The real reason Freddy is lame (and how to fix it)

A lot of people make Freddy reworks and only slightly change the core mechanics of his power to make it more useful, but they usually do not take into account the experience against playing against and as him. There's a lot of complaints by survivors about the Freddy experience, and his power is so incredibly detached from the source movie playing against/as him feels more like a chore rather than a frightening fight for survival.

Fighting against Freddy should feel like you're constantly fighting the inevitable, trying your hardest to cling on to survival, but the horrifying reality is that everyone has to sleep, and that's when you're _really _vulnerable to Freddy. The Freddy we have is a stealth killer that slows down games, whether or not you even sleep (enter the Dream World) is completely up to how the Freddy is playing. The feeling of doom is not there, it instead feels like frustration. I propose a complete remake of his power, focused on the feeling of inevitable doom that the movie is famous for.

Freddy should have actual power over his world to make him fearful, and falling asleep should be a natural thing forced by the Entity specifically for the trial. The Dream World should be a subtle nightmarish reflection of reality, not a dull foggy mess to give the illusion of dreaming. Here is how I would remake his power.

First, all awake survivors would be suffering from the Awake Timer, a slow ticking timer that would instantly take them to the Dream World when it lapses. Survivors can delay the timer, but not forever. Likewise in the Dream World, where asleep survivors see the Sleep Timer, which will instantly wake them up when it lapses. Freddy can always see the timers progress, but the survivors can only view it the first time they enter the Dream World. The more times you fall asleep, the shorter the Awake Timer and the longer the Sleep Timer.

When a survivor falls asleep, their physical body will slump to the floor similar to the dying state, while their dreaming self will be active in the Dream World. Failing skill checks will NOT wake you up, the only ways to be woken up are when the Dream Timer lapses, if someone wakes you up, or if you are hooked. As soon as you wake up (if you aren't hooked), you will instantly teleport to where your physical body fell asleep. If you are hooked in the Dream World, the physical body will materialise on the hook in the Real World.

For balance, his aura reading is removed. Freddy has a variety of different powers he can use, all of which falling under the main power, Dream Master, most of which only work in the Dream World. Use the Secondary Power to open a wheel containing the different powers, which can be selected with the mouse button. His active power will change depending on what he has selected. The more generators done, the more powers available.

0 Generators - 1 Power
1 Generator - 1 Power
2 Generators - 2 Powers
3 Generators - 3 Powers
4 Generators - 4 Powers
5 Generators - 5 Powers

I will now go through all of the powers Freddy can select from the order he can use them.

When a new survivor enters the dream world, if Freddy has Omnipresent selected, he can press the power button to teleport behind the nearest vault behind the survivor who has fallen asleep once. There is only a brief window to do this, so it must be done quickly.

The remnants of his old power. If Freddy is passively using this power, he will emit a lullaby that will speed up the Awake Timer if survivors are within range. If Freddy holds down the power button, he will appear cloaked in the Real World like the Wraith, and he will speed up the awake timer even more-so

Freddy can choose an area to trap. If walked over by a survivor, the trapped area will turn to blood and the survivor walking over it will be Hindered severely so long as they are within the trapped area.

Freddy can mark his location with the power, pressing the power again will instantly transport him to where he marked. There is a long cooldown after teleporting.

Pressing the power button will instantly sleep a random survivor and reveal their aura for 10 seconds. The Dream Timer is twice as long as the very first one in the match and you can only do this once every 60 seconds for a total of 4 times.

If something like this were to go through in game, Freddy would become an actual threat. His power would help him in a chase, he would be fun to play as and against, two issues Freddy suffers from the most.


  • Twinkletits
    Twinkletits Member Posts: 60

    Yeah, I like your rework idea although 5 powers sounds a lil too overwhelming.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053
    edited October 2018

    @Twinkletits said:
    Yeah, I like your rework idea although 5 powers sounds a lil too overwhelming.

    I agree with what you say about the 5 powers, but other than that the idea is cool. Also Freddy is really good for a number of things.
    1. Harder flashlight saves.
    2. When awake, the survivors have no clue where Freddy is or where he's coming from.

    Those are good advantages Freddy has.

  • YeetoDorito
    YeetoDorito Member Posts: 55

    I like the timers and everything but 5 powers is a bit much and i'm not a fan of this scroll wheel of powers but apart from that great!