map is 'confusing' at first but you learn the layout as you play.
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I literally hate this map and all my bp is going towards getting map offerings so i dont have to play on it.
Worst experience in the game.
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I highly doubt it was BHVR’s decision to choose the RPD for this licensed chapter but sure, go ahead and blame them anyway. That seems to be popular nowadays 🤷🏼♂️
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Game play is what you make of it. This map is 100% different from all the others. That shakes up the meta, and anything that does that is ok by me. Yes it is a maze; we learn mazes. Yes it is big; that makes it a different kind of challenge. Nothing worth doing comes easy. Of course it is going to take some time to get used to the map.
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Is it back online?
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Laughs in resident evil 2 speedruns
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omg gimme pls
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I take it you never played RE2 then?
This was the first time I played a new map and already knew 90% of it off by heart.
The map is awesome.
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I've always imagined that village to be the Twin's map if they ever got one lol.
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Map is good lol
We all are new on this map. We all do not know loop areas, generator areas, dead zones etc. We will learn when we play more.
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I want to. I guess they thought more DBD players would be familiar with the layout of RCPD. It is after all one the most iconic locations from all of video game history.
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I played it today for the first time in weeks (only played it once the first day) and it was against a rank 1 nurse using all ears bbq and nurses calling. Not a fun round. The map I’m sure would be fun to verse a lot of killers on, but not somebody like that, and definitely not before I know the map enough to find generators.
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Did they make it possible to go in a custom game alone?
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I hate the indoor maps. I hate Midwich the most, pallets are useless and getting to loops is hard going in and out of rooms. I played the new map earlier and escaped but the small hallways messed me up.
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They should probably chop it in half or something. Clearly its to big for the game to handle and everyone hates it. Chop it in half!
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I might be a little bias but I really appreciated the fact I was familiar with the layout from the map from playing resident evil 2.
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No but you can create a free secondary account and share DbD with it. Then log into both from different stations and create a custom game to walk around in with your alternate just standing there. Or if you really want, I'll be happy to help you look at it. Chances are you can find someone.
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well gl haddonfield still exists so will this map
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The map takes quite some time to get used to. I recently replayed RE2 and still get confused by the layout.
They honestly should make the map appear way more frequently since it was disabled for 2 weeks.
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Play the RE2 remake (no seriously, it's a 10/10 game just get it and play it) and the map is easy to understand.
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That's smart, but I don't have a second PC or console. My sense of orientation is very bad so I would need quite some time to get used to the map (Midwich still confused me and that map has been in the game for a year now) and I don't want to waste someone else's time.
It's very dissapointing to me that they haven't added an option to join a game alone in 5 years, I hoped that it would come with the bots, but sadly it didn't.
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Haven't played it since ptb, are there still the god pallets scattered around the hallways?
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Not just that, most of the Killers can barely use their powers there, it is a nightmare as Oni and Blight especially...
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I’ll have no problem understanding the layout of the map because I’ve put in a decent amount of hours into Resident Evil 2 but I feel for the people that haven’t played that game to understand the map.
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I finally got the map and I think it looks really cool. It played better than Badham tends to play. I like it's a confusing maze because it adds a little tension being unsure where you'll wind up at least for the time being. I'm interested in playing more of it with other killers now that I've seen it. The Ghosty we played with was nice enough to let us roam around so I refused escape and looked for another exit which I didn't find yet.
Thank you.