All Killers Needs Map Mobility

If they already have (Nurse, Blight, Wraith, Freddy, Spirit etc.) it is fine. But most killers have not this. Nemesis, Trickster, Trapper, Myers, Ghostface etc.
Maps are so big, generators are so fast and on high ranks survivors are smart and good. Map mobility will help them little. And i do not think this will break balance because except Spirit and maybe Nurse, other map mobility killers are just fine and have fair counterplays.
This map mobility will use only if they are not in chase. If chase start, they will run with their normal speed. And cost for this map mobility, remove bloodlust from game.
So change my mind.
huntress dosent have map mobility and she does fine, clown does fine now (if you choose to actually use the yellow bottles, most dont) i think it would be fine if some killer dont have great gen pressure/map mobility but are stronger in other areas to compisate
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Like Deathslinger, then?
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Because Huntress has broken hits. If they fix this, i wanna see Huntress players.
And this broken hitboxes is reason of i hate Huntress.
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eh idk, most times i go against deathslingers they do fine, i dont play him much so i cant give a good opinion on him.
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It's nor a bad idea, but the fundamental issue is map balance. If you buff the speed of killers so they will be fine on larger maps, then they will be too powerful on smaller maps. So we will have the same issue but in reverse.
So the Devs should at least try to balance the maps somehow. Perhaps add an extra generator that has to be done to the largest maps only, so survivors have to do 6 out of 8 generators on them?. And maybe remove a generator from the smallest map so that survivors have to do 4 out of 6 generators there?
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Or, alternatively, survivors need a replacement to simply holding a button with zero interaction, such as doing part-fetching that forces them to go around the map instead.
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All survivors need Kindred as base.
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Yeah i bored because game is same for years. They need little changes or full rework for survivor gameplay.
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Absolutely not. Killers like DS,huntress Trickster, Bubba etc all of limited map mobility due to their power in the chase. Killers like nurse would have to have their power reworked to get rid of their map mobility and I don't thing BHVR will be touching her anytime soon.
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Killer can have good chase power and also can have map mobility. Do you wanna example? Freddy, Blight, Spirit.
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I dunno, kinda like getting downed through solid objects.
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i think you have to understand something tho, if huntress hitboxes were lets say as exact as slinger or trickster she would be terrible in my opinion
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Then don't try to refute my arguments with a broken killer. Because most killers are not lucky like Huntress. I already listed them but for you let me list again: Ghostface, Trapper, Myers, Pig, Clown etc
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I guess I must be an outlier then because the Killers I play that lacks mobility still can do really well in Rank 1.
That being Trickster, Huntress, Deathslinger, Bubba, Nemesis.
Notice something else though? Most of them have insane Chase potential. Meaning they dominate in the 1v1 but needs help for map pressure. So just get better at chases. And pick better perk synergies if you play the game to win. Otherwise, just play the game for fun. Who cares if they don't have map mobility?
I know you do baits, but I'm just biting this once because I can't resist telling someone to "Git Gud" in this forums again, lmao.
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The problem isn't that killers don't have mobility
The problem is the maps, change the map sizes and survivor spawns, not the killers.
If all killers had mobility that would also be very boring.
So you change my mind...
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Why when we write some killers need buffs, people like you writing "get good". :d Dude you get good, not me. I am okey with my killers already. I want variety. Because i bored facing with same killers again and again. People don't wanna play with weak killers and most m1 killers are weak.
But yeah, geeeeett goooood right. Bye :(
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huh, i never refuted that those specific killers needed map pressure, im just saying it alright if some killer dont have it, that not ALL killers need it
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People don't wanna play with Weak Killers?
Thinks back to the amount of times I faced "Weak Killers" in Red ranks
No no no, I think you missed the point. People who only care about winning don't want to play weak killers.
Most people still play weak killers because they find them fun. And those people would likely still enjoy the game and excel at it because they play the game for fun, not to fit your closed mindset.
Also, as far as I can tell from my own matches during my Survivor Crown streak. The killers I've been facing has been a variety of Killers. Just from memory alone, I've faced:
Trapper, Wraith, Billy, Nurse, Myers, Hag, Doctor, Huntress, Bubba, Freddy, Clown, Spirit, Legion, Demogorgon, Oni, Deathslinger, Pyramid Head, Blight, Twins, Trickster, Nemesis.
