Does this Perk Idea sound OP?

D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 428

I can't really think of a good name for it.

When the killer breaks a pallet or a wall, you can collect the remains. Hide in a locker to activate the perk. Scavenging for the pallet and/or wall remains allow you to craft a "Breakable Barricade". It can take form of both a breakable wall or a pallet. You can place it almost anywhere, but it has to be either a doorway or an area where pallets usually spawn. And you can pick it up after already placing it. (To prevent trolling, of course.)

You need to scavenge TWO parts to be able to craft a barricade. (There ain't a whole lot of pallets.) Press the ability button, and you now have a barricade. For a killer, to destroy the barricade, it takes an extra 5/7/10 seconds. The perk has a cool down of 60/50/40 seconds after successfully crafting a breakable barricade.

I'd like for them to add something like this, however I'm not sure if they'd be wanting to do so.
