Why developers support toxic gameplay?

Every, single, year... Anniversary comes up, players are excited, and devs as usuall assure everyone this will be most frustrating experience in whole year. :/
For example - cakes. Cool idea. Cannot this be flat 500% Bonus for every player? Or better yet, lets make healthy gameplay with that - Killer will get 25% bonus for every not tuneled hook + 25% for not tuneled kill + 100% if killed all - long, cool games without tunel or slugging - 500% if done right. And Survivors should get 75% bonus for every gen they end + 50% for every escape - also 500% bonus. Basically promote healthy gameplay and long games, simple changes, fun times.
Crowns? Killer can just play game without DC and he will have it. Survivors must play full game and escape. Why? Why cant Surv just play game normally, and dead or not without DC, secure crown?
Same with Challenges in Tomes - every, singe challenge with "do this in one game" description is toxic for gameplay. Guess how i did my 4 hooks in basement in one game, or 4 stuns in one game... Yeah, i didnt care about normal game at all - Bubba camp (of course several games before i finally did it), and running around like moron at beginning of game wasting all pellets i can. Same with achievements - 3 teleports with nurse? Impossible in normal game, same with fix last gen and escape thru gate.
Also farming... I dont know how about you, but i play the game to have fun and... well... play the game. Playing the game is fun for me. I know, strange concept. But i dont have fun while farming and wasting half hour doing nothing, because there was 5xcakes in play. :/
And its even hard to blame players. Game is designed to support toxic gameplay - bloodpoints support that, challenges, even anniversary event. Devs could change that with few simple tweaks, just like i wrote here, but every year is the same...
And i dont understand, why? Why devs support toxic gameplay in this game? :/
There’s no way to avoid toxic people. Psychologically killer players and survivor are very different. Survivors tend to be more Casual and team focused where as killers enjoy feeling powerful and ruining the game for everyone. So as far as avoiding toxicity, it’s nearly impossible to do.
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Yes, you cannot avoid it, but you can not support it. Thats my point - developers support toxic gameplay. And i dont understand why, evan i can do this better without too much thinking. :/
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agree. 100% troll posts to trash killers. Maybe they would have more fun playing against bots with crappy AI who let them escape every game
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Hardly true at all. I play killer as a public service because queue times for survivors are very long. I'm just trying to help out, survivor is way more fun.
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I swear, any post involving anecdotes of killers being gracious, fair, or human beings as opposed to evil lizard people is literally invisible to you.
Power-tripping players exist on both sides. If you played killer at all, you would understand that a.) some killers are perfectly chill and b.) some survivors are horrific sweats whose goal in the game is to tilt the killer as much as possible. Assuming one side are casual innocents and one side is nasty and evil... really blatantly lacks perspective and is a profoundly unhealthy viewpoint besides. Earlier today you said that the purpose of the killer role is to ruin the game for survivors, but this game would look pretty damn boring without a killer - unless games with AFK killers are your favorites?
I personally enjoy playing killer more than survivor because I have the power to make the game fun for everyone. I can give good chases, spread out my hooks, and then chill out at the end, and reap the rewards of a happy team. I'll get ######### on occasionally by a strong team, or profoundly BMed by a nasty one, but if you're frustrated with the inability to control the flow of the match as survivor, you should really give killer a try. Be the change you want to see and all that. (And maybe, while you're at it, realize that playing killer by the survivor rulebook is not nearly as effortless as you preach it is.)
To the OP, I don't entirely agree on some issues raised - I don't really think camping, tunneling, and slugging are toxic by themselves, only in context (facecamping at 5 gens is scummy, tunneling at 2 gens left isn't), and I'm alright with the devs' stance that they're allowed, just not winning strategies on their own, and letting that be the discouragement. But I totally agree that they've exacerbated issues unnecessarily by creating incentives to do these things. Survivors needing to escape with the crowns is incredibly obnoxious on solo queue, doubly so when games are full of survivors that are just running around looking for crowns instead of doing gens. I'm finding myself way more frustrated playing survivor than usual because I typically didn't care about escaping, only playing well - and now everything hinges on escaping and I'm getting mad over games I wouldn't have cared about before. And tome challenges are full of challenges telling killers to slug for the 4k, or set up always-popular basement builds, or bring NOED and afk all game, and telling survivors to throw the match by performing an action with an obscure perk, or hiding next to the killer for a minute, or getting 4 unhooks in one game, or pointing at the killer while they're running towards you. There isn't enough time in a match for survivors to screw around, which rifts encourage, and players will happily throw each other under the bus if it means getting their rift challenge done.
(And then there's the Myers achievement, which tells the killer to go create the most boring game possible, for as many times as it takes until it works and nobody rage-DCs at the last second.)
I'm cool with giving bonus points to killers for not tunneling or camping... I assume that the check wants it so that survivors aren't hooked consecutively/the killer didn't trigger the 'proximity to hooked survivor' score event. But that's as far as I'll go. The problem with making it impossible to tunnel or camp, beyond the scenario where the killer has to do one of those things to salvage the game, is that skilled survivors will abuse it. You saw this with old DS; survivors that have protection will use it offensively and block the killer from going after other players.
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Your post dont make any sense. If killer kill everyone before 5 gens, game will end even faster. But anyway...
Survivors JOB is to do gens and escape. Killer JOB is to kill everyone. So about you are talking aobut anyway?
Game should award that in a healthy way, thats my point. 5 gens and 4 gate escape = max bonus, 12 untunelled hooks and 4 kills = max bonus. Simple, both ways - maximum lenght of games.
I mean... Game should award survivors for what IYO? Getting hooked? Sitting around doing nothing? Come on.... And if you think tunneled is required for killer to "keep up", you are bad killer. Maybe thats the problem here.
I didnt mean tuneling, camping etc. was toxic or bad (unpleasant and iritating, if you ask me). Developers supporting this with challenges, anniversary events and overall gameplay are doing bad thing tho. Game should reward healthy gameplay more than anything - 12 untunneled hooks + 4 kills / 5 gens + 4 escapes thru gate - longest games, healthy gameplay.
Game should also not reward slugging. Hooking at 95% health, full points. Beyond that, every 1% health less should also mean -1% bloodpoints for hooking. So if you slug to death, you will get 5% points. Except last player. I had several games, when killer slug me to death as last player. This should be straight -1 pip or slugged last player should be allowed to DC without penalty. :/
Anyway, game could reward players for playing best, longest games. Key word - Reward, not punish or ban. Tunneling, camping or whatever should be allowed. Im fine with that.
Points should be equally shared. Killer can have 32000 for perfect game, survivors also should have that. It is not less stressful when you can only hide&run, and survs also have hard games. Dunno why devs forget that.
Also, im writing here only about BP rewards, nothing more. More BP as a sign how to play and get most of blood points, simple as that. Camp? Less points. Hatch? Less points. Is it allowed? Sure, do whatever, sometimes you have no choice, but just like Olimpics - you will get gold medal only if you run from start to finish, not when you get shortcut thru hatch or camp whole event close to finish line, right? ;)
So, normal games like now, 32000 points for any player at best. And on top of that performance bonus max 500% rewarding healthy gameplay. This would also resolve so many problems about endless grind...
Also devs should update achievements and remove toxic "do this in one game" from all challenges.
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yeah at this point its obvious he's just trying to start #########
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Glued to gens, huh? It is hard to take you seriously now Mr. "Very Good Killer". :) Anyway, dont do offtopic. I dont care how badly you play as killer. If you have nothing to say then, silence is good option for you. Bye.