Sure, Pig, Plague and Ghostface aren't there. But I've seen almost the entire roster during just my attempt to get the crowns for Survivors.
Maybe it's a problem with you and not DBD as a whole. There is such a thing as confirmation bias where you remember facing a Spirit way more than facing any other Killer. So you think you want variety when in reality you already have it.
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"clown does fine"
he's still D tier after rework
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uh no, clown is totally underated, he ends chases extremely quickly and when he throws a bottle its either, throw the paller or get hit, hes the easiest killer to play for me atleast
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Wait a second! Winning is not important? So why we are playing PvP game then?
And also this is normal for now because everyone are playing with every killers for crowns. Same for survivors. But normal times i can not see weak killers so much.
Spirit, Freddy, Nurse, Oni, Huntress, Deathslinger, Bubba, Blight etc. I am facing with them so much. Myers? 1 or 2 of them in month. Ghosty? I do not remember when i saw one of them last time. Trickster? I don't know where is he. Clown? Same with Trickster. And i can keep write for others because they are rare.
But sure, play with weak killers and get destroy by good survivor teams :d You can lose but it is not important. Because DelsKibara said fun is important.
But win more important. I have so much wins with Blight & Freddy. Why i have to play with Trapper?
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Yes, having fun in a game is more important :)
I hope that you find that out for yourself too in the near future. If only for your mental health and wellness.
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he cant even slow down survivors due to a bug
So technically now he's F tier
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uh, his the bug people are having must only affect console, hes working fine for me on pc
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Is it really fun when you obsess over it so much that it basically consumes your fun for the game?
I would argue, no.
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Personally I wanted a perk, or in game mechanic that would make survivors move at 5% slower when injured. It would be great if it was perk, or built in the game. So in could make survivors heal up, or risk running at 5% slower.
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Better solution would be to simply make maps smaller in my opinion. Smaller maps generally just improve the gameplay of the match as they not only make it impossible for average slow killers to traverse the map in good time but also help against survivors just holding W and pre dropping pallets.
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All killers need it but not all killers should have it.
Giving mobility to stealth killers like GF is bad. Giving mobility to one shot AOE killers like Leatherface is bad (and they did give him a little mobility but thankfully not enough). Giving mobility to
Basically let's not overload killer kits.
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they dont have map mobility but they have snowball
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I can imagine Slinger riding Maurice (the Clown's horse) 😁
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If this will happen, I will main him :)
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Im sorry are survivors not allowed to survive anymore? Stop with that rubbish propaganda of “holding W and pre-dropping pallets”. That’s been in the game for years yet now it’s a problem? Lol.
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I don't think there's an interesting way to do this unless we get more of the same 'runs in a straight line' power. People don't like LoS ignoring killers(nurse) and they don't like invisbility + hyper mobility(spirit). What else can be done to give interesting mobility powers in this game?
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I'm not faulting survivors for doing as it's the most effective strategy against most killers (Deathslinger, Clown, Doctor to name a couple). However it is a fundamental problem with the map design when it is effective to simply pre drop every pallet without looping it. Looping a tile is where the most skill expression is shown in this game as it allows both sides to use mind games. The reason making maps smaller is a benefit to this is because the killer is able to cut the survivor off due to them quickly reaching the border of the map which forces survivors to loop tiles instead of pre dropping safe pallets. Now this can become a problem on maps like Dead Dawg Saloon where all the pallets the survivor is forced to loop around are unsafe which creates a killer sided experience. However on a map like Coal tower where the pallets have a good balance of safety it provides a more skill expressive gameplay loop for both sides
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if they add a headless horseman killer the horse better be maurice
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Bloodlust 3 when out of chase for 5 seconds would do the trick. Easy fix
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years ago the killer needed to find the survs, chase them and kill them. Now it’s the killer see the surv, and the survivor is dead. What do you want survs to do?
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All killers have snowball, including those that have mobility. Not an argument.
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This perk would be amazing on legion 👀