Scarecrow Chapter concept with Power and Perks!
(Hi! Editors note before reading on, a few things, this has no photos, and the lore is in editor mode as of now and all criticism to lore, abilities, and perks are welcome! The survivor is currently being worked on as this is my first chapter concept. The lore is arguably the worst part of this, so if any ideas come into mind, please do share! Anyways, the lore is at the very bottom and I'd suggest reading that first, but if you're not interested in the lore, the power and perks are right there, I hope you enjoy!)
New Killer: The Scarecrow
The inner machinations of your mind are a dark and formidable force.
Special Ability: Silence
• When a you down a survivor, press the active ability button to tie a burlap sack around their head, inflicting them with the oblivious status effect, and removing the areas around their vision to a halt. When a survivor is inflicted with Silence, and has a sack over their head, they can only see out of the two eyeholes and crude smile cut out for them by the Scarecrow, causing portions of their vision to be obstructed, inciting fear and panic into the chase. The Scarecrow starts with two sacks by default, a sack can be removed by another survivor. Doing so causes the survivor removing the sack to be shown with killer instinct.
Special Ability: Boobytrap
• When near a generator, vault, or hooks, press the active ability button to boobytrap the object, different traps have different effects.
- Vaults: Boobytrapping a vault places a thin razor wire barely noticable across the vault, when a survivor vaults the window, they are injured and inflicted with deep wound, if the Scarecrow vaults the window, the trap is destroyed.
- Hooks: Boobytrapping a hook causes any survivor attempting to sabotage the affected hook to be injured by the trap, if already injured they will be inflicted with the broken status affect for 60 seconds.
- Generators: Boobytrapping a generator will put a small, unnoticeable nail bomb inside of the generator. When boobytrapped, any survivor to complete more than 15% of the generator, causes the trapped generator to explode, before putting any survivor within 2 meters of the generator into the dying state. Before exploding, the boobytrap makes an alarm clock noise, warning survivors of the impending explosion.
The Scarecrow comes with his three unique perks.
- The thought of being hunted down one by one causes survivors to forfeit all thoughts of thinking properly, the fear is too much. For every survivor killed by your hand, or sacrificed during a trial, all other living survivors scream revealing their location within the trial, and suffer from the incapacitated status effect for 20/30/40 seconds.
- Anytime a healthy survivor fully heals an injured survivor back to the healthy state, the healer recieves a random status affect, and you see each others auras for 5/8/11 seconds. (Editor's Note: Yes, Broken as well)
- You love it when they run. When in a chase you gain bloodlust 2/3/4% faster. When bloodlust is achieved, you do not lose bloodlust when breaking a pallet, or leaving a chase. Silence of the Damned deactivates when a survivor is injured for one health state.
↓ LORE ↓
The year is 1863 in the swamps of Louisiana, slavery was at its peak as Lincoln was inaugurated, the biggest slave plantation in Louisiana was owned by the Miller family, the father Charles Miller, and his two sons Richard and Joseph Miller, Richard was the older brother of the two, by 6 years of age. Richard was seen as the community's pretty boy hot shot who all the ladies loved, despite the stereotype of a disney himbo he was nothing of the sort, he did well in school, cared for others, and despised owning slaves, and often treated the slaves around the big house as family, giving them food and offering help whenever he can, he was broad and muscular and had a "heart of gold". His father Charles didn't care for the slaves, he wanted work done, he never abused them but his overseers did. He treated them with respect but still was, obviously racist for owning them. The little brother Joseph was a little shorter and thinner than Richard. But a lot smarter and definitely not as popular. He lived in the shadow of his brother his entire life. Despite being 10x smarter than his brother, they were complete opposites, Joseph despised slaves in the sense he saw them as worthless and nothing but animals. He would often throw food at the workers, and rocks as a kid. Trying to get a quick laugh whenever he could, but as he got older he got more introverted and stayed in the big house most of his time, writing and talking to himself. Richard was always there for his brother, trying to help him whenever he could, but Joseph would always push hik away not wanting any help from the community pet. Joseph would eventually develop a liking an interest in Rube Goldberg machines and anything of the sort, making his own devices at home to turn the lights off or to get himself water. He eventually showed off his contraptions at the main square of his town, with no one paying attention to him except for a hunter by the name of Arthur Adams, who took a liking for his devices, and