So I decided to play Huntress

DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495
edited July 2021 in General Discussions

After an entire day of playing Trickster and losing. Haha... (I did managed to get a 3k though. So I feel proud.) I figured I'd sit down and play a more relaxing killer. A killer I haven't touched in a long time.

Which was Huntress, and oh my lord it was a blast. So, her addon rework is an interesting topic. I personally feel as if they hit the nail on the head with this one.


For those who don't play too much Huntress now and days, she has a very rare addon that allows you to hide your Terror radius for 15 seconds when you restock at a locker.

Here's proof in case you don't believe me. Also, I've tested this addon with a friend of mine. Yeah. She still has a lullaby. If you don't believe me. I will gladly send you a recording in the comment.

Anyway. I feel as if I'm trailing off.

Despite.. that meme addon, she's a rather relaxing killer with decent addons, something that feels missing. There are only a handful of killers that just haves this immediate relaxing aura when you play with good addons as well. It's nice.

But, don't take that as a " Oh, so she's easy to play as immediately" she isn't, she takes time to master. Not as long as Nurse, but will still take some dedication.

Now, if we're talking about hitting survivors across the map, then that takes serious practice, with a handful of luck or the perk Lethal Pursuer.

But, by herself she feels so good. I love using her in a chase and ending real quick. Plus, with her and deathslinger, Lithe and Sprint burst are just pointless perks.

I have played as her in the past and I'm still learning with her. On occasion I get two kills and two escapes, which is fine. But, I'm nowhere near perfect or good. I'm just playing her rather casually and it's awesome.

I'd definitely recommend using her if you're in the market for a new killer to main and this is coming from a console player who's suffering through a few lag spikes. She's fantastic.

Do you have any killers you would recommend me to try out?

Edit: Alright. This topic got out of hand fast. I made statement. A statement solely based on an opinion from someone who refuses to allow Huntress to get close to me, effectively making this addon pointless. I thought there were more people who also do the same, but I guess I was wrong. However, the comments to devolved into high criticism towards a developer. Not normal criticism, but stuff like "your decisions hurt the game." Calm down, now it's not even about this topic, it's starting to go to about the Huntress Lullaby nerf. Nothing about this

Post edited by DwarvenTavern on


  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    I decided that's alright.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    You didn't mention the hatred you're going to garner from survivors who cry over 'but the hatchet hitboxes!'

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171
    edited July 2021

    People only focus on lullaby's they don't realize that good survivors don't care about the lullaby and will continue on a gen until the TR comes into play. This add-on can really do some damage to those types but the majority of the player base that's thinks if the killer hits them they die IRL and run soon as they hear lullaby, TR, or have SC/SB let's say not so much.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    In the no terror radius department it very much does it's job. But, we all know Huntress and fear Huntress. Personally for me, the moment I hear the lullaby, I head for the hills and hide. She's one of the few killers I refuse to wait for them to get closer, a god tier Huntress can shutdown a person instantly.

  • Almo
    Almo Member Posts: 1,123
    edited July 2021

    No, that was completely not what happened. I know people like to think that, but I can't get adjustments to things past the Lead Designer if I don't have valid justifications for them. I don't just get to change whatever I want. :) That perk's effect was changed only to affect certain skill checks as a means of normalizing the design and making it more maintainable. If it affected every skill check, then in the future every time we add a skill check effect to something, we have to worry about how that perk would affect it.

    And if I recall correctly (this was quite a while ago now), that change would not have made any difference to that string of (however many) checks I missed since those were generator repair checks. I would still have missed them after the update. :D

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I'm pretty sure her Lullaby gets louder the closer she is to you,right?

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    It stops getting closer at 20m, which is when her TR kicks in. I got gen yoinked by a Huntress with Wooden Fox once because I heard the lullaby without the TR and thought she was (still) chasing someone in a nearby building, and kept my camera on the two exits. Nope, she was coming up behind me.

    Wooden Fox creates the illusion that you're nearby but not getting any closer. It's a pretty situational addon, and obviously she can't use Undetectable to the same extent virtually anyone else can, but it's not quite as terrible as people make it out to be.

  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

    Hey almo sorry to highjack a thread with an unrelated question, but do you have any news about the client stuttering issue the consoles have been plagued with ? We are dealing with so much frustration at the moment just trying to take advantage of the event we can't do anything without the game locking up on and we have had very little information or acknowledgment it would mean a lot to those of us struggling if we could get any insight.

    Please don't ban me asking xox

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    Yes but only up to a certain point, then it's constant

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336

    This is just theory crafting because I've not bothered with the addons but I have a question about a scenario or what I imagine happens.

    So Huntress is a 110 killer and there is only 15 seconds to get close to a survivor right? In most cases wouldn't you be apparently obvious where you were before reloading if you're that close to use the addon in the first place? Also lockers / reloading isn't silent either in fact lockers are quite loud.

    What I mean is though - For a survivor to not realize you were that close wouldn't you have to be 20 meters away so they weren't in the TR in the first place? Would you even be able to properly sneak up on a survivor using this addon where it wouldn't have just been a coincidence? Also within that distance and time restriction?

    I suppose I'd need to see it in action but I've never seen the point of this addon. If the lullaby became global along with a silent TR similar to Spirit's addon that makes the whirrrr global during phase I could maybe see more use of it personally but that's just me.

