Can this one thing be removed from Spirit?
What’s spine chill going to tell you when she is just standing there?
that she is looking at you?
you still don’t know what she is going to do even if she is short phasing she is still looking at you.
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Because you shouldn't have to nerf every ######### Killer thing that we have.
Like ######### man, Leave her the ######### alone. pissin' me off that EVERYONE and their mother wants her nerfed to high heaven.
Go play spirit against 4 Good survivors. she still won't win,
and if Nurse can't win either, then no killer needs a nerf. period
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Those aren't good reasons to have her not nerfed. The majority of this game are casual play where this game isn't grossly unbalanced. A Spirit who will likely run Stridor with the other good perks and strong add-ons. Will beat good survivors in the casual setting. So please answer, why would giving her an indication she is phasing totally ruin her when she still as many things going for her?
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If you deafen her. she'll resort to predator.
If you make her phasing sounds have that groaning sound. you'll juke her easily.
If you make her have the no passive phasing. she'll be a weaker mindgaming killer,
You can't nerf one of her aspects Without damaging her completely...
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1. That was a comp game
2. Your entire point is "get good"
3. What does spirit have to do with blight?
The point is that for how strong she is she is way too easy to play. Standing still as a mindgame with the counter literally being luck should not be in this game.
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But, with aspect of knowing she is phasing we still won't see she where she is phasing to so she will have her strength of survivors not knowing where she is at all times. As well, will still have her add-ons, (giving her mobility and better 1v1), still not have any map weakness, still have the godly synergy with Stridor(which most run like how most Trappers bring Corrupt, and Onis infectious). As well with other perks like Sloppy or Ruin and many more.
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I think this idea might work. Consider she's faster in traveling long distance, but leave survivors some time to react.
Blue row is Survivor, Red row is Spirit. Each square means 1 meter. Survivor moves 4 square per sec, while Spirit moves 7 squares.
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I´m very tired of tryhard spirits on Solo Q. Last game even she proxy-camped and tunneled.
I won´t play more against Spirits. I´ll just chase her and suicide on hook, or dc if she slugs me. I´m rank 4 but I don´t mind go to rank 20. I´m so tired of this hell of solo Q where u can´t handle these abusive tryharders.
Spirit players want 4k with no ability, right? I´m just accelerating the process.
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Could a possibility of making her slightly weaker be:
a) Having the phase sound audiable whenever she is in phase, no matter how far she is from you, and make it directional
b) When in phase, have the sounds around her have a mini echo effect, which acts a little like a mini survivor terror radius of maybe 4 metres. So, even with Stridor she'll know she's in the right place, but may not always know exactly where the survivor is positioned.
That way, survivors can hear the phase, and Spirit can still use visual and audio clues, although it's not as accurate and could result in misses.
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Simple my friend. You move out her sight and if spine no longer activates, you just keep running.
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Problem is, If she identifies that your using spine chill she can use that perk against you.
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As a Spirit main I don't even try hard. Reason why it seems like that is because survivors run obvious pathing, which is B-Lining to nearest pallet or window. This is why I say survivors are the problem and not spirit
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If you are constantly giving spirit free hits by vaulting into her the problem isn't the fact she can stand still.
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The problem is when you have no idea whether she's there or not.
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Gotta speak a little louder. People don't see that nerfing anything about her, ruins her kit or makes her too damn brain dead to play against
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Imagine your walking down the sidewalk barefooted. You see a bunch a coals covering the path but you know if they are hot or cold. Are you gonna continue walking through the coals?
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If I know they're cold I will continue.
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Even hot coals can be appear to be cold.
Point that I'm trying to get at is weather you know if coals are hot or cold are you still gonna walk on them? Because I'm not. So why vault or walk back towards Spirit if you don't know if she's phasing?
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Delete the character. Simple kekw
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I had an idea that when she completes charging her power and starts to phase her husk's hair loses it floating properties. You see a spirit standing still then suddenly her hair just drops. It would be a tell and be intense in a horror aspect.
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Did you even read what OP said?
they arnt talking about general play, they are talking about the situation at a pallet when spirit is just standing there and you don't know when she is phasing.
by this answer you obviously didn't read or more likely didn't understand it.
you cant just move out her sight in that situation
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That's like hindering blight's ability to turn. doin' a billy nerf towards him...
