Facing a team of premades as a killer


Yes I am a bit salty right now.

And yes I get it. You want to play with your friends.

And yes you can argue and telling me that I should get better too.

I have played killer for quite a while now. Im not a god, but I think im rather okay. Im currently rank 10-ish.

I've faced some less fun things as a killer though. There has been plenty of games where I've played against obvious solo players that dont comunicate and these games when they actually know what to do. In these games im doing just fine.

And then we have these games when I face a full 4 of premades.

Sometimes im doing superbly, and sometimes im doing the opposite. When I face premades there are usually some higher ranked people and some are around my rank. Too many of these games have atleast 2 flashlights and they "spamblinded" me for a good amount of time. The rest are gen rushing, which gives me no chance to do anything and the game is basiclly lost, or they take turns doing gens when im "chasing" someone that has been working on a gen. And then ofcourse they feel so proud of themselves that they have to tbag and flashclick me at the end.

  • I wish there was a way to "warn" the killer that they are premades, so we can dodge the game if we want to.
  • Give the killer some kind of "bonus", like an extra addon or something.
  • Increase the time for generators with 25%/35% and so on, depending on how big your premade group is.
  • Decrease the times that you need to hook someone to use more to 1.
  • Dont play against higher ranks, but lower since they have the upper hand to comunicate.
  • But a little box so we can choose if its okay for us to face premades or not. Ofcourse, the ones that are facing premades should get something extra from the match.

I get it. It would take longer to find a match if I decided not to face premades.

I dont play this game to be the best. I play this game because its fun.

Take care,



  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Although I understand your frustration, none of these ideas would work well as theres a huge difference between sweat squads (premades that do gens as fast as possible) and fun squads (premades that simply play with friends for fun).

    The solution, that many people want, is buffing solo survivors and then buffing killers up to swf level so everyone is at an even level.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Well, I guess if you just keep the axe swinging, you'll hit the right necks eventually.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I know how ######### it feels to go against swf with much more experience and skill than I have, however making it obvious before match that they are swf will result into massive queue times for them.

    And they payed for the game same as we did and have every right to play with friends without being punished for it

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Decreasing hook states or making gens take longer is punishment since it makes normal game harder for them.

    Also showing that they are swf in the lobby is punishing in a sense that most killers would dodge them and making their queue super long

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109
    edited July 2021

    it gets worse when you're playing a stealth killer trying to sneak up on a generator (they don't have spine chill) and they keep magically getting off the generator and they definetely couldn't see me because it's a surrounded by a high wall.

    because their ######### teammate keeps calling out my location. Thanks comms.

  • Tvångsrunkar
    Tvångsrunkar Member Posts: 19

    I think its fair if they have some disadvantage in this case since they have the upper hand to comunicate. I dont think it will take that long for them to find a game. Im pretty sure there are higher ranks that dont really care what they are up against.

  • Tvångsrunkar
    Tvångsrunkar Member Posts: 19

    I think its more than right to give them some disadvantage in-game, since comunication is doing such a huge difference in the game.

    And I dont think they would wait that long to find a group really. I believe there are some higer ranks that dont give a **** about who they are facing.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    I don't think it's a bad idea to give Killers bonus BP if they play a SWF.

  • Tvångsrunkar
    Tvångsrunkar Member Posts: 19

    Sure, some may argue that my options are invalid and some may agree with them. They were just ideas.

    You have almost 9k posts here, so I can only assume you have so much more gametime than most of us here. I dont have that much, and its really hard for me to play against a full premade team. In that case I do get why its easy for YOU to be cocky and say that its easy to stomp swfs. But you need to keep in mind that not everyone are veterans.

    But what should they do instead? I cant win a game when 1 is rank 13 and the rest is 4 and 6. I should get something out of it.

    I mean, I can be an absolut twat from now on and just tunnel one person and camp him for the rest of the game if that is what you want to.

    I really believe that killers deserves something when facing swfs. The comunication is still really unfair and we, killers, deserves something from it. If not during the game, we can have something after the game.