    Maybe you have a few vods you'd recommend to show off this addon being used? I've genuinely never seen it in play although would like to see it utilized properly.

    Either way thank you for the POV / take on this addon.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    ... how? I don't play around with the range killers. If I hear it get louder, I run and wait until I know it's safe.

    They mess you up ridiculously fast, why play around with them?

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    Exactly. You're not the only one who had this thought. It doesn't make sense.

    15 seconds isn’t a lot, even with the ultra rare addon.

    Now. There's a few ways you could possibly speed this up, one is meta for her. Iron maiden that just cuts down 50% of the animation for her and the other is weird. That's play with your food. Let's say, hypothetically... you ran out of hatches and just played around with your obsession so you now can move at 125%

    Maybe then you could get some extra mileage with this, but that's so oddly specific and you'd probably only get it to work the one time.

    And if you respected range killers and left the moment you heard the lullaby get suspiciously louder at 20 meters, you'd get out of there.

    This doesn't seem to make sense

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    When I hear Deathslinger's TR, sure, I'm gone. (Trickster, I'm just not that afraid of.) But the Huntress's lullaby is too large for it to be feasible for me to pack up and leave whenever I hear it. When I hear it, I monitor my surroundings, but I'm not ready to commit to leaving immediately. Basically, she had been looping someone in Badham main building and I assumed that was still going on, so while I couldn't actually see her, I felt safe enough to keep working on my gen because her getting out of the building involved geometry that would make her approach take long enough to give me ample warning to leave. Instead she must have reloaded, left through the back door that I couldn't see, and then snuck along the outer side of the fence to get me.

    Pretty much I took for granted the fact that nobody would ever use Undetectable on Huntress, which is something most players will operate off of.

    The addon is still pretty bad, but it's not useless; it creates a 20m radius where nobody knows where you are for 15 seconds. That's a small area and survivors are already going to be alert in it, 15 seconds isn't long enough to do much, you're still perfectly visible, and obviously the lullaby destroys any pretense of true stealth. Do I think it was a good idea for a Huntress addon? No. Are there situations where it actually does something? Yes.

  • Peppa_Pigsaw
    Peppa_Pigsaw Member Posts: 246
    edited July 2021

    "One day Huntress Lullaby is not going to effect every skill check."

    No, I'm sorry you remember incorrectly. You were not working on a generator, you were trying to snap out of it and then subsequently missed multiple madness skill checks. After missing one and then dropping a pallet, you then proceeded to make the above statement. Furthermore your claim afterwards that if we read the description for Huntress Lullaby it was only supposed to effect healing and gen repair skill checks. Which is ALSO not true, considering in the current version of the game the perk still reads as follows.

    "A Hex rooting its power in despair.

    Your hunt is an irresistible song of dread which muddles your prey's attention.

    Survivors receive a 2/4/6 % Regression penalty on Failed Skill Checks.

     for Repair and Healing actions.

    Hex: Huntress Lullaby grows in power each time you hook a Survivor, gaining 1 Token, and affecting Repair and Healing Skill Checks:

    • 1 Token: shortens the time between the Warning sound and the Skill Check by -14 %.
    • 2 Tokens: shortens the time between the Warning sound and the Skill Check by -28 %.
    • 3 Tokens: shortens the time between the Warning sound and the Skill Check by -42 %.
    • 4 Tokens: shortens the time between the Warning sound and the Skill Check by -56 %.
    • 5 Tokens: disables the Warning sound.

    The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing."

    While this may be true in the current sense of the game, the previous versions of this perk in the game BEFORE this change did not list that.

    Meaning not only was that statement completely wrong, your statement here regarding the change I also find to be...completely and utterly wrong. Furthermore if memory serves, saying that worrying about killer's having powers that revolve around skill checks I find to be rather comical. Considering as memory serves, Lullaby never effected Pig's Jigsaw boxes, even before the change. Even if I am mistaken, that statement is a pretty poor example of Game Design. Perks in the game that allow killer's unique synergy regarding their powers and the players that use them promotes creative gameplay.

    Franklin's was changed because you were not able to change it to where it didn't effect vaccines. Think about it, if the recent Franklin's change hadn't been made, Nemesis players could use one of their 4 perk slots in order to achieve something creative regarding how their power effects the survivors and their environment. Survivor's aware of a Nemesis could have simply left the vaccine in the box, or used it immediately. Such a thing would promote player choice.

    But I'm getting off topic, the point is, as a "Lead Designer" which we have seen time and time again, many of the decisions you allow to go through in the game directly hurts the game's health because you as the developer do not even understand how this game functions.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    I can understand your points for Deathslinger and Trickster.

    But this is where we differ. Yeah. Her terror radius is deceptionally big, that's one of the reasons why I give her the respect she needs and kinda wait and see what she's doing. I hate letting her get too close so I refuse to play around with her, when I hear the lullaby get louder, I wait and see what's up.

  • Almo
    Almo Member Posts: 1,123

    If it does, it shouldn't. We've been working on removing perks affecting skill checks related to powers, for the same reason we didn't want Huntress Lullaby affecting anything but healing and repairing checks. It just gets to be impossible to maintain.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,955

    I can personally attest that a huntress with no actual TR can scare the solids out of me.