And look what happened to billy. got nerfed and never got fixed again,
Not everyone is a god spirit in public games dude.
You don't just load in and "Oop. we're facing Oracle's Spirit. we lost. gg"
No. that's idiotic, Blight has alot of poko's on his side but people don't talk about that,
Just like with the J-flick nerf. it wasn't needed to be nerfed as it was already counterable,
Like i said. takin' that away shouldn't be a thing, this is Literally a "Git gud" moment, just like how people complained about wraith's lunge,
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Cause people just don't play killer in general.
about like 30% of the playerbase plays killer.. and 70% in survivor,
half the time. the nerfs are uncalled for on certain killers. includin' this one
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Because if I don't she'll appear right on me and down me because I didn't know if she was phasing or not forcing people into an unenjoyable gamble.
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Dude this one is justified this won't butcher her like Hillbilly was. She'll still have Stridor, still have a strong 1v1, still have the option to become a mobility killer with add-ons, and still have strong perks that go well with her. This will simply eliminate an unskillful move that requires no effort and forces the survivor into a lucky gamble which isn't enjoyable.
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Like standing still takes effort. Spirit does take skill I know that you need to anticipate Iron Will, Grass moving, and footsteps, and other things this one aspect removed won't ruin her she'll still be one of the strongest.
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Actually it will because it harms her kit
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Yes it is a nerf. But she will still have much going for her that she won't suddenly become an awful killer.
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This and the Stridor/no Iron Will issue. I'm sick of Stridor users to get ez downs as well as the ez evade with Iron Will. Iron Will and Stridor would need to be adjusted of cause. You could change that Spirit can't hear injured sounds while phasing, but normal breathing remains, so there is still a possibility to track someone. So with Iron will you would not be completely silent, but you would just breath normally like when being healthy. Stridor would still affect the normal breathing as well as the injured sounds, but since injured sounds would no longer be audible, it would be more fair imo.
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While I agree that she shouldn't be able to stand still the problem is there is no way to remove it without defeating the purpose of her kit. The purpose of Spirit's kit is to trick survivor's and leave them guessing. Standing still is one of the few tricks that BHVR intended on her having. IF you take away her abiliity to stand still you are defeating the purpose of her kit because she has to stand still to phase.
It's like wanting a Cheese Burger, but you don't want cheese on it
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But you'll know she's phasing, you won't know where she's phasing so the element of guessing will remain and not the brain dead standstill that takes no skill.
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It's still a unjustified nerf..
That's like nerfing the ability for clown to limit him to how many bottles he can even throw,
Or limiting how much huntress can hold a hatchet for until her arm gets tired..
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Except standing still takes no skill and forces non interactive guess. Dude this is an entirely justified nerf for a brain dead interaction that you think takes skill somehow. And Clown and Huntress actually have to put effort into their interactions. Not comparable.
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Clown has to standstill on some loops to do two bottles.
Huntress has to standstill if she wants a perfect shot across the map,
This strat can be countered too by other survivors.
Hell. not even good survivors can get caught with the fake mind-game,
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Cant compare, they miss throwing will force them to reload, which requires time (to move to a locker as Huntress, or slowed down for 3sec as Clown)
Good Nurse cant deny that she's absolute OP and you dont want to play against. But a mistake she makes come with a exhausted, power bar refill, slow speed. A misuse of phasing Spirit is rewarded with a short speed burst, and continue with 110% speed.
Nurse groans, the length of charge, the direction she's facing: are the infos. Spirit just stand there and you dont even know if she starts to phase or not, consider if she instantly phase, do you actually stand there to check if her animation is reset?
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Nurse is bugged out to hell and back right now with this ######### patch,
She's also the Oldest killer compared to spirit,
Spirit has to recharge her ability. suffer a miss swing hit if she whiffs, and can Still be pallet stunned,
Still has to respect pallets, still has to play the loop compared to Nurse, in which she ignores it all,
So the logic with nurse to spirit is already bad...
