Pig buff and bug

gob Member Posts: 10

So today I was using pig and turns out there one little bug that’s been that nobody knows about so if y’all didn’t know if got ur trap off and then got another one put on you can search the same trap and get it off which is really sketchy also how I would buff the pig is first we need the make the trap active when it first gets on there head this will make it where your traps can still be used at endgame also so addons need a buff like instead of slowdown on boxes make it dash duration addons that would be nice also the letter ultra rare needs a buff I would make it where If that one person has a trap there time is reduced to one minute and there are three boxes instead of two also her base trap time should be a minute and 30 seconds to give a little danger to the traps that is all. And I am sorry for no periods


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,078

    "Bug"-->This is not a Bug, it is intentional. Each Trap gets assigned one Box with the Key. This can mean that either each Headtrap has the Key in another Box or that all Keys are in the same Box. It is simply random.

    Your Buffs:

    • The Timer should not be seen as a way to get Kills. They are RNG-Kills anyway, so quite cheap. It should work as a Slowdown, and putting down the timer to 1 1/2 minutes or 1 minute is way too short. On bigger Maps you will probably not even be able to check two Boxes with that.
    • Traps should also not be active when placing them. They should also not be active in Endgame, Headtraps are not supposed to be saved until the Endgame, the Devs said it during one of their Livestreams - you should use the Traps during the game to provide Slowdown.
    • However, I am all for Buffs to her Dash.
  • gob
    gob Member Posts: 10

    Yeah but the reason for 1:30 is because you have only have one trap which means 2 boxes which makes it balanced also I had games where a surviour had adrenaline and they don’t get down which make the the trap useless