Why cant killers have individual ranks?

SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,301

Would it work if each killer was given there own individual rank? It will open up an additional challenge of reaching a max level with our favourite killers and could improve matchmaking atleast, removing any excuses for being outranked. For example, a high individually ranked blight would get decent enough survivors whereas if that same player who has never played Hag before, could atleast be put against a lesser skill opponent. This would be pretty useful for when new killers get released. I do like the idea of having individual killer ranks to compete for rather than the current system. Another example, ive never played Nurse or Blight, so why should I face rank 10 and purple survivors with a new yet alone hard killer to learn.

I'm sure people on here can improve on what ive metoined or find faults with it.


  • Crackgear
    Crackgear Member Posts: 279

    They did try it with the mmr system, some time back. It was quite pitiful yet also grindy harsh.

    Killers you barely played will be up against weak and new survivors as you know how to mindgame and etc.

    And then characters you avidly played will be up against the hardest and most professional survivors which was rather unfair.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,301

    Another part of my idea was that we only have adept challenges for each killer. It would be nice imo of we could have more challenges for each killer to achieve.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,917

    The new SBMM system they're working on basically does this, as each killer with have their own MMR. They will still share rank, but rank won't be what determines matchmaking.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    It's coming, eventually. When they finally figure out the MMR system they keep trying. Maybe for the 6th year anniversary.