offered to pay money for a trap that could kill an elk in on clean activation. Joseph took on the challenge and spent the next three months designing a device that could kill an elk for the hunter, and after all that hard work, it was finally done. He reached out to Arthur, and they both set out to the woods to try it. They set it up and waited three hours, then 4, then 6, then even 10. Nothing happened. The hunter was patient but Joseph was not, Joseph wanting to see his hard work be used for something was furious. He started rambling to Arthur about how this is all worthless and it doesn't matter, in which Arthur, being the patient man he is, payed Joseph and told him to leave. Joseph wasn't having it, they both got into an altercation as they pushed eachother out of the way, Joseph let his rage get the best of him and punched Arthur across his cheek, leaving a red mark and a bruise. Arthur returned the punch, bloodying Joseph's nose as he fell onto the ground. Arthur bent down over Joseph and held onto his shirt collar, fist raised threatening him to leave as he took his money out of Joseph's coat pocket. Joseph got so unbelievably furious again, he wanted to be someone, he wanted to be worth something, impulsively, he through Arthur over and pushed him aside, causing Arthur to fall onto the ground next to the trap. Joseph quickly got up and pulled the hunters gun away from him, shooting him in the leg, causing it to be useless. Joseph pulled his leg over the trap and immediately Arthur got flung into the air by his legs as he hung upside down as the trap began to activate. Joseph watched as his work unraveled. The railroad spike worked, the rope worked, everything worked. The hunters body was decimated. His entrails leaking from his upside down body, covering his face and the ground below. Joseph fell in love with this feeling as he wasn't scared, but he could become someone, or something. He quickly ran back home and began working on more traps and devices to use. He couldn't use any regular person as the police would surely catch on. Instead, he knew exactly what test subjects he could use. He had a field full of them. He took a potato sack from the barn and donned it over his face, cutting out two wide eyeholes and a smile to breathe. He tied a rope around the sack to keep it still, and wore a casual outfit, nothing expensive as to no one could know who he was. He headed out to the field to test. The tests went well. Eventually, he became sort of a local legend, known as the scarecrow who punishes the week families of mere field slaves who are worth nothing. That's what the rich people say, but to slaves, he wasn't a myth, they knew it was nothing but a regular man hunting them down, gutting them, burning them, and entrapping them. And no worker was safe, many kids were even taken by the scarecrow. Eventually a child slave by the name of Thomas snuck out of his families home without telling anyone, he heard about the risks but didn't care, he snooped around the big house and peered into the Miller brothers window and saw something he shouldn't. Joseph Miller had a stash of sacks and clothes under his bed. Frightened by this Thomas ran back to his families home and told his father what he saw, the word spread around quickly and, eventually to Richard Miller himself. Distraught by this fact, he confronted his brother about the masks. Joseph dismissed them easily but Richard persists further. Richard, caring for his employees, and knowing what his brother was up to, decided to try and reach out to the police. He put on his coat and headed outside. He told his workers where he was going, and what was happening, and they all thanked him for it, so he went on his way before heading into the trail through the fields. A week has passed and Richard hasn't returned, the slaves knew what happened. They devised a plan. Later that night they kidnapped Joseph from his own room and tied his mouth shut with a rope, dragging him out into fields where he slaughtered their family members for 3 years. They dressed him up in his fancy rich white suit for the irony of it all, to be killed by wealthless slaves. They quickly ties him to a cross, and put that godforbidden sack over his head, tightening it around his neck to where he couldn't breathe, as he lay on the ground over a cross, each of the slaves held a knife, to get rid of the evil, they took turns stabbing at his body, everywhere, over and over, his suit turning red with barely any white left. The father of a child he murdered approached him with another knife, and immediately began stabbing at his face, causing the sack to be ripped to shreds, exposing his bloodied mouth and missing teeth, with no skin left but the ones hanging on by a thread near his mouth and cheeks, as he became a monster of karma. They lifted the cross up and lit a kindling underneath his body, using his last breathes and bit of sight he had left, his body began to burn, as he saw his life fade away from the pain he had caused. He saw hell awaiting for him, but instead, a welcoming grasp from the fog, pulling him into the entity's realm to inflict more pain onto others for eternity. He was grateful.