Petition for hallowed blight event


I have not seen the new stream, but from what im reading, devs are allowing us to get only 1 outfit and others require money, I say make all outfits able to get through event,but, make the event items require auric cells after the event is over and the community will play the event longer and try to get the skins before the event is over


  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    ITs not only one outfit you get a max of three unlocks for anything. Keep in mind these cosmetics are extremely high quality and events usually will only give you 1 cosmetic this gives you 3.

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @Global said:
    ITs not only one outfit you get a max of three unlocks for anything. Keep in mind these cosmetics are extremely high quality and events usually will only give you 1 cosmetic this gives you 3.

    yes but its ridiculous, all im gonna say is devs...

  • elementira
    elementira Member Posts: 27
    edited October 2018

    @Global said:
    ITs not only one outfit you get a max of three unlocks for anything. Keep in mind these cosmetics are extremely high quality and events usually will only give you 1 cosmetic this gives you 3.

    2, last was kate's clothes and billy weapon.
    Before that if I remember correctly there was huntress mask and david clothes or feng min's new year clothes (can't remember actually)

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @elementira said:

    @Global said:
    ITs not only one outfit you get a max of three unlocks for anything. Keep in mind these cosmetics are extremely high quality and events usually will only give you 1 cosmetic this gives you 3.

    2, last was kate's clothes and billy weapon.
    Before that if I remember correctly there was huntress mask and david clothes or feng min's new year clothes (can't remember actually)

    my game bugged out and when i equipped his weapon and went back to him after the event I had the default melee and didnt have his weapon

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @Global said:
    ITs not only one outfit you get a max of three unlocks for anything. Keep in mind these cosmetics are extremely high quality and events usually will only give you 1 cosmetic this gives you 3.

    lol calling this "3" items when in any other game it's one item. Keep drinking the kool aid.

  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757

    The first ones free man...after that you gotta pay if you wanna play.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @alivebydeadight said:
    I have not seen the new stream, but from what im reading, devs are allowing us to get only 1 outfit and others require money, I say make all outfits able to get through event,but, make the event items require auric cells after the event is over and the community will play the event longer and try to get the skins before the event is over

    Exactly, this way you feel like you had a chance at least (even if you didnt because grind to extensive).
    It would be a clever way to make money and maybe they wouldve even made more money this way instead of caping the amount of outfits you can get via the event and upset players.

    Usually by making a cashgrab that obvious, you ruin your chance to get money from upset players that are actually willing to pay under other circumstances.
    Making a cashgrab obvious usually is a bad idea - marketing-wise.

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331
    edited October 2018

    @purebalance said:

    @Global said:
    ITs not only one outfit you get a max of three unlocks for anything. Keep in mind these cosmetics are extremely high quality and events usually will only give you 1 cosmetic this gives you 3.

    lol calling this "3" items when in any other game it's one item. Keep drinking the kool aid.

    What other game would you be talking about? Almost every game that has microtransactions breaks them down as much as possible. RB6 Siege will sell you a single gun skin or attachment, same with COD, BF, Destiny, you name it.

    Hell, Oblivion sold you a horse armor for God's sake!

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited October 2018

    @purebalance said:

    @Global said:
    ITs not only one outfit you get a max of three unlocks for anything. Keep in mind these cosmetics are extremely high quality and events usually will only give you 1 cosmetic this gives you 3.

    lol calling this "3" items when in any other game it's one item. Keep drinking the kool aid.

    Well even though I don't agree with how this is being done technically it is three items, you can chose for example three tops for three separate characters or one outfit which is still three separate items.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @twistedmonkey said:

    @purebalance said:

    @Global said:
    ITs not only one outfit you get a max of three unlocks for anything. Keep in mind these cosmetics are extremely high quality and events usually will only give you 1 cosmetic this gives you 3.

    lol calling this "3" items when in any other game it's one item. Keep drinking the kool aid.

    Well even though I don't agree with how this is being done technically it is three items, you can chose for example three tops for three separate characters or one outfit which is still three separate items.