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Except they have to actually hit the target or area and will suffer if they miss and need to reload and have to move sometimes. Once again actual skill needed. And creates enjoyable balanced interactions. Unlike standing still for a free hit. And suffering no major repercussions
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There is Repercussions.
Say yer phase is on cd. and you try the standstill--- OH WAIT THEY JUST RAN AWAY STILL.
Preventin' the mindgame and forcin' you to run while still waiting for yer Power!
Get countered,
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It sounds like a good idea, but its not.
- It doesnt help anything for survivors in loops.
- It doesnt help anything for injured survivors.
- Her kit design, I believe is to have surprise attacks in unexpected moment. The phasing sound will destroy it.
Her power needs to be either "easy to injured, hard to down" (like Legion), or "hard to injured, easy to down". If the later, then the sound bug is fit.
But honestly, Killer with power "easy to down" will make them a good tunneler.
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Oh yeah you just pointed out a noob Spirit move that once you get familiar with her and use add-ons won't happen. Once again please stop defending an interaction that you think will somehow make her an F tier killer that also has no skill and no major repercussions after basic familiarity.
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A little thing that he didnt know. You run at 100%, she phase at 176%.
Now aday no one vault pallet into Spirit anymore, that standing still mind game at loops isnt a thing. Everyone runs. Its just pointless.
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If you have a flashlight dude,
Blind her. you can fake that ######### out,
Goddamn, Just stop with the Nerfs and git gud in general,
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Oh yeah you think get good means be lucky. Don't have any meaningful skill just be lucky. And think everyone just has flashlight ready to go. This mind game isn't skillful and you believe it takes as much effort as a Hillbilly cure or Nurse blink. Stop defending a no skill mechanic that offers lots of reward with no major repercussions. This is a justified nerf requested by the majority of the community. Good to know you want this game hampered by skill less mechanics
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Killers do not need to get this kind of nerf,
I defend killers that has Actual skill behind it,
Like the Blight J-Flick. i still argue that it shouldn't be removed,
Or the billy nerf. Also uncalled for,
Or the Nurse Rework. 100% uncalled for,
And i didn't say to get Lucky. now you're just putting words into my mouth,
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But, that's what the stand still mind game from Spirit is get lucky. And bad for the game. So yeah you're saying get lucky. with this mind game. So answer me what skill is behind this stand still mind game? You stand still the survivor vaults you get a hit they run too late and you phase and hit them. Good to know you think a mechanic that requires no meaningful skill should remain. And once again not comparable to any other killer.
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Hooooooly hell...
If you say spirit is SOOOO easy then dude. go try this against people that KNOW how to verse a spirit,
Go on, tell me how this strat would work out for you
Again. this is a GIT GUD. not a "Lucky" thing to happen, Yer putting words in my mouth yet a ######### gain.
I already told you the counters. and yet you sit here and STILL say "It's Uncounterable"
Get real dude...
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No, Spirit does take good skill you got to realize the distance the phase will get you. Learn to use footsteps and grass movement as extra tracking and use them to play around Iron Will. And this will lead to some tricks survivors can do against Spirt. Except the standstill mind game that takes no skill will lead to easy hits. And is get lucky and hope she's no there. No meaningful counterplay. But you think any justified nerf will butcher a killer. Which guess what you're in the minority. Get real dude this takes no skill but you think this will kill the killer. She'd still be strong and just fine. Not every criticism is a witch hunt against a killer stop overreacting like this would be the second Hillbilly nerf.
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You truly are not the smartest man,
Take a F L A S H L I G H T
shine it in her F A C E
if you blind her. Bam. you literally stop her from using her power for a complete 4 WHOLE seconds.
Leaves you ample time to get the ######### outta that loop and to properly dodge the spirit,
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Ah yes from the man who think standing still takes meaningful skill and should remain unchanged. And thinks we should just bring flashlights every game to solve the issue. Do you also think old amulet was fine?
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You can find a flashlight in a chest,
I already play both sides and i've played against MANY spirits. both noobs and goods spirits,
And let me tell you. i've only lost to spirit if i'm A: Solo, B: Out-played. or C: My grunts give me away,
honestly. this is just. a git. gud. situation, Stop trying to nerf ######### and just learn to outplay,