Is Survivor Ranks Being Re-Evaluated For Piping?

Switzerland44 Member Posts: 19
edited July 2021 in General Discussions

Whats up, not really a complaint post per se, more of a legit question. I understand the mentality of "rank doesn't mean anything" but its also something to grind for when there is nothing else going on. It's been an a real influx during this event of killers either AFK'ing, facing a corner as Wraith or just straight camping hooks while staring at whoever the unlucky person is this game. Without killer interaction the chances of getting pip ups, especially during red ranks goes down as you lose bold and altruism. This includes when you have to just sit on gens as the killer face camps and even if you escape you down rank for not doing enough. As killer you get a pip for breathing (Im also Rank 1 killer just as an info note for the grind), extremely easy to hit rank one. As a survivor, it takes a whole lot to go right in order to even neutral. I am just curious if its being looked at for alternate ways for survivors to prove skill without so much interaction from killers? Again, not a complaint, just noticing that there have been an abundance of unfun matches this past week.


  • FeminineSlime
    FeminineSlime Member Posts: 90

    I have had this problem too during the event. Rank 1 both roles but survivor has been exceedingly difficult to stay up there in the face of all the afkers and bad killers. At this point I kind of have to play greedy in the good matches I do get so I always merciless just to counteract it.

    As far as solutions, I think the only real thing they could do is make it so you always at least safety pip if you get out alive. That might embolden really lame survivors who wait for hatch or whatever, but at least it would prevent the absolute frustration of de-ranking because you won too hard lmao. I suppose it could be if two survivors make it out then you safety to avoid that abuse.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    One of my favourite things is getting a bronze benevolent emblem because the killer didn't hit or down anyone for rank point opportunities

  • Switzerland44
    Switzerland44 Member Posts: 19

    Its funny you mention that, I had the same idea with some friends who play about at least neutraling if you make it out. Atleast the unfun matches wouldn't result in undue frustration. The idea that you can win too hard as survivor is really kinda bad when a killer can 4k slug at 4-5 gens and still make it out with a brutal. Perhaps its asking for too much, I don't know lol.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I have it opposite, ranking and piping as survivor is too easy.

    But I would make it for difficult for both sides. Too many in red ranks who dont belong there (me included)

  • Switzerland44
    Switzerland44 Member Posts: 19

    Agreed, I think a new way of looking at how a survivor can be evaluated would be great - I've done 4 gen runs before and down piped because I couldnt get the killer to drop the chase so I could do any other objectives. It may seem rewarding but its also like... great...

  • Switzerland44
    Switzerland44 Member Posts: 19

    I've had great matches before too, don't get me wrong. It just seems like this event has really highlighted how badly the survivors have it. I also agree it could use tweaking for both sides.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    It literally doesn't even derank me when I am first caught and kill myself on hook to find another game. Like, what the actual? It just freezes me in my rank. I am just ranking up by playing despite being one of the worst survivors you will have ever witnessed.

  • TheProphetsHarbinger
    TheProphetsHarbinger Member Posts: 19

    I find the whole piping system kind of funky on survivor to begin with, its also very punishing for things seemingly out of my control. Which feels bad. Obviously.