Trickster Buff?

I only ask you if the devs want to Buff Trickster? I really like him but in Red ranks he is really not that good :)
They already gave him a few buffs since his release, so likely not for awhile. BHVR tends to only touch killers after they release, then not touch them for months-even years. And then, after Updates, they don't get touched again for years.
Examples: Before his recent buffs, the last time Wraith got any sort of balance changes was when Spirit came out. Two years ago.
And, of course, poor Billy.
Unless you happen to be Blight, in which case you actually get a lot of updates.
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Those "buffs" barely did anything and he's still not viable in red ranks.
There is no reason to play him over huntress and deathslinger
he has no map pressure, no gen pressure and furthermore no lethality.
His average time to down someone is a minute plus. That's bad
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Yeah Billy true so sad for the good Boy
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Those buffs are laughable. He was considered one of the if not the worst killer and still was after the adjustments.
Everyone knew that he needed major improvements even in his ptb state and he still got little to nothing.
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Never said the buffs were good. Just that BHVR tends to touch a killer once after they come out, then never again for as long as they can.
Again, unless you're Blight.
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Yeah the sad part is that Trickster actually has a fun personality and feel when playing. He is fun to play as but just horrid against survivors that are even moderately decent at the game. The fact that he has to spend so much time throwing knives and landing multiple hits in a short time is just bad all around for the way this game is played. Why they felt this was a need to give him reduced stats just doesn't make sense.
I feel like the devs are just going to shelf this killer for a very long time, mostly because nobody plays as him, and he would likely need to be reworked as much as Freddy was when he was first released.
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Once again, buffs wouldn't change anything to the Trickster's problem. He is designed at its core to be a worse Huntress with extra steps and Main Event isn't a good payoff to justify his huge downsides. At "best", massive buffs could overtune him and then he would just overshadow Huntress.
What he need is a rework. It happened for Freddy and Legion. It can happen to Trickster. Its just not going to happen anytime Soon™.
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He is viable tbf since the average red rank isn’t good but those buffs definitely helped. It’s just he was so bad at first even big buffs only made him less bad
That lullaby makes no sense since deathslinger has none though
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So i paid a dlc for a Bad killer and it was a waste of Money?
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Almo said in his discord that he should have received changes for the RE chapter but they're delayed for next chapter
Edit: his lullaby was nerfed this chapter but those aren't the planned changes for him
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Why chapter? Can they not Buff or nerf killer with normal or mid chapter Updates?
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he's not viable at all.
people tell me he's viable and yet I'm getting bullied by every SWF in existence.
but when I play spirit the SWF don't bully me and are actually scared.
You can't tell me a killer is viable when not even green ranks are afraid of him
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"delayed for next chapter" so not even mid chapter.
So we going to have a weak trickster for MONTHS
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He’s viable but you do have to be good with him and have good perks to do well. Literally any killer is viable in red ranks as many people have shown
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They pushed it back? Geez... Wait, wouldn't it make more sense for the midchapter update instead of the whole next chapter?
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For them not Bc reasons xD
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Trickster requires a ton more skill than most of the killers, including Spirit.
Once MMR hits then Trickster probably won't be viable, but who knows.
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If I go against a trickster as a survivor, I know for the fact we are gonna escape all, or at worst 3.
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Currently I'd say he's in C tier. Still not good but I'm not sure how he'd be buffed
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I hope you're right. But I do belief they will buff him, since I'm sure he has the lowest or second lowest kill rate. I'm guessing they probably want to release a map for him, and they are planning on combining it with his buffs.
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Great next time Show a Screenshot with 4 rank 1 surv then i believe you
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+ and doesnt involve usb or increased throw speed add ons
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Viable is a very flexible word. To be viable, a Killer needs to be able to perform the base killer functions.
Is he viable? Overall, yes. All killers are viable. Is he viable against a strong team. Not really. He essentially has a limit of impact he can provide which is less than the results the survivors can push. Is he good? No.
As for buffs, I have started too many times the changes I would make. I doubt it will happen, however.
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Your one game where you got a 4k doesn't make up for the large majority of trickster stats.
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oh and make sure they are SWF too.
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pretty sure he meant chapter and not midchapter
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I hope not the next full chapter bc over 2 months until buffs is too long
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I'm pretty sure the Devs are going to buff Trickster. At the very least, he needs to be able to hold onto Main Event until a good opportunity for it comes up. That alone would help a lot. It'd also be nice if he didn't have a lullaby. It makes sense for Huntress to have one. You don't want surprise injuries/downs from 25m... but Trickster's knives do 1/8 or 1/7 of a health state (I guess also maybe 1/9 of one but why would you run memento blades?). Sure the first knife might be a surprise, but several more need to land before any damage happens.
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Yeah i 100% arbeitet with that point. I use Main Event maybe 1 time out of 5 games bc of that