    But tbf, in what occation is it fair to face better ranks than you? Im still learning the game, and its hard to do anything against these players.

  • Wazzup
    Wazzup Member Posts: 88

    A working MMR would sort all these issues out as those SWF that are tryhard would end up facing the Nurse Gods and those who mess around end up playing the newbie Tricksters. That having been said although MMR has been shown to work in other games, I will believe BHVR can manage it when I see it (and perhaps not even then for a while.)

    So next best option is buffs that only benefit solos and not SWF (so basically informational bufs such as totem counter, wheel communication, mini-bond/kindred.empathy, etc,) and buffing the less powerful Killers as well.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    I'll leave this here:


    Besides, the better way would be to buff solo survivors and give a general killer buff in return. No idea what the general killer buff would be, but yeah.

    Also it would definitely help if they fixed matchmaking. Need to hope the new MMR system works well.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989
    edited February 2024
  • VoidGenom
    VoidGenom Member Posts: 16

    Could just tell you if you're vs a SWF after the game, and not before. Then maybe new killers won't feel so bad when they have a rough match

  • TheStripyCat
    TheStripyCat Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2021

    and how often do you generally have games with 0 kills I wonder? I play casual swf (with 1 or 2 friends) and we don't get out in 90% of matches. Some, but not all, only get out if the killer is lower rank. You can't and shouldn't win something in each game. And when you are whining about 1 in 20 matches when you didn't get a single kill it is laughable. Come play survivour with me, you'll see how "easy" it is.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    Facing Survivors who are way above your Rank is a Matchmaking Issue, not an SWF-Issue. And you can be sure that SWFs dont get up each Morning and think "Man, now lets ruin some Killer players experiences!". Like, most of the time, they just play with others who are not their Rank, just because not everyone plays the same amount of time.

    Rank is mostly a reflection of playtime and not much more, even the Devs have admitted that and are working on a Skill-Based Matchmaking (but, I doubt it will work good).

    When I look your initial post, I notice this: " Too many of these games have atleast 2 flashlights and they "spamblinded" me for a good amount of time."

    Usually, Flashlights are the best thing Survivors can bring, because most of the time, Flashlight-Users are not even that good and waste time trying to go for Flashlight-Saves instead of working on Generators. When you are blinded at Pallets, try to hear them, with a little bit of practice, you should be able to follow them while blinded. This way, they waste their time getting the blind instead of gaining distance.

    And if they are chain-blinding you, look up or down, this will avoid being blinded for a longer duration. If you keep looking at the Flashlight, the Blind can be reset each time it wears off.

    When it comes to playing dirty - eh, if you need to. Like, I dont have any shame to tunnel one person out if I really have to. I usually play as nice as possible, but I wont let them win easily and if they are way too fast on Generators for me, I will need to slug and tunnel. Not my preference, but at this point, they need to be slowed down.

    And when it comes to SWF... When a really strong SWF plays together, you can be quite sure that they will also be able to dominate the same Killer while playing Solo. The amount of really good SWFs is rare, most players just fool around.

    Like, this was the latest SWF I faced (which I know of, I dont usually check profiles):

    I let them all escape, because why not? They were just there to have fun. It would have been an easy win if not, because they were handicapping themselves pretty hard.

    I guess, you will win way more often against SWFs if you play a little bit more. And if you get cucked by Matchmaking, just try to learn from it and dont give up too early, in the end, Matchmaking is out of your control and if the game decides to pair you with a bunch of high Rank Survivors, it is at least not your fault.

    I would be for that, however, I can understand, why BHVR would be against it. If it is really a SWF and the Killer lost, there will be quite a big discussion in the Endgame Chat. OR, if the Killer wins against a SWF, this might happen as well.

    Personally, I think it would be good for some Killers to see that they did not lose to an SWF, but to 4 Solos. And to see as well, that they are able to beat SWFs.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,335

    And remember/write down gamertags for dodging next time. Still leads to SWF never getting a game ever.