    Which would look entirely ridiculous. That's like saying you're not getting just one box of wheat thins, you're getting 100 of them. Are you really getting 1 wheat thin? No.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @AgentTalon said:

    @purebalance said:

    @Global said:
    ITs not only one outfit you get a max of three unlocks for anything. Keep in mind these cosmetics are extremely high quality and events usually will only give you 1 cosmetic this gives you 3.

    lol calling this "3" items when in any other game it's one item. Keep drinking the kool aid.

    What other game would you be talking about? Almost every game that has microtransactions breaks them down as much as possible. RB6 Siege will sell you a single gun skin or attachment, same with COD, BF, Destiny, you name it.

    Hell, Oblivion sold you a horse armor for God's sake!

    I was saying in the same genre. Look at the other game they helped make and tell me why this is acceptable.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    @purebalance said:

    Which would look entirely ridiculous. That's like saying you're not getting just one box of wheat thins, you're getting 100 of them. Are you really getting 1 wheat thin? No.

    Not entirely true as the survivor top or pants for Claudette could go well with some of her other cosmetics.

    The legacy looking ones could maybe be viewed as different but that's subjective and even now the old legacy were a few parts to each set its how it has always been.

  • Lonefox64
    Lonefox64 Member Posts: 132
    I think it blows they should at least let us grind for them. Its like them asking another 60 bucks when thats more than the game costs just for aome halloween skins, the devs really ######### the bed with this one guys.
  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141
    You could protest their decision by you know.. Not buying the cosmetics.  Guarantee people still pay up for a lot of them so.  Absolute win for Behaviour, complaints or not.  
  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @Skerpinator said:
    An event should be a fulfillment experience, beeing able to buy the same skins without having to grind or participate in the event neglects the whole idea of that event really. Players these days, and not only dbd, they need to seperate themself in order to have a sense of achievement. For some players it's skins, for others it's leaderboards, knowing that someone can achieve(buyiing) the same skin as you is basicly a different kind of pay 2 win. Players wanna experience a winning feeling, and grinding a skin that not alot players have can certainly give you that feeling. Even tho alot of ppl are dissapointed, including myself, they are still gonna play but with a mixed feeling knowing it couldve been better.

    exactly how buying a skin is pay to win. The skin doesn't do anything to how you play the game.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    Kek. The event starts in less than 24 hours ######### do you think a petition would do.  :p
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068
    edited October 2018

    It's not pay to win if the person buying it doesn't have the time or can't make the event due to vacation or family emergency etc. If everyone is so consumed over a pixel on a screen then you've got way more issues since if you've ever bought anything in an online game you're being a HYPOCRITE !!!!

    So how many of you complaining about this being pay to win over a cosmetic item that does nothing to help you win in any shape form or fashion has ever bought any type of DLC or purchasable in game item? If you've bought any item whether it be a cosmetic or something that gives you an edge you're a HYPOCRITE.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    @powerbats said:

    Seriously, the entitlement today do you all not realize that you're going to get with a little time 3 FREE COSMETICS? I mean they spent time and effort on making this stuff for an event they didn't have to do and you're going to complain that you can only get 3 FREE things.

    Oh sure lets have them work for nothing making stuff for us to earn for free and don't bring in extra money to help support them to hire more people. I mean it's not like the hiring they've done since they implemented the store hasn't helped them push out stuff faster.

    You are missing the boat completely on the people with "legitimate" complaints. Like myself.

    I don't want 1 easy cosmetic...

    I wanted to play a bunch... and have the "chance" to earn them. By ridiculous grind.

    We can get 1 free with minimal grind. OKay cool.

    I wanted to play crazy for the halloween season... and be able to possibly get 2 or 3... or maybe 4 of them with extreme grind.

    They should add a 2nd cosmetic grindable with 70 additional vials.

    I'm being reasonable... and most of us are too.

    They can lock the rest behind a paywall. I get it. But letting 3/21 pieces to everyone and the rest locked away for 4 bucks each is horrible.

    They need long term stretch rewards, and this event was a great time to do it. Let people try to grind out some of this with crazy vial counts... and then... if they don't get them, they'll probably just buy anyways.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Dwight_Confusion said:

    @powerbats said:

    Seriously, the entitlement today do you all not realize that you're going to get with a little time 3 FREE COSMETICS? I mean they spent time and effort on making this stuff for an event they didn't have to do and you're going to complain that you can only get 3 FREE things.

