I am legitimately happy at this new addition

"Now, a tutorial is great and all, but it doesn’t quite compare to hands on experience. Before you jump into an online match, you can now practice in offline bot matches. This will let you try out everything you’ve learned in a real-world scenario without the stress of other people watching. Bot matches are already available on the live version of the game (click the Getting Started button on the main menu to check them out). "
I've been wanting this for so long. Practicing against players that are far more experienced than yourself does not make for good learning tool, especially when you're getting stomped repeatedly. Not only do I look forward to practicing with Killers I don't normally play as, but hopefully these offline bot matches will make available all perks like what you can already experiment with in custom matches.
I hope they mean "adding an offline mode" where you can play every Killer you want, with every Perk and Add-on you want. If they just meant the offline bot match which already exists, it's nothing new. I really hope they'll add an complete offline mode.
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Sorry - I just wanted to make sure whether this refers to new changes? As your second paragraph seems to imply that we can use any killer in the tutorial?
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The first paragraph is just a copy and paste from the developer update. The second paragraph is my own personal hopes.
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And really what better way to help detox from a real sweaty toxic online match then by hopping into a game with bots? LOL
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Or tombstone the bot's a***s match after match.
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There are so many builds I want to try but I've never had the necessary amount of friends that play this game to try it out. And naturally when I try it in an online match it goes all to hell. I can't believe it's taken 5 years to get something like this, but I guess better late than never.
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If it gives blood points, I would love it to play killers I am bad at such as my acutie angle, Triangel of Death, with his cute little bubble butt. These survivors be exposing me, but a bot? Good luck, cuh.
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Actually the mobile game already does that for their mode with bots. It only gives you a fraction of the total amount of blood points and experience you would otherwise get in an online match, but it still gives you something. Now obviously it would be great if the same thing were to apply here, but the fact that we're finally getting it at all is a small miracle!
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Getting this sweet sweet mixtape value lol
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I think best way to make offline matches is rework KYF. So you could add bots to the match if you don't have enough friends. Or add all 4 bots to practice alone.
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Nothing would make me happier than to be able to play vs bots and destroy them after having a bad match. Put those ######### bots in their place.
I really hope they make a good offline mode.
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Or honestly just as a warm up match before you get started on a session. But yeah, it would be even more nice if you could do daily missions in it, such as trapping 3 people. Would be a lot better than forcing me to camp hooks to... persuade... people into my traps.
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Same. You can't really call it "hands on experience" if it's just a copy and paste of the turtorial version.