    Oh sure lets have them work for nothing making stuff for us to earn for free and don't bring in extra money to help support them to hire more people. I mean it's not like the hiring they've done since they implemented the store hasn't helped them push out stuff faster.

    You are missing the boat completely on the people with "legitimate" complaints. Like myself.

    I don't want 1 easy cosmetic...

    I wanted to play a bunch... and have the "chance" to earn them. By ridiculous grind.

    We can get 1 free with minimal grind. OKay cool.

    I wanted to play crazy for the halloween season... and be able to possibly get 2 or 3... or maybe 4 of them with extreme grind.

    They should add a 2nd cosmetic grindable with 70 additional vials.

    I'm being reasonable... and most of us are too.

    They can lock the rest behind a paywall. I get it. But letting 3/21 pieces to everyone and the rest locked away for 4 bucks each is horrible.

    They need long term stretch rewards, and this event was a great time to do it. Let people try to grind out some of this with crazy vial counts... and then... if they don't get them, they'll probably just buy anyways.

    I get it completely but you and the rest are missing the point, past event got you 1 yes ONE cosmetic and now you get a chance at 3 cosmetics and you're complaining you can't have more. You can grind for the extra 2 but what you're really complaining about is you want more.

    You can either get 3 different cosmetics or 1 complete outfit but seriously you're complaining about something that's free and 3 of them at that. All you and everyone else complaining is ensuring is that they won't do something like this again or if they do it'll be limited.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    It's 3/21 kiddo

    Get it straight.

    Yeah its more than before, but its a small amount for the grand total.

    I do not think they should make it all free dude. You're insane.

    I'm saying they need to give this event more longevity. It's 13 days.

    Give us the chance to get another 3 pieces by doing a long grind? Why not?

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    It's 3/21 kiddo

    Get it straight.

    Yeah its more than before, but its a small amount for the grand total.

    I do not think they should make it all free dude. You're insane.

    I'm saying they need to give this event more longevity. It's 13 days.

    Give us the chance to get another 3 pieces by doing a long grind? Why not?

    Because if they would've said 6 pieces, you would've all complained it's not 9. You don't understand. Not everyone is going to be happy.

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @Skerpinator said:

    @Zanfer said:

    @Skerpinator said:
    An event should be a fulfillment experience, beeing able to buy the same skins without having to grind or participate in the event neglects the whole idea of that event really. Players these days, and not only dbd, they need to seperate themself in order to have a sense of achievement. For some players it's skins, for others it's leaderboards, knowing that someone can achieve(buyiing) the same skin as you is basicly a different kind of pay 2 win. Players wanna experience a winning feeling, and grinding a skin that not alot players have can certainly give you that feeling. Even tho alot of ppl are dissapointed, including myself, they are still gonna play but with a mixed feeling knowing it couldve been better.

    exactly how buying a skin is pay to win. The skin doesn't do anything to how you play the game.

    Not gonan typ again just copy this

    knowing that someone can achieve(buyiing) the same skin as you is basicly a different kind of pay 2 win. Players wanna experience a winning feeling, and grinding a skin that not alot players have can certainly give you that feeling

    How do you even know that people have that skin or not. If people can buy the skin than many people can have the skin. Your logic doesn't make sense there. No win aspect just because you get a skin

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    I would love the community to be critical of bad moves. Seems they only generally care about number changes to help balance out. Sad our community is not as good as for honour community. That community stood against paywalls and the ridiculous grind. But this community talks like ubisoft trying to get away with it. So think a petition would only happen in a prideful consumer community.
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    The devs are being plenty generous giving us 3 free skins.
  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    I don't see why we shouldn't be able to grind for them all seeing as we'd only have a limited time to do so and it's not like the skins are going anywhere as they will always be on sale. So it's not like they'd be unable to make any money from them.

    It's like that time the Fog Travelers sets were temporarily available for Shards. You could grind for them all (in theory) before they went back to being AC only.

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    Did I start a war?